San Francisco Downtown Rail Extension rendering. (Image: Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA))


Los Angeles

Eastside Transit Corridor Phase 2

Metro’s Eastside Transit Corridor Phase 2 project is an approximately 9-mile extension of the Metro E Line. Forecasted opening is 2035. On May 23, 2024, the Metro Board of Directors approved the certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The Board’s approval finalizes the EIR for the two-phased project that will extend the Metro E Line further east from its current terminus at Atlantic/Pomona in East Los Angeles to Greenwood Station in Montebello via the Initial Operating Segment (IOS), with construction to start in 2029, as programmed under Measure M (2016). Alternative 3 (the locally preferred alternative) is approximately 4.6 miles in length – 3 miles underground, 0.5 aerial and 1.1 at grade.

Los Angeles

Sepulveda Transit Corridor Project

Metro studying transit options between the San Fernando Valley and the Westside. The natural barrier created by the Santa Monica Mountains makes traveling between the Valley and the Westside challenging – and will require innovation and multiple solutions. Metro is working to evaluate alternatives for a high-quality, reliable transit service option connecting the San Fernando Valley and the Westside. The forecasted opening for service to connect the San Fernando Valley and the Westside is 2033-2035.

Metro is in the environmental review phase, and anticipates releasing the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) in early 2025. Metro had been working with two private-sector teams, LA SkyRail Express and Sepulveda Transit Corridor Partners, under a first-of-its-kind pre-development agreement to develop a design for project alternatives. In October 2023, LA SkyRail Express requested the removal of Alternative 2 – the monorail approach – from consideration. Based on LASRE’s request, Metro’s independent review, and public input received in May 2024, Metro has finalized the decision to remove Alternative 2 from the Sepulveda Transit Corridor Project. Alternatives ranged in length from 12.6 to 16.2 miles, with 7 to 9 stations, with underground alignments being considered.

Los Angeles

Southeast Gateway Line (formerly West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor) – Phase 2

On April 25, 2024, the Project’s Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was certified in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Project will feature 14.5 miles of new light rail connecting Slauson/A Line Station to Pioneer Station located in the City of Artesia, including 9 SGL stations. Plans include a jacked tunnel portion underway an interstate highway.

Next, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) will issue a Record of Decision (ROD) in summer 2024. Forecast opening is 2035. For information, click here.


ONT Connector Project

The San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) has partnered with Ontario International Airport (ONT) to develop transit solutions for today’s and tomorrow’s passengers while ensuring the neighboring communities experience reduced congestion throughout the region.

This project, an innovative approach of tunneling, will create a subsurface transit connection between the Cucamonga Metrolink Station and ONT terminals. The Cucamonga Station is the closest to ONT on the San Bernardino Line and has consistently represented one of the higher number of boardings in the Metrolink system. The project sets the foundation for the privately funded Brightline West electrified high-speed rail connection between Las Vegas and Cucamonga Metrolink Station, as well as the zero-emission West Valley Connector bus rapid transit service coming in 2025.

Project documents indicate a 24-ft inner diameter single bore tunnel to accommodate a single travel lane in each direction. A center dividing wall would be constructed to separate the two travel lanes. Cross passage doors would be provided in the center wall at 800-ft spacing for emergency egress, per NFPA 130.

The proposed project site includes the Cucamonga Metrolink Station, ONT, and a 4.2 mile-long footprint for the tunnel that generally travels south along Milliken Avenue, and crosses beneath 6th Street in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, as well as 4th Street, I-10, and the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) in the City of Ontario, before traveling west beneath East Airport Drive to Connect the Cucamonga Metrolink Station to ONT.

In January 2021, SBCTA selected HNTB for the project and construction management services contract. HNTB will work with SBCTA to procure, select, and oversee a design, build, operate and maintain – known as DBOM – developer for the project.


Delta Conveyance

The Delta Conveyance Project for the Department of Water Resources (DWR) includes a tunnel through the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta that is designed to protect water supplies from sea-level rise and saltwater intrusion into the Delta. Additionally, the project will help to reduce the risk associated with earthquakes, improve water supply reliability, and reduce impacts on local Delta communities and fish. The project is being designed as a single tunnel, estimated to be 45 miles long and 36 ft in diameter.

DWR announced on Dec. 21 that it has approved the project. DWR has certified the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and completed an extensive environmental review. DWR selected the “Bethany Reservoir Alignment” for further engineering, design and permitting.

According to the Delta Conveyance Design and Construction Authority, the estimated project cost is $20.1 billion in real 2023 dollars.

San Diego

San Vicente Energy Storage Facility

The San Vicente Energy Storage Facility is one of the most promising pumped energy storage solutions in California. The energy storage project is under consideration by a partnership of the San Diego County Water Authority and the City of San Diego. As proposed, the project could store 4,000 Megawatt-hours per day of energy (500 Megawatts of capacity for eight hours), which is enough energy to provide approximately 135,000 homes with power.

In January 2022, the Water Authority’s Board of Directors approved entering into negotiations with BHE Kiewit, along with a $4.6 million contract with AECOM Technical Services Inc. to perform environmental work for the project. The board also approved a $1.6 million amendment to a professional services contract with Black & Veatch Corp. to support project development agreement negotiations, provide technical expertise for a California Independent System Operator interconnection application, perform preliminary design and engineering reviews, and assist with preparing a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) license application.

In January 2023, contractors began performing site surveys and geotechnical studies in the hills surrounding San Vicente Reservoir to support preliminary design and feasibility studies.

The potential project would create a small upper reservoir above the San Vicente Reservoir, along with a tunnel system and an underground powerhouse to connect the two reservoirs. The powerhouse is proposed to contain four reversible pump turbines. During off-peak periods – when power is inexpensive and renewable supplies from wind and solar facilities exceed demand – turbines will pump water to the upper reservoir where it will act as a battery of stored potential energy. During high energy use, the system will discharge energy as water from the upper reservoir flows downhill through the turbines. The exchange between the two reservoirs will not consume water and is closed-loop.

The reservoir is near major electricity transmission interconnection facilities, which will allow the project to play a central role in integrating solar and wind energy from across the Southwest for use in San Diego County.

The state/federal regulatory and licensing review process is anticipated to run from 2024-2027. The preliminary schedule indicates that construction could begin by 2028.

San Francisco

Alameda Street Wet Weather Conveyance Tunnel

The Alameda Street Wet Weather Conveyance Tunnel (AWWCT), Phase II of the Folsom Area Stormwater Improvement Project for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, will accept and convey stormwater to existing downstream wet weather infrastructure. It is approximately 4,000 feet long with a 12-foot-wide inside diameter and three shafts. Construction was estimated to start in mid-2025, according to the SFPUC website. Project completion is anticipated in 2027.

San Francisco

Downtown Rail Extension

The Downtown Rail Extension (DTX), also known as The Portal, for the Transbay Joint Powers Authority is part of a plan to deliver transportation service to the hub at Salesforce Transit Center. DTX would extend Caltrain from 4th and King to the heart of downtown. The project includes a 2.2-mile rail alignment with 1.5 miles of tunnel. The project was accepted into the Federal Transit Administration’s Capital Investment Grants Program Engineering phase in May 2024. Over two-thirds of the $8.2 billion estimated cost are now budgeted or committed. Current planning has civil and tunnel construction starting

Wilson Creek

Last Chance Grade Tunnel

“Last Chance Grade” (LCG) is a 3-mile segment of US 101 just north of Wilson Creek, between Klamath and Crescent City. Landslides and road failures have been an ongoing problem for decades and substantial funds have been invested in repairs. The road is currently safe to use, but a long-term solution is needed to ensure continued safe and reliable transportation on US 101.

Since 1997, Caltrans has invested more than $100 million to respond to a number of events that have occurred along the roadway. Geotechnical studies indicate continued movement of the roadway, signaling that regular investments will be required to keep the roadway safe and open.

The plan is for about a 6,000-ft, single bore tunnel that would accommodate two-lane, bi-directional traffic. Caltrans is planning to issue an RFQ for CMGC partners in Q4 2024.



Redundancy Tunnel Program

The Redundancy Tunnel Program for the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) will allow reliability of vital drinking water system that was impacted by 2010 main break that resulted in an estimated impact of $310 million per day. The two main components are:

  • -Northern Tunnel – 4.5 miles long, 10-ft dia., 200-500 ft deep
  • -Southern Tunnel – 9.5 miles long, 10-ft dia., 200-500 ft deep

A CDM Smith-led team was awarded a $15.7 million, 3.5-year contract in September 2020 to develop and evaluate tunnel route alternatives, deliver environmental impact reports, conduct geotechnical investigation and evaluation and prepare a preliminary design report. Final design is anticipated to begin Q3 2024 with construction beginning on 2027/28. Construction duration is expected to be 8-12 years with an estimated cost of $1.5 billion.


St. Louis

Project Clear Tunnels

Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District (MSD) has begun an ambitious program called Project Clear, a multi-billion dollar investment addressing wastewater overflows. The system improvements include construction of multiple tunnels and underground infrastructure to control sewer overflows.

Upcoming tunneling components of Project Clear include (Project, Construction Begin, Construction Cost Estimate, Tunnel Length, Tunnel Inside Diameter):

  • Lower & Middle Des Peres Storage Tunnel, 2027, $640,000,000, 8.6 miles, 30 ft dia
  • River Des Peres Tributaries CSO Tunnel, 2028, $178,000,000, 3.1 miles, 17 ft dia
  • Upper River Des Peres CSO Storage Tunnel, 2032, $188,000,000, 2.6 miles, 22 ft dia


Las Vegas

Horizon Lateral

The Horizon Lateral will provide a critical second water transmission pipeline to ensure reliable service to nearly a million existing customers.

The approximately $2.4 billion project will ensure continued, reliable water service to existing customers and critical redundancy, while supporting the community’s future water needs and the regional economy.

With pipelines as large as 120 in. in diameter, the Horizon Lateral will bolster system dependability and capacity for the area, which currently relies upon a single transmission pipeline known as the South Valley Lateral (SVL). The SVL, in service since 1999, is projected to reach capacity within the next 10-15 years and currently lacks critical redundancy or back-up facilities to service the region in case of system outages or emergencies.

A Feasibility Study indicated the project could include 7 to 8 miles of TBM tunneling up to 108-in. diameter. Multiple project delivery methods will be explored, including CMAR, design-build and design-bid-build.

In March 2023, the SNWA initiated the Horizon Lateral Sensitivity Analysis to evaluate the Horizon Lateral Program and potential changes resulting from lower projected water demands—due to the success of SNWA’s conservation program—inflationary costs, and to explore new ways to move water from one service area to another.

Stakeholder analysis concluded that improvements to existing facilities, in combination with a phased construction approach, would substantially improve system redundancy and reliability by 2030. Subsequent phasing of the program would be driven by demand. The accompanying map outlines the Phase I projects that are currently in full engineering design and scheduled for completion in 2030.



Cemetery Brook Drain Tunnel Project

The Cemetery Brook Drain Tunnel Project is an approximately 11,700-ft long, large diameter conveyance tunnel 30 to 80 ft beneath downtown that is the cornerstone of its Phase II Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO).

It was announced on June 26, 2024, that Parsons Corporation was selected by the City to help deliver the project. The three-year, $16 million contract includes program and construction management (PM/CM) services for the project. It is anticipated that bid documents will be released to four shortlisted contractor teams in mid September 2024.

Although the majority of the alignment appears to be within good quality bedrock, the profile of the tunnel horizon along the alignment experiences several mixed face zones, as well as significant contiguous segments of soft ground below groundwater table. A pressurized face TBM is envisioned for tunneling through the soft ground and mixed face conditions. The City has engaged CDM Smith as its project engineer.


New York

Hudson Tunnel Project/Gateway

The Hudson Tunnel Project is a new two-track heavy rail tunnel along the Northeast Corridor from the Bergen Palisades in New Jersey to Manhattan that will directly serve Penn Station New York. It consists of three major elements: the Hudson Yards right-of-way preservation project, the Hudson Tunnel, and the rehabilitation and modernization of the existing North River tunnel.

The Gateway Development Commission on July 8 announced that it signed a Full Finding Grant Agreement with the Federal Transit Administration for $6.88 billion in federal funding for the Hudson Tunnel Project (HTP) and closed on Railroad Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing (RRIF) loans from the Build America Bureau totaling $4.06 billion to fund the local share of the project.

With these actions, GDC has secured the entire $16 billion commitment needed to complete the HTP. This includes $12 billion in federal funding – the largest federal funding commitment to a rail transportation project in modern history.

In addition to the main tunnel, which will span 26,400 ft under the Hudson River, the program includes the 10,200-ft long Palisades Tunnel on the New Jersey side of the Hudson, and a 600ft of tunnel on the Manhattan side to connect the main tunnel to Penn Station.

By the end of 2024, GDC will have awarded contracts for more than $5 billion in construction activity, including contracts to build sections of the tunnel passing through the Palisades in New Jersey and going through the Manhattan bulkhead under Hudson River Park, and will have ordered the first tunnel boring machine.

The new tunnel will be in service by 2035 and the full rehabilitation of the existing tunnel will be complete by 2038.

New York

Kensico-Eastview Connection (KEC)

This 2 mile tunnel is part of a $1.9 billion drinking water upgrade program for New York DEP. The project includes a proposed 27 ft diameter tunnel and two large shafts, 400-500 ft deep. The new tunnel will connect the Kensico Reservoir to the Catskill-Delaware Ultraviolet Light Disinfection Facility in Eastview. It will allow DEP to conduct maintenance and inspections on other facilities without disrupting water service.

DEP held a ceremonial ground-breaking with project officials on July 23 in Mt. Pleasant, New York. All phases of the project are expected to span a 10-year period and be fully online by 2035. A JV led by AECOM has been selected to provide inspection services for the project.

New York

Second Avenue Subway – Phase 2

Design is underway for Phase 2 of the Second Avenue Subway. A joint venture of WSP and STV is working on the design for the project that extends the line northward from 96th Street to 125th Street – a total of 1.5 miles with three new stations. The alignment will use some existing tunnels originally built in the 1970s, in addition to new soft-ground TBM tunnels. The cost estimate for this phase of the project is $7-8 billion.

The scope of work for the first contract for Phase 2 of the Second Avenue Subway incorporates the lessons learned from Phase 1 and will involve the relocation of critical public services, laying the foundation to advance construction of three future stations and necessary infrastructure. of the system. The contract will be solicited as an A+B Design-Bid-Build contract, which incentivizes bidders to compete on both cost and time required to complete the work.

C.A.C. Industries was awarded a utility relocation project in January 2024in advance of the major underground work. Work was delayed as officials sorted out funding issues related to congestion pricing intended to help pay for MTA projects. However, the utility work contract was given the go-ahead to resume on July 30, according to reports. Prior to the pause, it was expected that the main underground portion of the work would go out to bid in 2024.



NEORSD Project Clean Lake

Project Clean Lake for the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) includes several major tunnel components to store and convey combined sewer overflows. The major upcoming tunnel projects include:

  • Southerly Storage Tunnel – ~18,000 lf of 23-ft diameter CSO tunnel. Awarded to McNally Tunnel Corp. NTP was issued April 29, 2024.This represents the district’s longest soft-ground tunnel.
  • Kingsbury Run Consolidation Sewer – ~6,400 ft of 90- and 120-in. tunnel along with several large concrete structures. This contract has an estimated value of $105 million and will bid in Q4 2024.
  • Big Creek Storage Tunnel – ~22,500 lf of 20-ft diameter CSO tunnel in Chagrin shale. Under design. Project expected to bid in Q2 2026. This will be the final large-diameter tunnel of Project Clean Lake.




The Allegheny County Sanitary Authority (ALCOSAN) is implementing a multi-billion improvement program to control combined sewer overflows (CSOs) as part of a consent decree with EPA. The program is expected to include tunnel segments to convey and store overflows for treatment. The improvements are slated to be complete by the end of 2036. The system comprises three large tunnels, to be delivered by design-bid-build: the Ohio River Tunnel (4.9 miles), the Allegheny River Tunnel (6.2 miles) and the Monongahela River Tunnel (5.4 miles). Additionally, the program will include consolidation sewers, a dewatering pump station and treatment plant improvements. NTP for the Ohio River Tunnel is expected in 2025. Program completion is set for Dec. 31, 2036.

CDM Smith is the Clean Water Program Director, Jacobs is the Tunnel Program Manager Consultant, Mott MacDonald is the Ohio River Tunnel Final Design Consultant, and Hatch is the Ohio River Tunnel Construction Manager.



CapEx Drainage Tunnel

The I-35 Capital Express (CapEx) Central project under development by the Texas Department of Transportation involves improvements to 8 miles of corridor through the capital. Part of the $4.5 billion program includes the construction of drainage tunnels under the highway to allow for the redevelopment.

The drainage tunnels are designed to be 22-ft internal diameter and stretch approximately 6.5 miles, one leg of 3 miles and one leg of 3.5 miles. It is anticipated that the tunnels will be driven through Austin chalk. TxDOT is planning to bid the tunnel project this year with construction lasting from 2024 to 2027.


Flood Control Tunnels

The Harris County Flood Control District is entering the second phase of a study to explore the feasibility of building deep tunnels to divert storm water to prevent flooding. Following the devastating impacts of Hurricane Harbey in 2017, voters in 2018 approved a Bond Program that includes Bond ID Z-08, with $20 million for Feasibility Study of Stormwater Conveyance Tunnels. According to the 2022 presentation by the district, the proposed tunnel system comprises eight segments, each ranging from 8 to 25 miles in length, 30 to 40 ft in diameter, and 40 to 140 ft deep, with a preliminary cost estimate of $30 billion.



West Seattle Link Extension and Ballard Link Extension

The West Seattle and Ballard Link Extension projects for Sound Transit will provide fast, reliable light rail connections to dense residential and job centers throughout the region. In addition, a new downtown Seattle light rail tunnel will provide capacity for the entire regional system to operate efficiently. These two separate Link extensions are part of the regional transit system expansion approved by voters in November 2016 and as of May 2023 are on two separate environmental review processes and timelines.

West Seattle Link Extension

  • -Adds 4.1 miles of light rail service from SODO to West Seattle’s Alaska Junction neighborhood. The preferred alignment includes a tunnel route between Avalon and Alaska Junction stations.
  • -Includes 4 new stations.

Service is anticipated by 2032.

Ballard Link Extension

  • Adds 7.7 miles of light rail service from downtown Seattle to Ballard, including a new downtown Seattle rail-only tunnel. In addition to the downtown tunnel, the preferred alignment includes a tunneled portion on the northern end.
  • Includes 9 new stations.

Service is anticipated by 2039.

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