Privacy Policy

How We Use Your Contact Information

We may use your contact information for any of the following reasons:

  • To send you notices for subscription renewal
  • To provide you with information about products or services you’ve ordered, including web events and tradeshows

We may also use your contact information to ask for your input to help in our research about our services, events, or products or to provide you with additional information about this site and about other Benjamin Media Inc. products, services, or events that we think might be beneficial to your profession. All promotional and research email messages you receive from us will include an option to opt out of future email communications from that particular Benjamin Media Inc. business.

We may also send you eNewsletters with targeted, relevant content. Each eNewsletter will provide you with an opportunity to opt out of that particular eNewsletter. In some cases, we may send you relevant, carefully-screened offers from reputable third party businesses or organizations. Many of our customers appreciate receiving these offers because they relate to their business or occupation. However, you will always be able to opt out of receiving future third party offers.

Your fax number is used to communicate to you. By providing your fax number, you are giving your written permission to receive subscription and other related information from Benjamin Media Inc. that may be of interest to you by fax. We will not share your fax number or use it for any other purpose. You may opt out of receiving faxes from us any time in the future. All fax offers will include a toll free opt out line and email address for removal.

Information We Share with Third Parties

We provide contact lists to third party companies that we have employed to provide us with specialized services, including customer service, subscription fulfillment, research, statistical analysis, list cleansing, postal mailings, email and fax deployment, telemarketing, and other information services. In compliance with privacy laws, we also provide our opt out lists to those third party companies so that they can be suppressed from the communications those companies send on Benjamin Media’s behalf. We only deal with third party companies whom we believe share our commitment to privacy and who will keep your information secure. From time to time our sponsors wish to contact our subscribers who have indicated an interest in the products, services or events publicized in a particular eNewsletter by clicking on their link in the eNewsletter.

If you do NOT wish to have your email address shared with that eNewsletter’s sponsors, you will be given an opportunity within the eNewsletter to opt out or you may contact our circulation department at 847-504-8191.

Certain information, such as your password and credit card information, is NEVER disclosed in any form whatsoever to any outside party.