February Tunnel Updates

Menlo Park
Bay Tunnel
Michels/Jay Dee/Coluccio JV
This $215 million project for the San Francisco Public Utilities commission had achieved 91 percent completion as of December 2013, and was scheduled to be complete by March 2015. The objective is to install a new 108-in. diameter, 26,208 ft long, water transmission main pipeline, a portion of the new BDPL No. 5, using tunnel methods underneath the San Francisco Bay from Menlo Park to Newark.

Five miles of tunnel (majority under the bay) holed through at the Newark Shaft in January 2013, using a 15-ft diameter Hitachi Zosen (Hitz) EPB TBM to excavate the 12.5-ft ID tunnel using precast segments (6, 10-in. x 5-ft segments). The annulus space between the ground and the exterior of the rings was filled with grout. Muck spoils were hauled off site to restore wetlands and fill-in existing quarries.

Two shafts were excavated. The Peninsula side 58-ft diameter shaft (Ravenswood) was slurry wall construction type and excavated underwater to a depth of 141 ft. The 28-ft diameter Newark Shaft was excavated to a depth of 86 ft by freezing the ground and installing rings, lagging and concrete for support. Seals were used to launch and to receive the TBM.
The last steel liner pipe was installed in the tunnel in October 2013. A total of 654 pipe spools (108-in. diameter, 40 ft long, 9/16-in. thick) were welded. Subcontractors Northwest Pipe (Adelanto, Calif.) fabricated the pipe and National Welding Corp. welded the pipe.

In November 2013 Pacific International Grout Corp. began placing low-density cellular concrete in annulus between the outside of pipe and concrete segment rings. This process is 50 percent complete at this date.

Work remaining includes cleaning the pipe interior and lining with a thin layer of cement mortar. Once the 5-mile pipeline is fully installed, the next step is to install the vertical pipe spools at each shaft, hydro test and disinfect the entire Bay Tunnel pipeline system. Then, the tunnel will be linked to original Bay Division pipelines Nos. 1 and 2 and the new No. 5.

Key Project Personnel: Contractor: Michels/Jay & Dee/Coluccio JV – Project Manager: Jim Stevens; Project Engineer: Ed Whitman; Asst. Project Manager: Kit Fleming; Quality Control Manager: Ted Walker; Superintendent: Ron Klinghagen. Owner: SFPUC – Project Manager: Johanna Wong. Construction Management: Jacobs Engineering – Construction Manager: Robert Mues; Lead QA: Tom Hogan. Designer: Jacobs Associates – Engineer: Shawn Spreng.

San Francisco
Central Subway Tunneling Project – Contract 1252
Barnard/Impregilo/Healy JV
The $233 million Central Subway Tunnel Project, Phase II of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s Third Street Light Rail Program, has been designed to expand the City’s transportation network and increase public access to San Francisco’s Chinatown. This project includes constructing precise, twin, 8,233-lf tunnels that are being excavated with two EPB TBMs and lined with 18-ft diameter precast segments. The work also includes construction of a launch box and portal structure under 4th Street (a City thoroughfare), a retrieval shaft, and headwalls for future stations that the TBMs will mine through prior to station construction.

The first of the two Robbins TBMs, “Mom Chung,” has tunneled 3,500 lf since launching in late July 2013, including successfully completing the milestone of tunneling 15 ft beneath the heavily used Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) tunnels with virtually zero settlement experienced. Achieving this milestone involved completing the project’s extremely tight radius compound horizontal and vertical curve before passing beneath the BART tunnels. Along this alignment, Condon Johnson/Nicholson JV had previously installed horizontal and sub-vertical grout pipes and then injected cement grout to consolidate and pre-condition the ground in case compensation grouting was needed. Wang Technology had also installed automated and highly sensitive geotechnical and structural instrumentation that allowed the team to detect any movements or deformations within the influence zone.

In addition to this accomplishment, the team launched the second Robbins TBM, “Big Alma,” which has now mined 1,600 lf.

Project Director: Dan Schall; Project Manager: Ben Campbell; Project Superintendent: Mike Hanley; Chief Engineer/DPM: Alessandro Tricamo; Superintendents: Andy Granger, Bill Kiehl, Bob Schaffer, Lynn Twomley, Michael Shough, Eric Smith, Mike Gilbertson and Harlan Davis; Survey Manager: Klaus Herbert; Staff Engineers: Matt Paulisich, Glenn Strid, Jack Sucilsky, Vik Sehdev, Beau Blume, Aaron Abel and Brian Shalk; Safety Manager: Mike Sinon; Quality Manager: Antonio Prado. Information: Ben Campbell, (415) 546-0799, or ben.campbell@barnard-inc.com.

New Irvington Tunnel Project
Southland/Tutor Perini JV
This $227 million project for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission is on pace for a mid-2015 completion. The project includes 3.5 miles of tunnel between 30 and 700 ft underground with a finished internal diameter of 8.5 ft, as well as three worksites (Alameda West Portal in Sunol Valley, Irvington Portal in Fremont and the Vargas Shaft off of Interstate 680).

Excavation of all 18,660 ft of tunnel has been completed, with final hole-through occurring on Oct. 8, 2013.  Southland/Tutor Perini used conventional tunneling with two Antraquip roadheaders and controlled detonations to excavate the two headings. Both headings have been challenging with high groundwater inflows and pressures, some squeezing ground, and extensive pre-excavation grouting required. The installation of the 8.5-ft diameter welded steel pipe fabricated by Northwest Pipe has commenced on the remaining 14,600 ft of tunnel followed by annulus backfill grouting with low-density cellular grout. The New Irvington Tunnel Project is 87 percent complete.

Other team members include: Jacobs Associates and URS Corp. (design), and Hatch Mott MacDonald (construction management). Key Project Personnel: Southland/Tutor Perini Project Manager: Robert Cornish; General Superintendent: Curtis Bahten; Tunnel Superintendents: Jim Mulkey, Jack Bowling; Hatch Mott MacDonald Construction Manager: Daniel McMaster; Lead QA Inspector: Rebecca Fusee; San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Sunol Regional Project Manager: David Tsztoo, PE. Communications: Maria Le 866-973-1476 or email mle@sfwater.org.

Metro PAR 1088 – South Platte Interceptor
Bradshaw Construction Corp.
Bradshaw Construction Corp. began construction of four microtunnel crossings on the Metro PAR 1088 – South Platte Interceptor project in late September 2013. The ground conditions consist of sand and gravel below the groundwater table and Bradshaw’s scope also includes shafts and installation of FRP in the tunnels. To date, two of the four Microtunnel crossings are complete: 160th Avenue and E-470. The 160th Avenue crossing consisted of 227 ft of 72-in. FRP in 96-in. steel casing. The E-470 crossing consisted of 398 ft of 60-in. FRP in 78-in. steel casing. The South Platte River crossing, 992 ft of 78-in. steel casing, and 168th Avenue crossing, 192 ft of 96-in. steel casing, are scheduled for construction through early summer 2014. Information: Todd Brown, tbrown@bradshawcc.com.

Anacostia River Tunnel
Impregilo-Healy-Parsons JV
This $253 million Design-Build Project for DC Water was awarded to Impregilo-Healy-Parsons JV in June 2013. The work includes six shafts with various configurations, diameters of 27 ft to 77 ft, depths 113 to 123 ft, 12,500 ft of 23-ft minimum inside diameter CSO tunnel with bolted/gasketed precast liner, excavated by a Herrenknecht EPB TBM, CSO diversion structures, odor control facilities, various SEM adits, and ancillary work.

Project design is being performed by Parsons and is under way. Site mobilization and setup is under way.

Project Director: John Kennedy; Project Manager: Shane Yanagisawa; DPM/Design Manager: Phil Colton; Design Manager: Jonathan Taylor; Construction Manager: Jim Hyatt; Superintendents: Larry Weslowski, David Brown; Chief Construction Engineer: Daniele Nebbia; Staff Engineers: Chiara di Nauta, Jeff Gargoshian, Amir Medic, Alejandro Gomez; Safety Manager: Barry Jackson; QC Manager: Rick Munzer. For DC Water, Construction Manager: Scott Shylanski.  Information: John Kennedy, (702) 524-0438.

Blue Plains Tunnel
Traylor/Skanska/Jay Dee JV (TSJD)
The design-build project includes designing and constructing the Blue Plains Tunnel (BPT), associated shafts, and structures from Blue Plains treatment plant to DC Water’s Main Pumping Station at 2nd Street and Tingey Street SE. The 23-ft ID tunnel runs for 24,000 ft generally northward from the plant, following the Potomac River. Two connected shafts (figure-eight) start the alignment, with two intermediate shafts and one end shaft further along. Tunnel depth is approximately 150 ft, and varies between under the river and shoreline. A Herrenknecht EPB TBM will mine and install the precast concrete liner. Shaft construction will use diaphragm walls, with excavation and CIP lining to follow.

Excavation of the figure-eight shafts has been completed to temporary tunnel elevation. Temp slabs, placement of the SS liner, and launch of the TBM have been completed. The remaining excavation of the DS to final depth has begun. The TBM has advanced to 1,100 ft, and the long-term mucking system has been installed. Excavation of the three remaining shafts along the alignment has been completed; tremie base slabs installed; CIP liner is ongoing in various stages.

Halcrow/CH2M Hill is nearly complete with design of the various components of the project. The Bay State precast segment production is ongoing.

M Street Diversion Sewer- Division E
Bradshaw Construction Corp.
Bradshaw Construction Corp. is currently working on a project for DC Water consisting of two tunnels for sanitary sewer. The first tunnel — 1,014 lf of 72-in. rib-and-board installed by TBM for a 48-in. FRP sewer — has been completed.  The second tunnel is 1,313 lf of 144-in. rib-and-board installed by digger shield for 110-in. FRP sewer. Information: Mike Wanhatalo, mwanhatalo@bradshawcc.com.

Port of Miami Tunnel
MAT Concessionaire LLC
Construction of the Port of Miami Tunnel Project (POMT), which began May 2010, continues in full force and is in the final stretch for completion in May 2014. The project, which is being built for the Florida Department of Transportation at an estimated design and construction cost of $663.5 million, includes 0.75-mile long twin-tube highway tunnels that will connect the MacArthur Causeway on Watson Island to PortMiami on Dodge Island.  This tunnel was excavated using a 42-ft Herrenknecht Mix shield TBM. Approximately 751 Concrete Tunnel Lining Rings were installed in the 4,186 lf bored Eastbound Tunnel and approximately 745 Concrete Tunnel Lining Rings were installed in the 4,152 lf bored Westbound Tunnel.

Construction of the widening of the MacArthur Causeway Bridge, as well as the internal roadway system for Dodge Island at PortMiami, continues. With both tunnels boring operations completed, as well as the construction of the 5 cross passage connections between each tunnel that will be used to carry pedestrian traffic from one tunnel to the other during an emergency inside the tunnel, the contractor continues with the installation of the tunnel interiors, mechanical, electrical, fire protection and plumbing (MEFP), as well as ITS systems and control buildings on each island.

FDOT Construction Manager/Owner’s Representative: Jacqueline Sequeira, P.E.; Project Construction Manager: Victor Ortiz, P.E. (CSA Group); CEI Manager: Steve Dusseault, P.E. (PB Americas); Concessionaire CEO: Trevor Jackson; Concessionaire Vice President: Christopher Hodgkins (MAT); Project Director Design-Build Contractor: Louis Brais (BCWF); Design-Build Construction TBM Engineer: Pierre Pascual (BCWF); Operator: Transfield Services Infrastructure; FDOT/Owner’s Representative – Public Information: Liz Fernandez (Stantec) – (786) 502-0704 or liz.fernandez@stantec.com.

McCook Reservoir
Kiewit Infrastructure Co.
Kiewit Infrastructure Co. recently completed the excavation for the $114 million Chicago Underflow Plan McCook Reservoir Tunnel System project. The project’s scope of work includes the excavation of one 300-ft deep shaft, two 800-ft long tunnels that will tie into a live sewer later this year, installing a $70 million government furnished equipment gate system for water control, and constructing a control building on the surface. The tunnels were excavated using the drill-and-shoot method in the Elwood Dolomite formation. Both tunnels have been lined with cast-in-place concrete at a finished diameter of 33-ft.

The contractor is currently performing contact grouting and finishing tunnel concrete and is 35 percent complete installing the steel liner. Shaft concrete work will begin in February 2014.
Key project personnel: Project Manager: Bhaskar Bhavsar; Project Engineer: Matt Trotter; Quality Manager: Jamie Bonner; General Superintendent: Curt Millsaps.

Deep Rock Tunnel Connector
The Deep Rock Tunnel Connector Project is the largest combined sewer overflow project that City of Indianapolis has constructed. This tunnel will help improve the quality of life in Indianapolis neighborhoods by reducing the amount and frequency of raw sewage overflows. This $179 million project started construction in December 2011. Since then, 75 percent of the 41,593 ft 20-ft, 2-in. diameter tunnel has been completed and the project continues to maintain an excellent safety record.

The tunnel connections consist of 10 different types of shafts, including the retrieval shaft, CSO drop/vent shafts, and utility shafts. The retrieval shaft is ready for TBM breakthrough, CSO 117 structure and Utility Shaft 2 are nearly complete. The other shafts are in various stages of construction with an scheduled end date prior to May 2016.

Project Manager: Stuart Lipofsky, P.E.; Tunnel Superintendent: Mark Haney; Shaft Superintendent: Darrell Vliegenthart; Project Engineer: Percy Townsend; Safety Manager: Jason Burroughs; Equipment Superintendent: Keith Walter; Quality Manager: Michael Stolkin; Field Engineers: Eric Haacke, Brian Stevens, Sriram Ganesan.

Church Street Improvements
Bradshaw Construction Corp.
Bradshaw Construction Corp. is scheduled to begin construction of a microtunnel crossing that will consist of two 36-ft diameter access shafts and a 78-in. FRP direct jacked tunnel beneath Church Street, as well as an existing 54-in. diameter storm sewer under its surface. The ground conditions consist of sand with cobbles and boulders below the groundwater table. Dewatering and steel rib and liner plate shaft construction are scheduled to begin in early spring 2014. Information: Todd Brown, tbrown@bradshawcc.com.

Improvements to Lower Gwynns Run Interceptor – Phase II
Bradshaw Construction Corp.
Bradshaw was apparent low bidder to install 2,375 ft rock tunnel from Franklin Street to Baltimore Street for a 30-in. gravity sanitary sewer. The designed alignment consists of seven 60-in. diameter tunnel segments, eight shafts, seven precast manholes and one cast-in-place structure. The tunnels are 10 to 50 ft deep in medium strong to very strong schist. Project start is scheduled for February/March 2014. Information: Eric Eisold; eeisold@bradshawcc.com.

Fort Meade
Fort Meade Reclaimed Water Project
Bradshaw Construction Corp.
Bradshaw Construction Corp. has installed 240 ft of 60-in. steel casing and twin 20-in. DIP water lines under MD Route 32, and is preparing to install 410 ft of 43-in. steel casing and 24-in. DIP water line under the Little Patuxent River as part of the Fort Meade Reclaimed Water Project. The casings will be jacked behind microtunnel boring machines in soft ground conditions below the water table. Bradshaw will also be installing liner plate launch and receiving shafts for the MD-32 crossing and a liner plate launch shaft for the river crossing.  Information: Doug Piper, dpiper@bradshawcc.com.

Odenton Town Center Sewer
Bradshaw Construction Corp.
Bradshaw Construction Corp. has been contracted for the installation of 280 ft of 43-in. steel casing and 30-in. sewer pipe as part of the Odenton Town Center Sewer Interceptor Project. The casing will be jacked behind a microtunnel boring machine. The ground conditions are expected predominantly medium dense sands below the water table. Information: Mike Wanhatalo, mwanhatalo@bradshawcc.com.

St. Louis
Lemay Pump Station No. 1 Redundant Force Main
SAK Construction
This $19,783,970 project for the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District consists of 3,262 lf tunnel excavated through hard rock to a diameter of 11.25 ft. The South Shaft (launch shaft) was excavated to a depth of 176 ft with a diameter of 25 ft.  The North Shaft (retrieval shaft) was excavated to a depth of 128 ft at a diameter of 18 ft.  Shafts are supported through soft ground using ring beams, lagging and liner plates. Rock bolts, welded wire mesh and shotcrete were used to support shafts through competent bedrock.  96-in. RCP is installed and grouted within shafts and tunnel.

The overall project is 20 percent complete. The South Shaft is fully excavated and supported.  Drill-and-blast work within the Starter Tunnel is 50 percent complete. The North Shaft has been excavated and supported down to bedrock. The TBM has been reconditioned and ready for assembly underground. Notice to proceed was issued May 14, 2014, with final completion set for April 2015.

Other parties involved with the project include: Tunnel Designer: Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.; Construction manager: Shannon & Wilson Inc.; Major Subcontractors: Goodwin Brothers Construction Co. , Haberberger Inc., Elastizell, and ALL Construction LLC.

Key Project Personnel: Project Manager: Brent Duncan, P.E.; Project General Superintendent: Roger Lynch; Project Engineer: Dave Koehmstedt; Project Safety Manager: Howard Jones.

Las Vegas
Lake Mead Intake No. 3 Connector Tunnel
Renda Pacific
Renda Pacific has completed the connector tunnel and is in the process of securing the permanent bulkhead into place. Rebar is placed around the bulkhead pipe and a concrete placement is scheduled to seal the bulkhead into place. Renda has begun work on the $12.2 million change order to connect the Intake No. 1 shaft to the existing intake tunnel, including marine work to close off Intake No. 1 in Lake Mead so workers can dewater the intake forebay and underground facility.  Work will be ongoing for the next few months.

Renda Pacific Key Personnel:  Project Manager: Joe Savage; Project Superintendent: Rick Leever.

Las Vegas
Lake Mead Intake No. 3 Shafts and Tunnel
Vegas Tunnel Constructors (Impregilo/Healy JV)
This design-build project for the Southern Nevada Water Authority was awarded to Vegas Tunnel Constructors for $447 million.  The work includes an access shaft 600 ft deep and 15,000 ft of rock tunnel to be mined with a convertible 7.2-m Herrenknecht TBM, capable of operating as a hard rock machine in open mode and as a full Mixshield in poor rock and/or with high water inflows, and lined with 20-ft diameter precast gasketed segments. Also included is a new Intake Riser structure constructed 350 ft below the surface of Lake Mead, and miscellaneous site and ancillary work.

Project design has been completed by Arup USA in conjunction with Brierley Associates. All underwater excavation and structural work has been completed.

Excavation of the Intake Tunnel is under way, with a long section being excavated in a very complicated geology with large groundwater flows. Closed mode excavation with face pressures of up to 14 bars has been employed in the first 2,800 ft, along with an extensive pre-excavation and ground improvement program. After going to open mode, tunneling has passed the 50 percent mark.

Project Director: Jim McDonald; Project Manager: Jim Nickerson; Construction Manager: Renzo Ceccato; Chief Construction Engineer: Roberto Bono; Staff Engineers: Erik Hornaday, Claudio Cimiotti, Nihad Rajabdeen, Joey Cadavid; Tunnel Superintendent: Chris Gomez; Walkers: Mike Revis, Brian Comfort, Willie Flores; Plant Manager: Greg Cook; Safety Manager: Vaughan Hargrave; QC Manager: James Grayson.  For SNWA, Construction Manager: Jerry Ostberg.  Information: Jim Nickerson, (702) 893-2300.

New York
Harbor Siphon
The Tully/OHL JV has continued working underground on repairs to the TBM shield following the damage caused by Super Storm Sandy. The TBM backup gantries have been repaired in Ohio by Robbins and they are all back in the tunnel. The backup gantries are being re-connected and testing of components and equipment underground is ongoing. The TBM is still on target to start mining again in the first quarter of 2014.

Personnel currently assigned to the project are the following: Tully/OHL JV Project Manager: Vincent Sefershayan; Tully/OHL JV Tunnel Project Manager: Josep Juan Rosell; Tully/OHL JV Tunnel Manager: Luis Alonso; LiRo/PB JV CM Project Manager: Tom Bowers; NYCEDC Owner’s Representative: Rob Damigella; CDM/HMM JV Design Liaison: David Watson.

New York
Second Avenue Subway – 72nd Street Caverns and Tunnels
Schiavone/Shea/Kiewit (SSK) JV
All tunnel and cavern work is completed and only surface demobilization remains. The project was awarded to the venture of Schiavone/Shea/Kiewit (SSK Constructors) in October 2010, with a bid price of $447,180,260. It was completed on time in January of 2014, within the allotted contract duration.

Scope of the project included: underground blasting/excavation and concrete of a main station cavern 900 ft long, 3 turnout caverns, 2 running tunnels and 9 adits.  Included in the work was also the demolition of three buildings five stories high, excavation of three ancillary shafts and an escalator entrance.

The 72nd Street Station contract is part of the MTACC’s Second Avenue Subway project. When completed, the Second Ave Subway will provide relief for the overcrowded subway service on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

Schiavone Vice President/Project Executive: Anthony Del Vescovo; Project Manager: Andrej Delle; Project Coordinator: Sean Menge; Tunnel Manager: Shemek Oginski; Underground General Superintendent: Ron Walton; Tunnel Superintendent Robert Emmert. Information: (646) 625-5460.

New York
Second Avenue Subway – 86nd Street Cavern
Skanska/Traylor JV
Cavern Arch concrete operations are in full swing as they chase walls down the cavern. The deep tunnel arch concrete will be completed by end of January and invert overlay has commenced. Surface excavation and blasting operations were completed on the E2 entranceway and concreting operations have commenced on three fronts at this underground/surface complex in order to meet the project completion date. The E1 entranceway , CIR room, pump station and both ancillaries are moving along with finish shotcrete and concreting operations.

Project Personnel: VP: Mike Attardo; Project Executives: Gary Almeraris, Tom Maxwell; Tech Director: Lars Jennemyr; Project Manager: Tom O’Rourke; Project Engineer: Steve Vick; Underground General Superintendent: John Kiernan, Karl Poss; Surface Superintendent: Pete Mezbah; Engineer/Superintendents: Rob Begonia, Charlie Schoch, Mike Stokes, Joe Weaver; Equip Superintendent: Dean Gibbon; Safety Manager: Mike Ceglio; Quality Manager: Ivan Djordjevic.

McAlpine Creek/Irvin’s Creek Relief Sewer
Turn-Key Tunneling
Working on behalf of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities, the project comprises multiple tunnel drives ranging in size from 72 to 108 in. Tunnel Shields & Equipment of Galena, Ohio, specially designed the shields being used to accommodate the installation of the new 36- to 66-in. sanitary sewers. To date, four tunnels have been completed varying in length from 108 to 354 ft and the fifth is nearly complete. The total project consists of approximately 1,900 ft of tunnel work in material that is wet and clayey with intermittent rock/boulders within the heading. Information: Mark Kammer, Senior Estimator, mark@tunnelit.net.

Emergency Culvert Repair
Turn-Key Tunneling
SR 22 is the main thoroughfare for the movement of heavy equipment needed for the booming Utica Shale and Marcellus Shale play in Eastern Ohio. Late in 2013, a critical 60-in. culvert nearly 50 ft under SR 22 began collapsing, threatening to render the critical route inoperable. The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) enlisted the expertise of Turn-Key Tunneling to remedy the failed culvert by installing an 84-in. tunnel liner plate structure and installing a new culvert. The 340-ft tunnel was set for a January completion.  Information: Brian Froehlich, Project Engineer, brian@tunnelit.net.

Euclid Creek Tunnel
McNally/Kiewit ECT JV
This $198 million project for the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, part of Project Clean Lake, is currently scheduled for an April 2015 completion. The 27-ft diameter Herrenknecht TBM completed its 18,050 lf tunnel run in August 2013, and crews are currently working to finish cleaning and patching the segmental tunnel lining. Surface crews are excavating the remaining near-surface structures and connecting sewers. Five connecting shafts have been completely excavated, with cast-in-place concrete operations begun on three of the five. Concrete operations have also been under way at many of the near-surface structures, and will continue through 2014.

Black River Tunnel
Walsh/Super Excavators JV
This $53.6 million project for the City of Lorain consists of the construction of approximately 5,500 lf of 23-ft diameter rib-and-board, two-pass, TBM rock tunnel using a 23-ft Robbins double shield TBM, Model DS-205-277-1. The final tunnel will be a 19-ft ID storage tunnel that extends approximately 120 ft below ground and along the bank of the Black River. For the first phase of the project, which was completed in early July 2013, Super Excavators constructed 200 lf of wood lagging/steel ring mechanically excavated starter tunnel. The starter tunnel, which has a 25 ft x 25 ft arch, was constructed with an Alpine roadheader attached to an excavator. The launch shaft is a 42-ft ID, 175-ft deep shaft, which will serve as home to the future Pump Station. The machine will be retrieved from a 30-ft ID, 115-ft deep shaft. The ground conditions consist of shale rock.

The Onsite First Time Assembly (OFTA) of the Robbins TBM was completed in October 2013, and tunneling commenced on Nov. 18, 2013. A continuous conveyor with a J-type vertical conveyor was also assembled, and is being used to transport tunnel spoils to the surface. As of Jan. 1, 2014, the machine has successfully advanced approximately 700-ft. The project is projected for completion (including tie-in and above ground work scheduled after tunneling) in spring 2015.

Other parties involved in the project include Malcolm Pirnie/Arcadis (engineering and design), Headlands Contracting & Tunneling Co. (starter tunnel concrete liner); Ric-Man Construction (shaft work); and The Robbins Company (TBM).
Key Project Personnel: Project Tunnel Supervisor: Gregg Rehak; Project Managers: Mike Garbeth, Mark Hedrick; Tunnel Superintendent: Jeff Reagan; Project Superintendent: Doug Meyers; Survey Manager: Mike Klement; Safety Managers: Steve Garlock, Anthony Revay Jr. Information: mike@superexcavators.com.

Market Street Tunnel
Triad/Midwest Mole JV
This $13.779 million project for the City of Charleston received NTP in Junly 2012 and is scheduled for completion in August 2014. The project consists of 4,000 lf of 12-ft diameter OD tunnel using ribs and lagging. There are two headings, each of which will work from one access shaft and terminate at a dead end. The final lining is a 9-ft diameter, monolithically poured concrete. Tunneling will be entirely in the Cooper Marl formation. The access shaft is a 20-ft finished concrete diameter structure that was installed by sunken caisson methods. In addition, there are three 54-in drop shafts that will be installed along the route on Market Street to connect surface drainage structures. Tunnel excavation is complete with the total project 85 percent complete. Monolithic concrete installation is under way and is 60 percent complete. Drill drop connections are started on Market Street, and are also 60 percent complete.

The contractor had the option in the bid to use the base design of SEM or an alternate using TBM. However, the contractor, if using the TBM method was responsible for the design and had to retain their own design consultant. Triad/Midwest Mole selected the TBM alternate with ARUP chosen as the contractor’s design consultant. ARUP, with input from Triad/Midwest Mole’s engineers, have designed and provided the final shaft and tunnel drawings for the TBM alternate.
URS/Davis & Floyd was the original tunnel and site work designer, with Black & Veatch serving as construction manager. Terracon served as an instrumentation consultant.

Key Project Personnel: JV Manager: Clifford J. Kassouf, P.E.; Assistant JV Manager: Dan Liotti, P.E.; Project Manager: Paul J. Kassouf, P.E.; Project Engineers: Matthew J. Kassouf, P.E.; Michael Firestone, P.E.; ARUP Lead Engineer: Seth Pollak, P.E.

West Ashley Sewer Tunnel & Influent Pump Station
Southland/Renda JV
This $50.7 million project is Phase V of Charleston Water System’s sewer tunnel improvements, replacing an existing deep tunnel from the Croghan Spur to the Plum Island Waste Water Treatment Plant. Other improvements consist of the construction of a new influent pump station, new pile supported 48-in. force main, installation of a near-surface connection at the plant, two shaft sites and surface collection improvements in the Country Club of Charleston and along Harborview Road. The shafts consist of a 60-ft ID shaft at the plant, and a 20-ft ID shaft at Croghan, both built using the caisson sinking method, and 30-in. drop pipe at Porter Gaud. The 8,300 ft tunnel will be excavated with an 86-in. diameter single shield TBM, manufactured by Southland Contracting, and supported with ribs and lagging boards. NTP was issued in March 2013. Estimated completion date is November 2015.

The project is currently 23 percent complete. The 60-ft caisson with 2-ft walls is down 140 ft of 150 ft and is into the Cooper Marl.  Tunneling will commence in early spring 2014. Pile driving for the aerial 48-in. force main has begun. Drilling of the two 60-in. drop shafts will begin in February 2014.

Project Designers: Black & Veatch, Hanzen and Sawyer, and Hussey, Gay, Bell & DeYoung. Key Project Personnel: Operations Manager: Kent Vest; Project Manager: Enrique Baez; Superintendent: John Lindsey; Project Engineer: Steven Ricker. Black & Veatch RPR: Keith Fraiser.

Jollyville Transmission Main WTP4
Southland/Mole JV
All mining on the three reaches is complete. The approximately 35,000-ft tunnel was broken into three reaches of 4,500-ft, 20,500-ft and 9,600-ft. The completed tunnel is primarily lined with 84-in ID PCCP, with one environmentally sensitive area in Reach 2 having welded steel pipe. All of the PCCP for the 4,500-ft long Reach 1 has been installed and the annulus grouted. The 9,600-ft long Reach 3 section has all the PCCP installed and approximately ¾ of the annulus grouted with LDCC. The 20,500-ft long Reach 2 section has been broken into two sections; enabling two headings for pipe installation.

Approximately 12,000-ft of PCCP has been installed thus far in Reach 2 and the annulus for the completed section will be grouted starting in mid-January. While the subcontractor is grouting the completed portion of Reach 2, Southland/Mole crews will install the remaining pipe from the 31-ft diameter PARD shaft. Once the approximately 14,000-ft long section of PCCP is grouted in place with LDCC, the subcontractor will mobilize to the PARD shaft and grout the remaining portion of Reach 2.

Working out of the 13-ft diameter, 210-ft deep WTP4 shaft; the 84-in. steel 90 degree sweep has been installed at the bottom of the shaft and the riser pipe to the surface is expected to be completed by early February. Each 20-ft section of 84-in. steel riser pipe will be installed and welded followed by backfilling of the shaft prior to the next section being installed. The Jollyville Reservoir shaft has a similar piping configuration and installation will begin as soon as materials are available from the supplier. The Jollyville Reservoir site has several precast structures to be installed as well as 66-in. steel pipe installed in a trench and associated valving. It is anticipated that this surface work will begin in the first quarter of the year and coincide with the 96-in. RCP structure at the PARD site. The closure piece at the Four Points site will be installed after grouting is complete and the shaft backfilled with tunnel cuttings. Once all piping is installed, the ends will be bulkheaded and the entire line pressure tested, disinfected and flushed.

Project Manager: John Arciszewski; General Superintendent: Kent Vest; Superintendent: Mike Clingon; Project Engineer: Nick Jencopale; Safety Manager: Mike Seeley; MWH Project Manager: Jim Brennan; Black & Veatch RPR: Ray Brainard. Information: (817) 293-4263.

Mansfield WTP Intake Tunnel
Bradshaw Construction Corp.
Bradshaw was selected to install a 42-in. steel casing from a 170-ft deep pump station shaft at the shoreline of Lake Travis to an intake structure in the lake. The 530-ft casing is to be installed by microtunneling. The MTBM will be recovered underwater. The subsurface conditions consist of weak limestone transitioning to clay at the lake bottom. Project start is scheduled for summer 2014. Information: Eric Eisold; eeisold@bradshawcc.com.

Waller Creek Tunnel
SJ Louis Construction
This $49 million flood control tunnel for the City of Austin is 75 percent complete. Tunnel excavation of 5,500 lf of 26-ft diameter NATM tunnel was complete in spring 2013.  Primary means of excavation were the use of two Antraquip AQM150 roadheaders. Concrete lining started in summer 2013 and is currently 50 percent complete and scheduled to finish in summer 2014. The unique profiles of the tunnel lining and inlet connections has required the use of over 22,000 sq ft of custom wood formwork constructed by Contractor’s Engineer Inc. and two sets of steel jump forms fabricated by Everest Equipment. The flume and creekside inlet structure construction on the surface has commenced and should be complete by the end of 2015.  For information contact Gevan McCoy, 512-524-3034.

Livingston WTP Intake Tunnels
Bradshaw Construction Corp.
Bradshaw was selected to install twin 36-in. steel casings from a 30-ft deep pump station shaft at the shoreline of Lake Livingston Reservoir to an intake cofferdam in the lake. The 390-ft (each) casings are to be installed by microtunneling. The subsurface conditions consist of clay & sandy silt 20 ft below the water table. Project start is scheduled for summer 2014. Information: Eric Eisold; eeisold@bradshawcc.com.

Raw Water Intake & Pump Station
Bradshaw Construction Corp.
Bradshaw was selected to excavate and support the 31-ft diameter by 210-ft deep shaft and 220-ft by 19-ft diameter tunnel as part of Loudoun Water’s Raw Water Intake and Pump Station project. The work will be performed along the shoreline of the Potomac River and will be performed entirely by drill-and-blast methods in siltstone and sandstone. Project start is scheduled for summer 2014. Information: Doug Piper; dpiper@bradshawcc.com.

James River Interceptor – Division 3A
Turn-Key Tunneling
Turn-Key Tunneling completed the installation of 370 ft of 108-in. tunnel structure for the new 72-in. RCP sewer line through historic and picturesque downtown Lynchburg. The tunnel was advanced through difficult conditions, which consisted of wood, buried trees, concrete, a rock wall, and other manmade debris within the tunnel heading. Work was done for the City of Lynchburg and was designed by Wiley & Wilson. Information: Brian Froehlich, Project Engineer, brian@tunnelit.net.

Liberty University Vehicular Tunnel Project
Southland Contracting Inc.
This $7 million project for Liberty University was given notice to proceed on June 15, 2013, and completed on Jan. 10, 2014. The project consisted of jacking two cast-in-place concrete tunnel sections, both 32 ft wide x 20 ft high x 130 ft long, into an embankment under active Norfolk Southern railroad tracks to be used as a vehicular tunnel for access to Liberty University.

This jacking was actually a pulling operation in which hydraulic jacks (6 each per tunnel section) pulled steel tendons in HDPE casings that were attached from a reaction wall through the embankment through to the end of the tunnel box section wall.  These tendon casing were installed prior to the casting of tunnel box sections.  A soil nail wall and an array of spilings were installed for support of excavation for pulling operations as well as preventing settlement to the active rail lines. The installation is believed to the first of its kind in the United States.

Project Manager:  John Marcantoni, Southland Contracting; General Superintendent: Clay Griffith, Southland Contracting; Designer:  Jeremiah Jezerski, Brierley Associates.

Children’s Hospital of Richmond Pavilion (CHoRP) Utility Tunnels
Bradshaw Construction Corp.
Bradshaw Construction Corp. is constructing two utility tunnels for the extension to the Children’s Hospital of Richmond, owned by Virginia Commonwealth University Health Systems. Excavation for the first tunnel, which consisted of 132-in. diameter liner plate with 96-in. RCP final lining, is complete. The ground conditions were lean clays overlaid with gravely sand in the crown. Construction of the second tunnel, 96-i. liner plate for 66-in. RCP through fill, sand and clay, is scheduled to be complete in March 2014. Information: Todd Brown, tbrown@bradshawcc.com.

Northgate Link Extension, Contract N125, TBM Tunnels (UW to Maple Leaf Portal)
JCM Northlink LLP (Jay Dee/ Coluccio/Michels JV)
This $440 million project for Sound Transit was given NTP on Sept. 30, 2013, with substantial completion set for February 2018. The project consists of approximately 18,100 lf of twin bore tunnels with an internal diameter of 18 ft, 10 in. The tunnels will be driven through glacially deposited soils using EPB tunnel boring machines and lined with a single-pass, pre-cast, bolted and gasketed concrete liner.  This contract also includes 23 cross passages and provides the shoring and excavation for the station boxes for two underground light rail stations and a portal structure to transition the light rail tracks from tunnels to elevated guideway.

As of January, The N125 Project was approximately 5 percent complete. Work is in progress at all three of the major project sites.  At the Maple Leaf Portal, jet grouting is complete. Utility work and pile installation are in progress. Mass excavation and tie back installation is ready to start. At the Roosevelt Station, jet grouting, utility relocations and preparation for slurry diaphragm walls are underway.  At the University District Station, preparation is under way for utility relocation prior to pile work.

The Northgate Link Extension is a key part of the Sound Transit’s regional mass transit system approved by voters in 2008. The 4.3-mile light rail extension includes stations in the University District, Roosevelt, and Northgate neighborhoods.
Other Major Parties Affiliated with the Project: Tunnel Designer: Jacobs Associates; Construction Management, NorthStar JV (CH2M Hill, Jacobs Engineering);  Major Subcontractors include DBM, Case Foundations,  Bencor,  Elcon,  Sundancer, Hayward Baker, Soldata.  TBM Manufacturers; Hitachi Zosen, Robbins.

Key Project Personnel: Owner: Don Davis, Executive Project Director; Jonathan Gabelein, Principal Construction Manager; Brad Cowles, Construction Manager. Contractor: Tom Diponio, Managing Partner; Mike Diponio, Project Executive; Glen Frank, Project Manager; Gregg Olsen, Deputy Project Manager; Jerry Pordon, General Superintendent. Construction Management: Paul Gasson, Project Manager; Ed Shorey, Resident Engineer; Anthony Pooley, Section Manager; Derek Dugan, Section Manager.

SR 99 Tunnel Project
Seattle Tunnel Partners (Dragados USA/Tutor Perini JV)
Following the removal of the ILWU (Longshoremen) Picket Line on Sept. 17, 2013, tunnel boring resumed on Sept. 23, 2013.  The TBM mined 400 ft through Oct. 28, 2013, when it arrived at Safe Haven #2 for a scheduled maintenance stoppage. Tunneling resumed on Nov. 13, 2013, and an additional 600 ft were mined through the first week of December 2013. Tunneling stopped on Dec. 6, 2013, three days after the TBM encountered an 8-in. diameter steel well casing, 119 ft in length, which was installed by WSDOT in 2002 as part of previous explorations for the Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Program. Activities during this stoppage have centered on locating and removing any obstructions, determining the root cause of the stoppage, and identifying and repairing any damage to the cutting tools and cutterhead to ensure that when tunneling resumes, there are no obstructions in the path of the TBM and the TBM can be operated as intended.

Key project personnel include: Seattle Tunnel Partners Executive Committee: Jack Frost and Alejandro Canga; Project Manager: Chris Dixon; Deputy Project Manager: Greg Hauser; Construction Coordinator: Bill Monahan; Construction Managers: Roger Merriman and Juan Luis Magro; General Superintendent: Joel Burch; Tunnel Superintendents: Tom McMahon and Jorge Vazquez; Safety Manager; Dan Weathers. Information: Chris Dixon, (206) 971-8215.


Confederation Line Tunnel
Rideau Transit Group (RTG)
This $2.3 billion project will span 2.5 km (1.5 miles) under Ottawa’s downtown core, roughly 15 m below the surface, as part of a transit line. The project includes three access points – the West Portal, East Portal and Central Shaft – for personnel, material and muck removal. Tunnels will be driven through limestone with pockets of clays and sands using the SEM method. Three 135-tonne roadheaders will be used to mine the tunnels along steel sets and shotcrete for support.
Mucking equipment at the West and East portals includes underground loaders inside the tunnel, with trucks on the surface. At the central shaft, muck will be removed using underground loaders inside the tunnel, a gantry crane and containers at surface level at the shaft. Trucks will then take the muck to disposal sites.

Tunnel excavation, support and final lining installation works are anticipated to be completed in 2016. Once constructed, the 2.5-km underground tunnel and the three stations, each measuring 16 m by 13 m n range and 120 m in length, will be an essential part of the Confederation Line.

Rideau Transit Group is led by Toronto-based ACS Infrastructure, and includes engineering firm SNC Lavalin, construction company EllisDon Corp. and Ottawa-based BBB Architects, among others.

Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport Pedestrian Tunnel
Technicore Underground Inc.
This $35 million tunnel project for the Toronto Port Authority (TPA) comprises 186 linear meters of tunnel with a 10-m maximum tunnel diameter and 10 m minimum rock cover, and two shafts, to connect the mainland to the Billy Bishop airport. The project is being built in the Georgian Bay Formation, primarily shale, with pre-support provided by seven 1.8-m diameter TBM-driven horizontal, interlocking secant bores, followed by conventional rock excavation using a Liebherr 934 excavator with rock breaker attachment as well as a DOSCO roadheader.

All shale rock excavation and installation of temporary tunnel support, including rock bolting and shotcreting, for the 10-m diameter tunnel was completed by the end of October 2013. PVC waterproofing membrane installation commenced shortly thereafter within the invert. Steel rebar placement and concreting of the invert is now being progressed (in 12-m to 19.5-m linear increments), and will continue through the end of 2013. In the New Year, the tunnel arch lining formwork will be delivered and assembled onsite. After completion of the tunnel waterproofing, the permanent tunnel arch lining (comprised of steel rebar within the sidewalls and steel fiber reinforced concrete) will be poured in 12-m linear increments, with a pour scheduled every other day. The tunnel is expected to be operational by the end of 2014.

Other major parties affiliated with the project include Arup (Tunnel Designer); PCL Constructors, Inc. (General Contractor); Technicore Underground, Inc. (TBM Manafacturer/Tunnel Contractor); and Forum Infrastructure Partners (Private Partner).

Key Project Personnel: Technicore: Tony DiMillo, Gary Benner, David Marsland, Mike MacFarlane, Joe DiMillo. Design Project Manager: Jon Hurt (Arup); Tunnel Lead: Seth Pollak (Arup); Site Engineer: Andrew Cushing (Arup).  Information: jon.hurt@arup.com.

Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension (TYSSE)
The Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension (TYSSE) has now completed its third year of tunnels and station construction. The TYSSE project is an 8.6-km extension of the Toronto Transit Commission’s Yonge-University-Spadina subway line from its present terminus at Downsview Station to the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre at Highway 7. It will have six new stations, including one at York University. The expansion of the subway will bring the line into the Regional Municipality of York. The most significant milestone achieved in 2013 was the completion of the twin tunnels that connect all six stations together.

Four tunnel boring machines (TBMs), nicknamed Holey, Moley, Yorkie and Torkie, were used to build the tunnels. Torkie finished the last tunnel drive for the project on Nov. 8, 2013, arriving at an extraction shaft located at the south end of the future Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Station. In total 6.4 km of twin tunnels were constructed and 8,493 tunnel rings were placed to build the tunnels.

In 2012, construction started on a three track tunnel structure, just north of the Finch West Station site. This structure is being built under the Finch Hydro corridor using Sequential Excavation Method (SEM) tunneling. SEM was chosen to minimize disruption to the hydro lines and major utilities located just below the surface. Small excavation equipment is being used to construct the three tunnels, two running tunnels and a center tunnel (called a pocket track) that allows for the turning or storage of trains.

Construction at all of the six subway stations was well underway in 2013. The emphasis has been on the completion of the concrete shell, called a station box, at each site.

Heavy construction activity will continue throughout 2014. There is still a lot of concrete to be poured to create the station platforms, concourses and roofs. Station entrance structures will start to be visible in a number of locations. The SEM tunnelling will be completed, and fit out of the tunnels will continue.

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