Boring Set to Begin on Kaneohe-Kailua Tunnel in Hawaii
Crews are making final preparations to launch the TBM as part of the Kaneohe-Kailua Gravity Sewer Tunnel project. The TBM will launch from the Kailua Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The TBM will bore through approximately 3 miles of basalt rock linking to the Kaneohe Wastewater Pre-Treatment Facility.
Tunnel preparation has been ongoing since August 2014, including the construction of a 250-ft starter tunnel that begins at the Kailua Regional WWTP. The TBM will be set up, tested and launched from within the starter tunnel where the machine’s gripper shoes will press against the side walls of the tunnel and then advance forward while the rotating cutterhead breaks the rock into small pieces. The muck will be removed muck cars on a temporary tunnel railroad system.
As a safety measure, surface vibration readings will be recorded above boring activities. Design engineers do not anticipate vibrations will be felt at the surface; this monitoring effort is for peace of mind.
Tunnel boring is expected to last about eight months. The progress of the TBM can be tracked at
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