New York – Second Ave Subway – 86th Street Cavern

New York

Second Ave Subway – 86th Street Cavern

Skanska/Traylor JV

All underground excavation in the 86th Street station cavern, adits, entrances and deep tunnel cross-overs were completed in July. Concrete operations are well under way with the deep tunnel inverts completed and arches in progress. The cavern drainage and substructures were completed. The cavern reinforced concrete linings are under way with inverts, walls, full wrap waterproofing  and  Entrance 1 lining in progress. The cavern arch concrete is scheduled to start in November.

The 86th Street open-cut entranceway excavation of soil/rock and including utility support and street decking has been in full swing with a scheduled holethrough to the E2 incline (previously driven from the E2 underground complex) in late October. Then heavy concreting will commence on three fronts in order to bring this community delayed section of the project back to the original contract milestone completion date.

Project personnel: Vice President: Mike Attardo; Project Executives: Gary Almeraris, Tom Maxwell; Technical Director: Lars Jennemyr; Project Manager: Tom O’Rourke; Production Manager: Scott Hoffman; Underground General Superintendents: John Kiernan, Karl Poss; Surface Superintendent: Frank Spagna; Engineer/Superintendents: Charlie Schock, Mike Stokes, Rob Begonia; Equip Superintedent: Dean Gibbon; Safety Manager: Mike Ceglio; Quality Manager: Ivan Djordjevic.

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