Minneapolis Planning Central City Parallel Stormwater Tunnel

The City of Minneapolis Department of Surface Waters and Sewers is planning to construct the Central City Parallel Stormwater Tunnel in downtown Minneapolis. The sandstone bedrock tunnel will be approximately 4,300 ft long and range in size from 9.75-ft to larger than 12-ft equivalent diameter. The tunnel will outlet into a channel adjacent to the Mississippi River at the same location as the existing tunnel outlet. The tunnel will relieve overpressurization in the undersized parallel existing tunnel system. Bidding Documents will be available late spring 2021 for fall 2021 construction start. The project is valued at $50-$60 million.  City of Minneapolis Department of Surface Waters and Sewers, Attn: Joe Klejwa, Project Manager, 1901 E 26th St, Minneapolis, MN 55404

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