Brampton – Peel Region Alloa Feedermain and Mississauga Road Trunk Sanitary Sewer
Brampton, Ontario
Peel Region Alloa Feedermain and Mississauga Road Trunk Sanitary Sewer
McNally Construction International
This $32 million project for the Region of Peel was given NTP in January 2013 with a completion date of Oct. 29, 2014. The project includes the construction of three shafts and mining 7,785 ft of tunnel (4,921 ft of sanitary sewer and 2,864 ft of feedermain) through Queenston shale using a 2.6-m diameter Robbins TBM at depths reaching 225 ft.
Two of the three shafts are complete, and tunneling on the first run of the sanitary sewer is 74 percent complete. Subcontractors include Dom Meridian (open cut, 29 percent complete), Ward and Burke (microtunneling, 55 percent complete), and Subterrain (HDD, 20 percent compete).
Hatch Mott MacDOnald, Genivar and Cole Engineering provided design engineering and construction management services. Key project personnel: Project Manager: Adam Stremcha; Chief Surveyor: Nick Dmintrenko; Shift Superintendent: Terry Kilbride; Shift Superintendent: Jeremy Knapp; Engineering Technician: Josh VanAndel; Technician Assistant: Parminder Dod.
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