In Memoriam: Bradford Townsend

Bradford Townsend

Bradford Field Townsend, June 22, 1955 – December 24, 2015

Bradford Field Townsend, 60, of Bridgewater, New Hampshire, passed away unexpectedly at home on Dec. 24, 2015. Townsend was a veteran tunneling engineering with 40 years of work experience.

Townsend was born in Beverly, Massachusetts, on June 22, 1955. He earned a B.S. in Natural/Environmental Science at Johnson State College in 1979 and an M.S. in Civil Engineering at the University of New Hampshire in 1985.

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Townsend began his engineering career in 1986 working in Boston on projects involving geotechnical and structural foundation design, soil and rock excavation, and tunneling construction, which was his engineering focus in later years, leading him to become a worldwide respected tunneling expert.

In 1993, his career led him to North Africa and Asia to work on projects in Egypt, Thailand, Vietnam, and Taiwan, and continued to work overseas until 2005. Projects included geotechnical engineering for building structures in Egypt, foundation design for elevated expressways in Thailand, tunnels for a highway system in Vietnam, and Technical Director for civil and tunneling structures for high speed rail in Taiwan where he met his wife.

After returning to the United States, Bradford assumed a prominent role in the civil engineering and tunneling community; chairing the North American Tunneling Conference, publishing several articles, and speaking professionally at a variety of global engineering conferences.

Townsend is survived by his wife Sandie Kuo Townsend, his mother Helyn Acosta Townsend, his sister Lisa-beth Carol Townsend, two aunts and many cousins. He is predeceased by his father John Burnett Townsend.

Brad cherished his time at home on Bridgewater Hill with his love for the land and the close knit community. He enjoyed motor biking, skiing and the true spirit of holidays.


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