DFI Presents President’s Awards

DFIJohn Wolosick, P.E., president of DFI and director of engineering at Hayward Baker, presented four President’s Awards at a luncheon during the DFI International Conference on Deep Foundations, Seepage Control and Remediation (41st Annual Conference) in New York City on Oct. 12-15.

This newly established award is given at the discretion of the DFI President to recognize the efforts and service of DFI members to advance the work of DFI. This year’s awards were presented to:

  • Lori Simpson, P.E., G.E., Langan Treadwell Rollo and chair of DFI’s Codes and Standards Committee, who led the multi-society effort to improve building codes and foundation practices.
  • Gary Seider, P.E., Hubbell Chance Civil Products and chair of DFI’s Helical Piles and Tiebacks Committee, who leads his very active committee to succeed on projects including industry-funded seismic research, and the development of a design guide, guide specifications, an engineering training course and an annual seminar.
  • Victor Donald, Terracon and chair of DFI’s Subsurface Characterization for Deep Foundations Committee, who contributed the lion’s share of work to the American Institute of Architects (AIA) document to combat the low bid process for selecting geotechnical engineers, negotiating scopes of investigation work, and encouraging involvement of geotechnical engineers in specification review and throughout construction.
  • Bob Simpson, P.E., Loadtest and a member of the DFI Testing and Evaluation Committee, who conceived the idea and developed a detailed script and storyboard for a video outlining static load testing.



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