Cemen Tech Introduces Gun-Crete Mobile

Cemen Tech Introduces Gun-Crete Mobile to Meet Demand for Gunite and Shotcrete Mixers Cemen Tech, the leading manufacturer of mobile concrete mixers, recently introduced a new mobile mixer in response to customer’s need for machines to meet the increased demand for concrete  in the shotcrete and gunite industry. In recent years, contractors have discovered the advantages to using volumetric mixers like the Gun-Crete Mobile to produce the concrete they need, especially in remote locations.

“Using volumetric batch plants would work incredibly well for big projects that are far away from a ready-mix plant,” says Mason Guarino, ASA Board member and ACI Certified Nozzleman. He added that delays on the jobsite can compound quickly when utilizing ready-mix trucks. “On site, when shooting shotcrete, if there is a small issue that delays the shooting, one can find that several concrete trucks are very quickly waiting in line.”

“Hot loads are nonexistent with the (volumetric mixer) because the only mix time is in the auger,” added Guarino.

The Gun-Crete Mobile is designed to produce high quality gunite while giving the operator control over the consistency of concrete produced.  The mixer utilizes a proven cement metering system to mix material with precise consistency, volume and accuracy.

The Gun-Crete Mobile Mixer utilizes a 24-in. wide conveyor belt for consistent and reliable flow of material with no bridging. The unit also features a multi-section hydraulic pump to provide the proper amount of oil to each circuit providing cooler operation even on warm days. Gun-Crete Mobile units have a carrying capacity of up to 12 cubic yards and a production rate of up to 30 yards per hour.

A water system is available for contractors looking to mix both concrete and gunite using the same piece of equipment. Other available options include a production printer, a power swivel for ease of operation and admix systems.

“The Gun-Crete Mobile is another example of the innovation our customers can expect to see from Cemen Tech in the coming months,” said Mark Rinehart, Director of Sales and Marketing for Cemen Tech. “The Gun-Crete Mobile comes as an answer to our customer’s need for quality gunite machines. From swimming pools to parking garages to bridge repair, these machines can be utilized throughout the world.”

For more information on the Gun-Crete Mobile and to see the Gun-Crete Mobile in action, visit www.CemenTech.com/gunite-machine.

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