Dubrovnik Gears Up for WTC 2015

Exhibition Opportunities Available in Emerging SEE Market

DubrovnikThe Croatian Association for Tunnels and Underground Structures and the International Tunnelling Association (ITA) will host the 41st annual World Tunnel Congress and General Assembly in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from May 22-28, 2015.

Croatia is located in the middle of South-East Europe (SEE) and is part of the European Union (EU) since July 2013. The SEE region is the EU region with the most expectations and plans in developing infrastructure in next two decades in Europe.

Exhibition opportunities for interested companies still exist. Information is available on the conference website at wtc15.com (click the “Exhibition” link in the top navigation panel). Registration and housing information is also available on the site.

The theme of the WTC 2015 is “Promoting Tunneling in the SEE Region.” Urban underground space use is rapidly increasing worldwide as a means of accommodating better infrastructure and new urban facilities in major and historic urban centers. So far none of SEE countries have had an opportunity to organize on World Tunnel Congress and this happening will strongly and certainly help further development of underground infrastructure in the future.

Dubrovnik is the old city port on the Adriatic coast and is a center of tourism, and is host to a congress center that is able to accommodate thousands of guests. It is also one of centers of the infrastructure works with unique underground solutions (city road tunnel, light rail to airport, new road roundabout) that will all be in construction in 2015.

Dubrovnik will provide an excellent technical and social setting for the WTC 2015. Croatia’s hosting of WTC 2015 is supported by ITA and with the support of countries with ITA membership (Austria, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and Turkey).

Organizers are expecting around 1,500-2,000 participants from around the world. For Dubrovnik and Croatia in general, it is of great significance to host such a big and important event on the international level.


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