NI-EA OMID Contract NO. 1 PCI-4 Rehabilitation
Oakland-Macomb Interceptor Drain Drainage District (OMIDDD)
Oakland-Macomb Interceptor Drain Drainage District (OMIDDD)
Sealed proposals will be received on September 02, 2020 at 11 A.M. EDT (NOTE: The bid opening date is now extended from the original date of July 21, 2020) at which time they will be opened and read aloud at the Office of the Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner, Building 95 West, One Public Works Drive, Waterford, Michigan 48328-1907 for the NI-EA OMID Contract No. 1 PCI-4 Rehabilitation, in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan.
The above described project is located along State Fair Ave., Outer Drive and Van Dyke Ave.extending from the Northeast Sewage Pumping Station (NESPS) to Seven Mile Rd. in the City of Detroit. Work items include the following:
- Perform lining of approximately 1,590 lineal feet of the existing 17.5-foot ID NI-EA PCI-4 Interceptor as identified in the Contract Documents.
- Perform placement of chemical and/or cementitious grout to stop leaks within the sewer as identified in the Contract Documents.
- Perform cleaning and debris removal as well as misc. repairs within PCI-4 as identified in the Contract Documents.
- Construct one (1) Access Shaft and Permanent Structure to facilitate PCI-4 lining as identified in the Contract Documents.
- Replace existing manhole cone and covers along PCI-4 alignment and restore work areas as identified in the Contract Documents.
- Obtain necessary permits, perform traffic control measures during construction, and restore site(s) as identified in the Contract Documents.
Bidders shall review and comply with the Information for Bidders, which are incorporated by reference, and carefully review all Contract Documents, as defined in the Information for Bidders, and comply with all bidding requirements contained therein. Bids submitted after the exact time specified for receipt will not be considered.
Starting on June 10, 2020, the Drawings and Specifications under which the work will be performed will be available on-line at the following site:
A Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting was held on June 23, 2020. A second mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on July 22, 2020 for those who did not attend the initial meeting. The second Pre-Bid Meeting will also be held virtually from 9:30 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. using video conferencing techniques due to the COVID-19 pandemic health restrictions. The prospective bidders must attend at least one of the pre-bid meetings. The second pre-bid meeting will also be followed by an optional physical Site Tour at 2:00 P.M. The Contractors will meet at the Northeast Sewage Pumping Station (NESPS) located at 11001 East State Fair, Detroit, MI 48234. Note that a valid ID document (Driver’s License, State I.D. card, or similar) will be required for the NESPS site entry.
The pre-bid meeting and site tour will be conducted to present a general view of the proposed work and identify the site location and work areas. Questions must be submitted electronically to the Engineer, and both the questions and response will be provided in a subsequent Addendum issued to all prospective bidders and other identified interested parties. Questions must be received by the Engineer prior to fourteen (14) days before Bid opening.
Submit all questions (in writing) to:
Mr. Abdulnasser Almadhoun, P.E.
NTH Consultants, Ltd.
41780 Six Mile Rd, Suite 200
Northville, MI 48168
Telephone: (248) 553-6300 or 248 662-2721 (direct)
Due to ongoing construction work at the NESPS, attendees must bring their own Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) consisting of hard hat, high visibility vest, safety glasses, and sturdy field shoes. Further, attendees must demonstrate full compliance with current COVID-19 safety protocols including the most restrictive of current local, state, and/or national guidelines. Such compliance will include but not be limited to wearing face mask/covering, maintaining 6-feet social distancing, minimizing interactions, wearing gloves, etc. Site visit procedures will be further discussed and detailed during the Pre-Bid meeting.
The link below is provided to join the virtual meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone, although at least one representative of each company should connect using “Go-To-Meeting”, as visual information will be shared.
Virtual Meeting link:
Call-in information:
United States (Toll Free): 1 877 309 2073
United States: +1 (646) 749-3129
Access Code: 998-255-733
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
The pre-bid meeting will be recorded. Minutes of the Pre-Bid Meeting will be made part of the Contract Documents for the project, by Addendum. Only bids received from Contractors registered in attendance at one of the Pre-Bid Meetings will be opened. All other bids will be rejected as non-responsive. Further, all means of communications performed during the bidding process (i.e. response to inquiries, addenda, emails, etc.) will be transmitted only to participants who attended the Pre-Bid Meeting.
A Certified or Cashier’s check or Bid Bond for a sum not less than five percent (5%) of the amount of the proposal will be required for each proposal.
Owner reserves the right to accept any proposal, to reject any proposal and to waive irregularities in the proposals.
The proposal (Bid Hold Period) shall be firm for 120 days. No bidder shall withdraw its proposal within 120 days after the actual date of opening thereof.