CSM’s Center for Underground to Launch Online Graduate Certificate Program

Agenda Set for CSM Micro Course A new online graduate certificate program at Colorado School of Mines will prepare working professional engineers to transition their careers into the specialty of underground construction and tunneling with three signature courses needed to work in this complex interdisciplinary industry.

Launching in Spring 2021, the Underground Construction and Tunnel Engineering Online Graduate Certificate will address the unique needs of one of the fastest growing global industries. While underground projects—especially large and complex builds—require all manner of engineers, those with specialized training in underground construction and tunnel engineering (UCTE) have greater opportunities to take part in and lead these efforts.

“Urbanization is driving underground development,” says Mike Mooney, Grewcock Chair Professor of Underground Construction & Tunneling and Director of the UCTE graduate program. “Urban areas have less room and need more infrastructure—water, wastewater, stormwater, energy, utilities, and data centers. Underground provides huge opportunity to make cities livable. By providing this new certificate option to engineering professionals, we will enable them to gain specialized skills in a thriving industry.”

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The core courses in the two-semester, 10-credit program will be comprised of three signature courses delivered by faculty from three departments: CEEE, GEGN and MN. MNGN 504 and CEEN 523 are the certificate anchor courses, teaching UCTE in hard rock and soft ground, respectively. Underground Construction Engineering Management will teach construction management principles specifically for UCTE projects.

“UCTE is an interdisciplinary mix of structural, geotechnical and construction disciplines from civil engineering, excavation and material handling from mining engineering, and ground/groundwater characterization from geological engineering,” says Mooney. “Our UCTE graduate program blends the key components from our civil, mining and geological engineering degree programs.”

The UCTE Online Graduate Certificate program is targeted toward both recent bachelor degree graduates looking to expand their knowledge base and employment opportunities, as well as working professionals who have recognized the need to specialize in underground construction and tunnel design given the high industry demand and the complexity of projects. Applications for Spring 2021 will be accepted through Jan. 4, 2021. For more information, go to https://online.mines.edu/program/.

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