Hatch Mott MacDonald Relocates New York, Texas Offices

In December, Hatch Mott MacDonald announced that two of its offices have relocated.

In Texas, the company’s Houston office moved into office space at 11233 Shadow Creek Parkway, Suite 400, Pearland, TX, 77584. In New York City, the office is now located at 1400 Broadway, 30th Floor, New York, New York, 10018.

Hatch Mott MacDonald is a 2,400-person, full-service infrastructure, transportation, and environmental engineering company. The firm offers public and private clients a complete range of services including planning, feasibility studies, design, and procurement as well as program, project, and construction management. Hatch Mott MacDonald has 69 offices across North America, and access to staff resources of more than 25,000 worldwide.

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