Microtunneling Short Course 2016 Set for Boulder, Colorado
The 23rd annual Microtunneling Short Course, the leading professional educational venue for contractors, owners and consulting engineers, will be held Feb. 8-11, 2016, at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
The University of Colorado (CU) offers state-of-the-art facilities, while Boulder provides a cosmopolitan and vibrant backdrop with a wealth of dining and entertainment options. Boulder is in the greater Denver area approximately 40 miles west of Denver International Airport.
“We will continue to build on our vast history of success and innovation by offering a forum to exchange ideas and build relationships while learning from the leaders actively working in the field,” said Tim Coss, president of Microtunneling Inc., a course director and co-founder along with Levent Ozdemir, Tunneling Consultant. “We are excited about the opportunities that the University of Colorado and the City of Boulder provide. We anticipate another successful course at our larger, state-of-the-art venue.”
Since its inception in 1994, the Microtunneling Short Course has drawn more than 2,700 participants. The course continues to be popular, attracting more than 120 people to the 2015 event, and about 20 sponsors committed to the 2016 course.
The hallmark of the program is the presentations, which are given by real-world professionals including contractors, consulting engineers, utility owners and equipment manufacturers. Presentations cover all aspects of microtunneling, including planning, design, construction, site investigation, legal issues and any other topic relevant to the industry.
The 2016 short course begins with a one-day Pilot Tube Seminar on Feb. 8 at CU’s Balch Fieldhouse, followed by the Microtunneling Short Course Feb. 9-11 at the Touchdown Club at Folsom Field.
Once again the event will feature a banquet at which the Microtunneling Achievement Award winners will be recognized. This year’s winners are Grahame Turnbull (consultant), Julian O’Connell (Herrenknecht), Troy Stokes (Akkerman) and Dan Schitea (Vadnais).
The Microtunneling Short Course is held in partnership with Trenchless Technology magazine and Benjamin Media. The Ground Improvement Short Course (May 23-25, 2016) and the Tunneling Short Course (Sept. 19-22, 2016) will also be held in Boulder.
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