In Memoriam: William Leech
William (Bill) Leech, 70, a long-time member of the underground construction, tunnel and mining industries passed away on Jan. 14, 2016, in Tucson, Arizona.
Leech was raised in Northern California, graduated high school in Novato, California, and went on to the University of Nevada-Reno where he earned a bachelor of science degree in mining and metallurgy. Following his graduation, Bill was accepted into the U.S. Navy’s Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Islands, where upon his Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps commission he served aboard the USS Canberra and the USS Belknap during the Vietnam War as a damage control officer.
Over a career spanning more than 40 years, Leech worked for many major contracting, engineering and construction management firms.
The career path Leech chose in underground construction and mining took him and his wife Peggy to many far-off locations, spending extended stays in such countries as Peru (where their son Tom was born), Iceland, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Canada, Taiwan and various locations in the United States. Both he and Peggy loved adventurous travel and had finally lived a life-long dream together of a safari in Africa just prior to the illness that took his life.
Upon retiring from his profession, he and Peggy moved to Tubac, Arizona, where they enjoyed the relaxed life and friendships of that small artist community.
Leech is survived by his wife Peggy (Margaret Brajkovich), daughter Sarah Leech and son Thomas Leech, granddaughter Isobell Leech and a sister, Karen Mansene and her children, Aubrey Mansene and Lauren LaMarche (James) and stepmother Phyllis Leech. He is predeceased by both parents Edward and Marjorie Leech. Bill was a devoted family man, a true professional in his career, and superior friend to many. He will be greatly and dearly missed.
The family suggests a donation in William Leech’s name to the Anne Carlsen Center for children with disabilities in Jamestown, North Dakota, on behalf of his daughter Sarah.
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