October 2014 Tunnel Project Updates
Menlo Park/Newark
Bay Tunnel
Michels/Jay Dee/Coluccio JV
The first tunnel under San Francisco Bay went into service in October after successful hydro tests and disinfection of the 5-mile tunnel over five weeks. The tunnel completes the “lifeline” designed to withstand major earthquakes.
The new 108-in. diameter, 26,208-ft long, water transmission main pipeline (a portion of the new BDPL No. 5) is $215.2 million project for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC). The project commenced in spring 2010. Crews used a 15-ft diameter Hitachi Zosen (Hitz) EPB TBM to excavate the tunnel and install 12-ft, 6-in. ID concrete rings (6, 10-in. x 5-ft segments). Tunnel advance rates were exceptional for the 5-mile drive, with best production days exceeding 200 ft per day achieved on numerous occasions. As a result, the tunnel excavation came in eight months ahead of schedule and the project was honored with the Highly Commended Project of the Year Award by the ITA in 2013.
Two shafts were excavated. On the Peninsula side, the 58-ft diameter Ravenswood Shaft was built using slurry wall construction to a depth of 141 ft. The 28-ft diameter Newark Shaft was excavated to a depth of 86 ft by freezing and installing rings, lagging and concrete for support. The last steel liner pipe was installed in the tunnel in October 2013. A total of 654 pipe spools (108-in. diameter, 40 ft in length, 9/16-in. thick) were welded. Subcontractors included Northwest Pipe, National Welding Corp. and Pacific International Grout Corp.
Key Project Personnel – Contractor – Project Manager: Jim Stevens; Project Engineer: Ed Whitman; Assistant Project Manager: Kit Fleming; Quality Control Manager: Ted Walker; Superintendent: Ron Klinghagen; Owner – Project Manager: Johanna Wong. Construction Management – Jacobs Engineering Construction Manager: Robert Mues; Lead QA: Tom Hogan. Designer – Jacobs Associates Engineer: Shawn Spreng.
San Francisco
Central Subway
Barnard/Impregilo/Healy JV
The $233 million Central Subway Tunnel Project, Phase II of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s Third Street Light Rail Program, has been designed to expand the city’s transportation network and increase public access to San Francisco’s Chinatown. This project includes constructing precise, twin, 8,512-lf tunnels that are being excavated with two EPB TBMs and lined with 18-ft diameter precast segments. The work also includes construction of a launch box and portal structure under 4th Street, a retrieval shaft, and headwalls for future stations that the TBMs will mine through prior to station construction.
Retrieval Shaft: Since the completion of tunneling, BIHJV crews have disassembled and removed the northbound TBM, Big Alma, and are nearing completion of disassembly and removal of the southbound TBM, Mom Chung, from the 50-ft x 50-ft x 50-ft retrieval shaft.
Launch Box & Portal Structure: All tunneling facilities have been removed from the launch box, and crews have commenced with construction of the Portal Structure, which will serve as the CIP concrete structure transitioning the railway underground.
Cross Passages (CP): Excavation and the final concrete lining of cross passages 1 through 4 have been completed. Crews have completed installation of the freeze pipes at cross passage 5, and are preparing to commission the ground freezing facilities that will provide for the excavation and temporary support of CP5.
Project Director: Dan Schall; Project Manager: Ben Campbell; Project Superintendent: Mike Hanley; Chief Engineer/DPM: Alessandro Tricamo; Superintendents: Andy Granger, Bill Kiehl, Bob Schaffer, Eric Smith, Mike Gilbertson; Survey Manager: Klaus Herbert; Staff Engineers: Glenn Strid, Jack Sucilsky, Beau Blume, Aaron Abel; Safety Manager: Chad Brinkerhoff. Information: Ben Campbell, (415) 546-0799, or ben.campbell@barnard-inc.com.
New Irvington Tunnel Project
Southland/Tutor Perini JV
The New Irvington Tunnel is a $227 million project for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. The final installation of the 8.5-ft diameter welded steel pipe fabricated by Northwest Pipe was completed earlier this year for this 18,660-ft tunnel. The annulus backfill grouting with low-density cellular grout was completed in July 2014. Placement of the 5/8-in. cement mortar lining has started. The tunnel is expected to be commissioned this winter.
Crews used conventional tunneling with two Antraquip roadheaders and controlled detonations to excavate the two headings. Both headings were challenging with high groundwater inflows and pressures, some squeezing ground, and extensive pre-excavation grouting. The project is 96 percent complete.
Designer: Jacobs Associates and URS Corp. Construction Manager: Hatch Mott MacDonald.
Key Project Personnel: Southland/Tutor Perini Project Manager: Robert Cornish; Tunnel Superintendent: Walt Hawkins; Hatch Mott MacDonald Construction Manager: Daniel McMaster; Lead QA Inspector: Rebecca Fusee; SF PUC Sunol Regional Project Manager: David Tsztoo, P.E. Communications: Maria Le 866-973-1476 or email mle@sfwater.org.
Anacostia River Tunnel
Impregilo-Healy-Parsons JV
This $253 million design-build project for DC Water was awarded in June 2013. The work includes six shafts with various configurations, diameters of 27 to 77 ft, depths 113 to 123 ft, 12,500 ft of 23-ft minimum inside diameter CSO tunnel with bolted/gasketed precast liner, excavated by a Herrenknecht EPB TBM, CSO diversion structures, odor control facilities, various SEM adits, and ancillary work. Project design is being performed by Parsons.
Excavation of the CSO-019 north shaft is complete and the concrete bottom slab has been placed. Excavation of the south shaft is under way. The TBM is onsite. Diaphragm wall construction for the M Street shaft is in progress, as is site work at other locations.
Project Director: John Kennedy; Project Manager: Shane Yanagisawa; DPM/Design Manager: Phil Colton; Design Manager: Jonathan Taylor; General Superintendent: Larry Weslowski; Construction Manager: Daniele Nebbia; Mechanical Superintendent: Lars Poulsen; Electrical Superintendent: Bruce Haught; Safety Manager: Sharyn Hopson; QC Manager: Rick Munzer. For DC Water, Construction Manager: Scott Shylanski. Information: John Kennedy, (702) 524-0438.
Blue Plains Tunnel
Traylor/Skanska/Jay Dee JV (TSJD)
The design-build project includes designing and constructing the Blue Plains Tunnel (BPT), associated shafts, and structures from BPAWWTP to DC Water’s Main Pumping Station at 2nd Street and Tingey Street SE. The 23-ft inside diameter tunnel runs for 24,000 ft. Two connected shafts (Figure 8) start the alignment, with two intermediate shafts and one end shaft further along. Tunnel depth is approximately 150 ft, and varies between under the river and shoreline. A Herrenknecht EPB is mining and installing the precast concrete liner. Shaft construction used diaphragm walls, with excavation and CIP lining following.
The DS shaft’s 25-ft thick concrete base slab is complete. Waterproofing of the shaft walls is complete. Placement of walls has begun, with two of 10 concrete lifts complete. The TBM advanced to approximately 12,000 ft to the JBAB shaft, where maintenance activities were completed. Mining continues. Construction of the end shaft is complete, and the site demobed. Lining of the two remaining shafts along the alignment is complete, with surface structure construction ongoing. Halcrow/CH2M Hill is nearly complete with design of the various components of the project. The Bay State Precast segment production is nearly complete.
First Street Tunnel
Skanska/Jay Dee JV
This $157 million design-build project for DC Water consists of approximately 2,700 lf of 20-ft ID precast lined tunnel. The tunnel is to be driven with a Herrenknecht EPB TBM, which is being remanufactured in Kiel, Germany. The tunnel will be constructed in silty/clayey/sand conditions including the Potomac formation, with an invert depth ranging from 85 to 160 ft deep. The tunnel will be driven from a construction shaft at the Channing Street site with a slurry wall SOE. The project also consists of three satellite shafts in the densely populated neighborhood of Bloomingdale, along with approximately six shallower open-cut structures ranging in depth from 14 to 55 ft. The SOE for these shafts will be ground freezing, and the SOE for the open cuts will be a combination of ground freezing, secant pile walls and soldier piles and lagging. The project is in the setup and excavation support stage. At Channing Street, slurry wall installation has been completed for the main mining shaft. Slurry walls are approximately 194 ft deep, 3.5-ft thick, and form a ring with an ID of approximately 74.5 ft.
Ongoing construction at the V Street satellite site includes secant pile installation for the multiple diversion chambers and the demolition and relocation of utilities. Drilling for the ground freeze was anticipated to start Oct. 6. At the Adams Street site, the installation of guide was for the secant piles in ongoing, along with heavy utility work. At the pump station, soldier pile installation has begun for the vaults, leading into ground freeze pipe drilling.
NTP was given on Oct. 17, 2013, with March 2016 as the planned completion date.
Key project personnel – Project Executives: Gary Almeraris, Mike DiPonio; Project Manager: Scott Hoffman; General Superintendent: Dudley Eisser; Tunnel Superintendent: Steve Clegg; Shafts Superintendent: Karl Poss; Electrical Superintendent: Randy Moldenhauer; Equipment Superintendent: Dean Gibbons; Street Level Superintendent: Rick LaMarche; Tunne Manager: Mina Shinouda; Project Engineer: Thomas March; Safety Manager: Mark McGowan; QC Manager: Brian McGuinness.
Port of Miami Tunnel
MAT Concessionaire LLC
The project, which was built for the Florida Department of Transportation at an estimated design and construction cost of $667 million, includes 0.75-mile long twin-tube highway tunnels connecting the MacArthur Causeway on Watson Island to PortMiami on Dodge Island. The tunnels officially opened on Aug. 3.
FDOT Construction Manager/Owner’s Representative: Jacqueline Sequeira, P.E.; Project Construction Manager: Victor Ortiz, P.E. (CSA Group); CEI Manager: Steve Dusseault, P.E. (Parsons Brinckerhoff); Concessionaire CEO: Trevor Jackson; Concessionaire Vice President: Christopher Hodgkins (MAT); Project Director Design-Build Contractor: Louis Brais (BCWF); Operator: Chad Elliott (TSI); FDOT/Owner’s Representative – Public Information: Liz Fernandez (Stantec) – (786) 502-0704 or liz.fernandez@stantec.com.
Kaneohe/Kailua Sewer Tunnel
Southland/Mole JV
This $173 million project for the City and County of Honolulu, Department of Design and Construction, Wastewater Division, was given NTP on Jan. 6, 2014, and has an estimated completion date of Jan. 9, 2017. The project consists of 16,338 lf of tunnel (1,388 lf conventional tunnel via roadheader, 14,950 lf TBM tunnel) with a tunnel diameter of 13 ft. The final liner, fiberglass reinforced pipe, will have an ID of 10 ft. The project contains two slurry wall shafts: an 87-ft diameter, 95-ft deep launching shaft (Kailua Site), and a 30.5-ft diameter, 54-ft deep receiving shaft (Kaneohe Site). The predominant ground condition is basalt. The project includes microtunneling for surface pipelines, and construction of diversion and junction structures connecting to existing pipelines.
Slurry wall panels installation for 87-ft diameter launching shaft (4-ft thick walls) has been completed. Current activities include jet grouting microtunneling pipeline and conventional tunnel alignment; excavation of launching shaft in Kailua; and installation of slurry wall panels for receiving shaft in Kaneohe.
Lead Designer: Wilson Okamoto Corp.; Tunnel Designer: Jacobs Associates; Construction Manager: Bowers and Kubota Consulting; Major Subcontractors: Layne Christensen Co. (slurry wall and jet grout); James W. Fowler Co. (microtunnel); Brierley Associates (Design Consultant). Hobas Pipe USA is supplying the fiberglass pipe and The Robbins Co. is supplying the TBM.
Key Project Personnel – SMJV Project Director: Tim Winn; SMJV Project Manager: Don Painter; SMJV Quality Control Manager: Craig Kolell; SMJV Senior Project Engineer: Quang D. Tran; SMJV Project Administrator: Bill Kominek; CM Director: Mike Young.
Deep Rock Tunnel Connector
Shea/Kiewit JV
The Deep Rock Tunnel Connector (DRTC) project is the first of five planned tunnel projects that comprise the backbone of Indianapolis’ solution to the city’s combined sewer overflow problem. In order to comply with a federal consent decree, Citizens Energy Group, an Indianapolis-based public trust that provides local gas, water and wastewater utility services, is constructing the tunnel system in compliance with its long-term control plan. The overall tunnel system, dubbed DigIndy, will be approximately 25 miles long and will capture, convey and store approximately 250 million gallons of sewage per wet weather event. The Shea-Kiewit joint venture (SK JV) is constructing the $179 million DRTC project, which commenced in December 2011. After approximately 17 months of mining, the refurbished main beam TBM, featuring a new Robbins cutterhead, completed the approximately 42,000-ft main tunnel alignment with a hole-through on in July 11, 2014. The 20-ft., 2-in. diameter tunnel bore is approximately 250 ft deep. Following mining, a 12-in. thick, cast-in-place, fully circumferential liner will be constructed. Currently the TBM is being backed up to perform extension tunnel Line AA, approximately 9,200 lf.
Construction Project Manager: Stuart Lipofsky, P.E.; Tunnel Superintendent: Mark Haney; Shaft Superintendent: Darrel Vliegenthart; Project Engineer: Percy Townsend; Safety Manager: Paul Bianco; Equipment Manager: Keith Walter; Quality Engineer: Eric Haack; Field Engineers: Dan Kough, Zachary Heinrich. Inspection Project Manager: Alex Varas, P.E. (AECOM), Assistant Project Managers: Mark Guay, (AECOM), James McKelvey, P.E. (Black and Veatch). Citizens Energy Group Manager of Construction: Mike Miller, P.E.; Construction Supervisor: Tim Shutters.
Lower Gwynns Run Interceptor – II
Bradshaw Construction Corp.
Baltimore City has funded the construction of a 30-in. FRP sanitary sewer interceptor project to alleviate current sewer lines. Bradshaw Construction Corp. will install 2,500 ft of tunnel with a 74.5-in. diameter cut in the Baltimore gneiss formation, using a 72-in. Robbins Rock Head Double Shield TBM. Tunnel depth will vary between 18 and 55 ft deep. Tunneling will be accomplished in four drives between five pre-drilled and blasted shafts, with an additional 9-ft diameter drilled shaft installed midway between a proposed 1,200-ft drive for TBM modifications and an eventual manhole installation. Anticipated ground conditions will allow for the TBM to grip against the hard rock tunnel walls, providing support for the needed thrust to propel the machine. Supports will be installed on an as-needed basis depending on encountered rock competency, and will include rock bolts, rib-and-board sets, and liner plates to support excavation beneath AMTRAK and Norfolk Southern lines.
The first launch shaft has been pre-drilled and is ready for excavation to top-of-rock, where blasting will occur. Tunneling is scheduled to begin at the end of October 2014. The $11.9 million job started in May and is expected to run through November 2015.
Designer: Dewberry Consultants LLC; TBM Manufacturer: The Robbins Company; Carrier Pipe Manufacturer: HOBAS Pipe USA.
Key Project Personnel – Edwin “J.R.” Beachy – General Superintendent; Todd Brown – Project Manager; Raymond Grossmann – Project Foreman; Jordan Bradshaw – Project Engineer.
Silver Spring
Plymouth Tunnel Test Shaft
Bradshaw Construction Corp.
Bradshaw Construction Corp. has completed work on the installation of a 12-ft diameter rib-and-board exploratory shaft as part of the Maryland Transportation Authority’s (MTA) Purple Line project. The shaft was installed to a depth of 33 ft and then backfilled with flowable fill after a four-day observation period. Information: Doug Piper, dpiper@bradshawcc.com.
Nicholas Street Sewer Extension – II
Super Excavators Inc.
This $19.8 million project for the City of Omaha Public Works Department will include 910 lf of 108-in. reinforced concrete pipe and 1,040 lf of 84-in. reinforced concrete pipe constructed by conventional tunneling methods; construction of 28 storm sewer and sanitary sewer tunneling work shaft pits; 70 lf of 24-in. RCP and 4,850 lf of 24-in. VCP by guided boring machine; approximately 2,200 lf of 12- to 54-in. RCP by open-cut; bypass pumping; and numerous connections to existing and new storm sewer and sanitary sewer structures. NTP is scheduled for mid-October 2014.
Key Project Personnel – Estimator / Project Manager: Joe Mulville; Project Manager: Mike Garbeth; VP of Tunnel Construction: Gregg Rehak. Information: mike@superexcavators.com.
OPW 52223 (CSO) South Interceptor Force Main – North Segment and North Gravity Sewer
Super Excavators Inc.
This $21.5 million project for the City of Omaha Public Works Department was awarded to Super Excavators on Sept. 3, 2014, and official NTP is scheduled for Oct. 3, 2014. The project comprises 2,480 lf of 72-in. ID rock tunnel using conventional tunneling methods, with ring and beam lagging, at approximately 100 vf; completion of two working shafts for the rock tunnel construction; construction of a 64-in. steel cased tunnel under UPRR tracks by auger bored tunnel method; and installation of two 84-in. steel casing tunnels under the UPRR Bridge embankment. Aside from tunneling, the project also includes: the installation of 42- and 48-in. restrained joint force main installed by open-cut methods and supported on piles; construction of a vault valve structure; blasting; vibration control and monitoring; and soil stabilization by jet grouting.
Key Project Personnel – Estimator/Project Manager: Joe Mulville; Project Manager: Mike Garbeth; VP of Tunnel Construction: Gregg Rehak. Information: mike@superexcavators.com.
Las Vegas
Lake Mead Intake No. 3 Connector Tunnel
Renda Pacific
Over the past several months, final marine work has taken place to complete the modifications to Intake No. 1 and begin the reflow of lake water to current water treatment operations. Renda reached final completion on Aug. 14, 2014. Project Manager: Dennis Bailey.
Las Vegas
Lake Mead Intake No. 3 Shafts and Tunnel
Vegas Tunnel Constructors
This design-build project for the Southern Nevada Water Authority was awarded to a JV of Salini Impregilo/Healy for $447 million. The work includes an access shaft 600 ft deep and 15,000 ft of rock tunnel to be mined with a convertible 7.2-m Herrenknecht TBM, capable of operating as a hard rock machine in open mode and as a full Mixshield in poor rock and/or with high water inflows, and lined with 20-ft diameter precast gasketed segments. Also included is a new Intake Riser structure constructed 350 ft below the surface of Lake Mead, and miscellaneous site and ancillary work.
Project design has been completed by Arup USA in conjunction with Brierley Associates. All underwater work has been completed.
Excavation of the Intake Tunnel is under way in a very complicated geology with large groundwater flows. Closed mode excavation with face pressures of up to 14 bars has been employed throughout much of the alignment. Tunneling is continuing with good progress, with intermittent open and closed mode mining according to the ground and groundwater conditions. Approximately 12,900 lf of tunnel has been excavated, representing more than 85 percent tunneling completion. Estimated completion date is July 2015.
Project Director: Jim McDonald; Project Manager: Jim Nickerson; Construction Manager: Renzo Ceccato; Chief Construction Engineer: Roberto Bono; Staff Engineers: Erik Hornaday, Claudio Cimiotti, Nihad Rajabdeen; Tunnel Superintendent: Chris Gomez; Walkers: Mike Revis, Brian Comfort, Willie Flores; Plant Manager: Greg Cook; Safety Manager: Vaughan Hargrave; QC Manager: James Grayson. For SNWA, Construction Manager: Jerry Ostberg. Information: Jim Nickerson, (702) 893-2300.
Delaware Aqueduct Rondout-West Branch Bypass Tunnel – BT-1
Schiavone Construction Co. LLC
The $101.6 million project for the NYC DEP comprises the construction of Shafts 5B and 6B for the Rondout-West Branch Bypass Tunnel. NTP was issued in January 2013 and estimated completion is November 2016.
Schiavone is constructing two shafts for the DEP’s “Water for the Future” Program. Shaft 5B, in Marlboro, N.Y., will be 838-ft deep and have a finished diameter of 30-ft. Shaft 6B, in Wappinger, N.Y., will be 673-ft deep and have a finished diameter of 33-ft. When complete, the shafts will allow access for a new water tunnel to be driven for New York City’s drinking water and sections of the Delaware Aqueduct that are leaking will be taken out of service.
Shaft 5B has been excavated to a depth of approximately 295-ft using conventional drill-and-blast methods. A cast-in-place concrete liner has been constructed for the top 170-ft of the shaft. In the coming weeks, Schiavone will be transitioning from drilling and blasting operations to concrete operations to complete the third lift of concrete (145-ft).
Shaft 6B has been excavated to a depth of approximately 225 ft using conventional drill-and-blast methods and almost the entire excavated portion of the shaft has received a cast-in-place concrete liner. Schiavone will complete this first lift of concrete in the coming weeks and then switch back over to drill-and-blast excavation.
Other parties affiliated with the project – Subcontractor: Yonkers Contracting Co. (Site Work); Designer: DEP; Construction Manager: Parsons.
Key Project Personnel – SCC Project Manager/ VP: Vin Sambrato; General Superintendent: Dave Dorfman; Project Manager 5B Site: Peter Wang; Project Manager 6B Site: Dan Peterson; NYCDEP – Sean McAndrew, George Schmitt, Peter Marsh, Matt Sorrell; Parsons Construction Management – Steve Minassian, Leif Stepakoff.
New York
86th Street Station
Skanska/Traylor JV
The project team completed all cavern and underground works by Milestone No. 2—Sept. 12, 2014. This turnover included the North Ancillary Cavern, Ancillary No. 2, North Shaft, the Northwest connecting TBM tunnel and the underground mined complex in entrance No. 2. The JV thanks Local 147 (Sandhogs) for their hard work and safe work practices which made the underground works successful.
Operations are continuing at the 86th Street open-cut section of entrance No. 2, which includes the elevator structure, concourse and entrances. This two-shift operation is scheduled for final completion in November.
Project Personnel – VP: Mike Attardo, Project Executives: Gary Almeraris, Tom Maxwell; Project Manager: Tom O’Rourke; Project Engineer: Steve Vick; Superintendent: John Kiernan; Engineer/Superintendents: Robert Begonia, Charles Schock; Safety Manager: Mike Ceglio; Quality Manager: Gino Morales.
New York
Harbor Siphon
Tully/OHL JV
The Tully/OHL JV re-started mining in April 2014 after repairing the flood-damaged TBM with support from Robbins. Mining operations have been proceeding well, with over 1,730 rings (6,920 ft) installed since mining resumed. The California switch has been moved several times to ensure optimal position in relation to the TBM and minimize waiting time for trains. A little over 930 ft of tunnel remains to be completed to bring the tunnel through the already-constructed Brooklyn Shaft. Steel pipe installation and grouting operations will then take place before the new siphon can be connected to land-side piping and made operational.
Personnel currently assigned to the project are the following: Tully/OHL JV Project Manager: Vincent Sefershayan; Tully/OHL JV Tunnel Project Manager: Josep Juan Rosell; Tully/OHL JV Tunnel Manager: Luis Alonso; LiRo/PB JV CM Project Manager: Tom Bowers; NYCEDC Owner’s Representative: Rob Damigella; CDM/HMM JV Design Liaison: David Watson.
McAlpine Creek/Irvin’s Creek Relief Sewer
Turn-Key Tunneling
This project for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities comprises multiple tunnel drives ranging in size from 72 to 108 in. Tunnel Shields & Equipment of Galena, Ohio, specifically designed the shields being used to accommodate the installation of the new 36- to 66-in. sanitary sewers. To date, five tunnels have been completed varying in length from 108 to 354 ft and the sixth is set to begin after the first of the year. The total project consists of approximately 1,900 ft of tunnel work in material that is wet, clayey with intermittent rock/boulders within the heading. For Information regarding the project, contact: Brian Froehlich – Project Engineer, brian@tunnelit.net.
Myrtle Morehead Strom Drain Improvements
Bradshaw Construction Corp.
Bradshaw will start construction of an SEM tunnel 35 ft under Morehead Street in downtown Charlotte. The project consists of one access shaft and a 150-ft long by 13-ft horseshoe shaped tunnel. A 90-in. RCP storm drain pipe will be installed and grouted in place. Mixed face tunneling requiring careful drill-and-blast techniques is anticipated for some reaches of the tunnel. Construction should start in October 2014. Information: Eric Eisold, Area Manager; eeisold@bradshawcc.com.
CSO 49-50 Sewer
Triad Engineering and Contracting
The $6.8 million project for the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District was issued NTP in March 2014 with an expected completion date of August 2015. The project consists of 2,200 lf of 7-ft diameter excavated tunnel using ribs and lagging. There are two headings, each of which will work from one access shaft and terminate at receiving shafts. The final lining is a 48-in. diameter reinforced concrete pipe.Tunneling will be entirely in the Cleveland shale formation. The project is 25 percent complete. The access shaft is partially excavated. Henninger receiving shaft is nearly complete. Tunneling is under way.
The project was value engineered by Triad engineers. The new sewer profile was lowered, a new routing designed and a full conversion to tunnel from partial open cut was added.
Key Project Personnel – Project Manager: Philip J. Kassouf, P.E.; Project Supt.: James Lowery; Asst. Project Engineer: Matthew J. Kassouf, P.E.; NEORSD Manager: James Jones.
Euclid Creek Tunnel
McNally/Kiewit ECT JV
The $198.6 million project for the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) is approximately 90 percent complete with an estimated completion date of March 2015. The project comprises 18,000 lf of 27-ft OD, 24-ft ID one-pass segmentally lined tunnel approximately 200 ft deep in Chagrin Shale; one access shaft, one receiving shaft, three auxiliary baffle drop shafts; $6 million change order for an additional shaft and 700 lf of sewer; 18 near-surface structures, including gate structures, diversion structures, and control vaults.
With the 18,000 lf main tunnel, excavated by a Herrenknecht TBM, and 420 lf plastic-fiber-reinforced tail and starter tunnels complete, crews at the Euclid Creek Tunnel project have been focusing on the excavation of smaller tie-in structures and permanent controls, along with demobilization efforts at most shaft sites.
Excavation was recently completed on the Lakeshore Blvd. Relief Sewer tunnel and receiving shaft, a $6 million change order issued in June 2013. The 700 lf tunnel was excavated using a McNally-owned 100-in. Lovat TBM Cast-in-place concrete work is ongoing by the JV’s subcontractor, Northstar.
Hatch Mott MacDonald and AECOM were the designers of the project.
Black River Tunnel
Walsh/Super Excavators JV
This $53.6 million project for the City of Lorain comprises the construction of approximately 5,500 lf of 23-ft diameter rib-and-board, two-pass, TBM rock tunnel – using a 23-ft Robbins double shield TBM. The tunnel is a 19-ft ID storage tunnel that extends approximately 120 ft below ground along the bank of the Black River. For the first phase of the project, which was completed in early July 2013, Super Excavators constructed 200 lf of wood lagging/steel ring mechanically excavated starter tunnel. The starter tunnel, which has a 25-ft by 25-ft arch, was constructed with an Alpine Roadheader attached to an excavator. The launch shaft was a 42-ft ID, 175-ft deep shaft which will serve as home to the future Pump Station. The machine was retrieved from a 30-ft ID, 115-ft deep shaft. The ground conditions consist of shale rock.
Notice to proceed was issued on Aug. 6, 2012 with completion projected in spring 2015. Tunneling commenced on Nov. 18, 2013, with holethrough on April 29, 2014. Demobilization of the TBM and conveyor system is now complete, and Super Excavators’ crews are working to install 2.5 million lbs of rebar to support the secondary monolithic poured, cast-in-place, concrete tunnel liner.
Engineering/Designer – Malcolm Pirnie/Arcadis; Starter Tunnel Concrete Liner: Headlands Contracting & Tunneling Co.; Shaft Work: Ric-Man Construction; TBM: Robbins.
Key Project Personnel – Project Tunnel Supervisor: Gregg Rehak; Project Managers: Mike Garbeth, Mark Hedrick; Project Superintendent: Doug Meyers; Survey Manager: Mike Klement; Safety Managers: Steve Garlock, Anthony Revay Jr. Information: mike@superexcavators.com.
Market Street Tunnel
Triad/Midwest Mole JV
This $13.8 million project for the City of Charleston was given NTP on July 16, 2012, and is nearing completion. The project consists of 4,000 lf of 12-ft diameter excavated tunnel using ribs and lagging. There are two headings, each of which will work from one access shaft and terminate at a dead end. The final lining is a 9-ft diameter, monolithically poured concrete. Tunneling will be entirely in the Cooper marl formation. The access shaft is a 20-ft finished concrete diameter structure that was installed by sunken caisson methods. In addition, there are three 54-in. drop shafts that will be installed along the route on Market Street to connect surface drainage structures.
The project is nearly complete. Tunnel excavation is complete. Monolithic concrete installation is complete. Drilled drop connections are complete. Tunnel connection to the Pump Station is complete. Site work is nearly complete for project completion.
Original Tunnel and Site Work Designer : URS/Davis & Floyd; Construction Manager: Black & Veatch; Contractor’s Tunnel and Shaft Designer/Consultant: ARUP; Instrumentation Consultant: Terracon.
Key Project Personnel – JV Manager: Clifford J. Kassouf, P.E.; Asst. JV Manager: Dan Liotti, P.E.; Project Manager: Paul J. Kassouf, P.E.; Project Engineers: Matthew J. Kassouf, P.E., Michael Firestone, P.E.; ARUP Lead Engineer: Seth Pollak, P.E.
West Ashley Sewer Tunnel & Influent Pump Station
Southland Renda JV
This $50.7 million project for the Charleston Water System was given NTP in March 2013 and has an estimated completion date of June 3, 2016. This project is Phase V Charleston Water Systems (CWS) sewer tunnel improvements replacing an existing deep tunnel from the Croghan Spur to the Plum Island Waste Water Treatment Plant (PIWWTP). The shafts consist of a 60-ft ID at PIWWTP and 20-ft ID at Croghan, both built using the caisson sinking method, and 30-in. drop pipe at Porter Gaud. The 8,300-ft tunnel will be excavated with an 86-in. diameter single shield TBM, manufactured by Southland Contracting, and supported with ribs and lagging. The project is about 30 percent complete. Currently, the 60-ft caisson is going through redesign. Drilling of the two intermediate drop shaft has been completed.
Project Designers: Black & Veatch, Hazen and Sawyer, and Hussey, Gay, Bell & DeYoung.
Key Project Personnel – Operations Manager: Kent Vest; Project Manager: Enrique Baez; Superintendent: Rick Leever; Project Engineer: Steven Ricker. Black & Veatch RPR: Keith Fraiser.
Jollyville Trans mission Main WTP4
Southland/Mole JV
All contract work on the Jollyville Transmission Main project is complete. The tunnel pipe and near surface pipe were successfully pressure tested and disinfected and are ready to receive water from the new Water Treatment Plant 4. All structures have been installed and all the shafts are backfilled. Work remaining includes handrails, minor electrical work, punchlist items, grading and revegetation. All major equipment has been de-mobilized.
Project Manager: John Arciszewski; General Superintendent: Kent Vest; Superintendent: Mike Clingon; Project Engineer: Nick Jencopale; Safety Manager: Mike Seeley; MWH Project Manager: Jim Brennan; Black & Veatch RPR: Ray Brainard. Information: (817) 293-4263.
Corbalis to Fox Mill Watermain
This $26 million project for the Fairfax Water Authority includes furnishing and installing approximately 12,000 lf of 54-in. water main and 300 lf of 42-in. water main along with the associated valves, shafts and tunnels. Approximately 8,600 lf of the 54-in. water main was installed via tunneling, which was performed using a Robbins 88-in. Double Shield TBM.
Southland completed tunneling operations in May 2014 and the interesting part of this project, was that the tunnel was installed through diabase rock that exceeded 50,000 psi UCS that apparently set an unofficial new record for a TBM of this size and hardness of rock in North America. Southland Contracting was the continuation contractor on this project due to the original GC’s inability to complete the work. Prior to installing the Robbins machine, the former GC’s 99-in. TBM had to be removed from the previously excavated portion of the tunnel. Currently, Southland has set all tunnel pipe and completed 95 percent of the open-cut installation. This project is scheduled to be complete in January 2015.
Project Manager: John Marcantoni ; General Superintendant: Norm Gray; Superintendant: Lamar Haynie; Safety Manager: Mark Fredrickson. Information: (817)-293-4263
Lakeside to Strawberry Hill SPS – Flow Equalization Pipeline
Turn-Key Tunneling
Turn-Key Tunneling is subcontracting tunnel work for Oscar Renda Contracting of Texas and the Henrico Department of Public Utilities. Due to the tremendous growth and updating of aged utilities, a new sanitary sewer is needed to bring the utilities department into compliance. The job entails installing two 132-in. tunnel structures for a new 110-in. sanitary sewer. Each tunnel will be installed using a hydraulically driven tunnel shield. To date, the first run of 250 ft has been completed and the second run of 190 ft is half way done. For Information contact: Brian Froehlich – Project Engineer, brian@tunnelit.net.
Northgate Link Extension
JCM Northlink LLP
This $440 million project for Sound Transit is being completed by JCM Northlink, a joint venture of Jay Dee Contractors Inc., Frank Coluccio Construction Co. and Michels Corp. NTP was issued Sept. 30, 2013, with a Substantial Completion Milestone of Feb. 11, 2018.
The project consists of 18,100 lf of twin tunnels with an ID of 18 ft., 10 in. The tunnels will be driven through glacially deposited soils using EPB TBMs and lined with a single-pass, pre-cast, bolted and gasketed concrete liner. The contract includes 23 cross passages and provides the shoring and excavation of the station boxes for two underground tations and a portal structure to transition the light rail tracks from tunnels to elevated guideway.
The project is approximately 25 percent complete. Work is in progress at all three of the major project sites. The Maple Leaf Portal excavation is complete and boring of the northbound running tunnel began in July 2014 using a Hitachi Zosen TBM. The tunnel has advanced 1,630 lf as of Aug 31. Production halted at that time to reconfigure the portal and conveyor systems. This allows a Robbins TBM to move to the headwall and prepare for launch on the southbound running tunnel. At the Roosevelt Station, jet grouting and slurry diaphragm walls are complete. Excavation and tie back installation are in progress. At the University District Station, soldier and secant pile installation are complete. Excavation and tie back installation are in progress.
Tunnel Designer: Jacobs Associates; Construction Management: NorthStar JV (CH2MHill, Jacobs Engineering); Major Subcontractors include: DBM, Case Foundations, Bencor, Elcon, Sundancer, Hayward Baker, Soldata; TBM manufacturers: Hitachi Zosen, Robbins. Segment manufacturer: CSI/Hanson.
Key Project Personnel – Owner: Don Davis, Executive Project Director; Jonathan Gabelein, Principal Construction Manager; Brad Cowles, Construction Manager; Contractor: Tom Diponio, Managing Partner; Mike Diponio, Project Executive; Glen Frank, Project Manager; Gregg Olsen, Deputy Project Manager; Jerry Pordon, General Superintendent. Construction Management: Paul Gasson, Project Manager; Ed Shorey, Resident Engineer; Anthony Pooley, Section Manager; Derek Dugan, Section Manager.
SR 99 Tunnel Project
Seattle Tunnel Partners (Dragados USA/Tutor Perini JV)
Construction of an 83-ft diameter, 120-ft deep TBM Access Shaft is under way, into which the stalled TBM will advance to enable the cutterhead and cutter drive unit to be removed from the TBM and raised to the surface, where the new main bearing seals and the spare main bearing will be installed, after which the cutterhead and cutter drive unit will be lowered into the TBM Access Shaft and installed on the TBM. Subsequent break out from the TBM Access Shaft and the resumption of tunneling is scheduled for March 2015.
During the tunneling stoppage, work has commenced on construction of the tunnel roadway structure inside the bored tunnel behind the TBM, while work continues on the north and south cut-and-cover approaches to the tunnel and the tunnel operations buildings at the north and south ends of the tunnel.
Key project personnel include: Seattle Tunnel Partners Executive Committee: Jack Frost and Alejandro Canga; Project Manager: Chris Dixon; Deputy Project Manager: Greg Hauser; Construction Coordinator: Bill Monahan; Construction Managers: Juan Luis Magro and Joel Burch; Tunnel Superintendents: Tom McMahon and Jorge Vazquez; Safety Manager: Dan Weathers. Information: Chris Dixon, (206) 971-8215.
Port Mann Main Water Supply Tunnel – Fraser River Crossing
McNally/Aecon JV
This $167 million project for the Greater Vancouver Regional District includes two shafts, 55 m (180 ft) and 60 m (195 ft) deep. Each shaft consists of slurry wall primary ground support and a heavily reinforced, cast-in-place concrete liner. The 1,000-m (3,280-ft) long, 3.5-m (11.5-ft) diameter tunnel is driven with an EPB TBM through the riverbed of the Fraser River at pressures up to 6 bar. The tunnel primary lining is precast segments and final lining consists of a 2.1-m (7-ft) diameter steel pipe concreted in place with cellular concrete.
Primary ground support, excavation and final structural lining of both shafts is complete. The tunnel is currently 67 percent complete. Steel lining pipe manufacturing is 80 percent complete and shoring has begun on the North Shaft for the CIP concrete valve chamber.
Other parties associated with the project include: Project Manager: Hatch Mott MacDonald; Designer: Fraser River Tunnel Group (Ausenco, Jacobs Associates, Golder Associates). Key partners: Slurry wall installation: Bencor Corp.; TBM Manufacturer: Caterpillar; Precast tunnel lining design: AECOM; Precast tunnel lining casting: Armtec; Steel lining pipe supply: Northwest Pipe; Reinforcing steel supply and install: Harris Rebar; Valve Chamber Shoring: Southwest Contacting
Key Project Personnel – Project Sponsor: Steve Skelhorn; Project Manager: Andrew Rule; Tunnel Superintendent: Sean Gamble, Civil/Surface Superintendent: Arash Foadi; Project Engineer: Mark Thompson.
Evergreen Line
EGRT Construction
The Evergreen Line is a $1.43 billion 11-km transit project with seven stations, including approximately 2 km of bored tunnel. The project is expected to be in service in summer 2016. The TBM, “Alice,” is 10 m in diameter and will be up to 50 m deep. Alice will make a single bore which will be divided by a wall that will separate the inbound and outbound tracks. The dividing wall will be installed after Alice has completed boring the tunnel. Assembly of Alice began in January of this year, and she was launched in early March.
EGRT Construction includes SNC-Lavalin Inc., Graham Building Services, International Bridge Technologies Inc., Jacobs Associates Canada Corp., Rizzani de Eccher Inc., S.E.L.I. Canada Inc., SNC-Lavalin Constructors (Pacific) Inc., SNC-Lavalin Constructors (Western) Inc., and MMM Group Ltd.
Hanlan Feedermain Contract 1
McNally Construction
NTP for this $102 million project for the Region of Peel was issued Nov. 6, 2013, with an estimated completion date of July 28, 2016. The project comprises 5,725 m (18,783 ft) of 3.65-m (12-ft) diameter rib-and-lagging tunnel in Georgian Bay shale with a minimum depth of 20 m (66 ft) and a maximum depth of 32 m (105 ft); six shafts – 7 to 18 m (22 to 60 ft) in excavated diameter – supported with secant piles, rock bolts and mesh; three permanent valve chambers; 5,725 m (18,783 ft) of 2.4-m (8-ft) pre-stressed concrete pressure pipe backfilled with 3 MPa (430 psi) cellular concrete.
To date, three of six shafts are completed with work commenced at two shafts. The TBM was launched mid-July and has advanced 460 m (1,500 ft). Production of the pre-stressed concrete pressure pipe is under way. Crews are using a Robbins TBM model no. 126-137 originally built for McNally Construction in 1970 to construct the 6-km (3.7-mile) mid-Toronto Interceptor Sewer.
Other project participants include: Design Engineer: CH2M HILL; Mechanical Components: Emco; PCPP Pipe: Hanson; Chambers: Clearway Construction; Concrete: Dufferin; TBM Manufacturer: The Robbins Company.
Key Project Personnel – President: Murray Malott; Operations Manager: Tim Cleary; Project Manager: Armenio Martins; Engineering Manager: Behzad Khorshidi; Equipment Manager: Rick Anderson; Chief Surveyor: Nick Dmitrenko; Project Engineer: Josh Campbell; Project Coordinator: Jordan VanTol; QHSE Manager: Melissa Thompson.
Confederation Line Tunnel
Rideau Transit Group (RTG)
This $2.3 billion project will span 2.5 km (1.5 miles) under Ottawa’s downtown core, roughly 15 m below the surface, as part of a transit line. The project includes three access points – the West Portal, East Portal and Central Shaft – for personnel, material and muck removal. Tunnels will be driven through limestone with pockets of clays and sands using the SEM method. Three 135-tonne roadheaders will be used to mine the tunnels along steel sets and shotcrete for support.
At the West Portal, excavation in drifts is ongoing as mining progresses toward the west entrance of Lyon Station. As of Sept. 19, The roadheader “Jawbreaker” excavated 441 m of tunnel, approximately 21 percent. At the Central Shaft, the roadheader “Chewrocka” continues mining west in the running tunnel toward Lyn Station. Chewrocka has mined 282 m, approximately 12 percent. At the East Portal, mining progresses north under Waller Street toward Rideau Street while rockbolt installation continues. The roadheader “Crocodile Rouge” has excavated 261 m.
Rideau Transit Group is led by Toronto-based ACS Infrastructure, and includes engineering firm SNC Lavalin, construction company EllisDon Corp. and Ottawa-based BBB Architects, among others.
Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport Pedestrian Tunnel
Technicore Underground Inc.
This $35 million project for the Toronto Port Authority comprises 186 linear meters (610 lf) of tunnel with a 10 m maximum diameter and 10 m minimum rock cover, and two shafts up to 35 m depth, to connect the mainland to the Billy Bishop airport.
The permanent tunnel lining installation was completed in May. Shaft base slab, sidewall, and roof construction is now complete at the island shaft, and superstructure construction linking the tunnel and the existing island airport terminal is under way. Mainland shaft permanent base slab, sidewall, and floor slab construction is also under way. Backfilling operations at the island shaft are anticipated shortly. Tunnel and shaft fit-out operations are now under way, and the facility is scheduled to open to the public in February 2015.
The project is constructed in the Georgian Bay Formation, primarily shale, with pre-support provided by seven 1.8-m diameter TBM-driven horizontal, interlocking secant bores, followed by conventional rock excavation using a Liebherr 934 excavator with rock breaker attachment as well as a DOSCO roadheader.
Major Parties Affiliated with the Project: Arup (Tunnel Designer); PCL Constructors Inc. (General Contractor); Technicore Underground Inc. (TBM Manafacturer/Tunnel Contractor); and Forum Infrastructure Partners (Private Partner).
Key Project Personnel – Technicore: Tony DiMillo, Gary Benner, David Marsland, Mike MacFarlane, Joe DiMillo. Design Project Manager: Jon Hurt (Arup); Tunnel Lead: Seth Pollak (Arup); Site Engineer: Andrew Cushing (Arup). Information: jon.hurt@arup.com.
Eglinton Crosstown
Aecon/ACS Dragados Canada (East contract)/Crosstown Transit Constructors (West contract)
The Crosstown is a light rail transit (LRT) line that will run across Eglinton Avenue between Mount Dennis (Weston Road) and Kennedy Station. This 19-km corridor will include a 10-km underground portion. It is divided into two tunneling contracts – a $177 million contract awarded to Aecon/ACS Dragados Canada to build 3.25 km of twin 6.5-m diameter tunnels – with TBMs “Don” and “Humber” – from a launch shaft east of Brentcliffe Road to the extraction shaft at Yonge Street. Crosstown Transit Constructors, a joint venture of Kenny Construction, Kenaidan Contracting, Obayashi Canada and Technicore Underground, was awarded a $320 million contract to build the remaining 6.2 km of tunnels from near Black Creek Drive to Yonge Street. The TBM “Dennis” had advanced to Times Road as of Sept. 9 – approximately 3 km – while “Lea” had passed Dufferin Street – about 2.7 km.
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