Tunneling Option Preferred for Calgary Green Line LRT

calgary-green-lineTunneling has been identified as the most suitable solution for Calgary’s Green Line light rail transit (LRT) route. The Green Line will be 40 km long and nearly double the size of the existing LRT network.  End-to-end, the line will connect the Northern Hills communities and Seton to downtown, and is estimated to serve 41 million passengers annually.

Based on the evaluation of alternatives that include a combination of street-level and underground routes, a tunneled option – identified as Option D in the planning documents – was ranked as the best overall option based on a number of evaluation criteria. That option includes a tunnel crossing of the Bow River and under downtown Calgary.

RELATED: Edmonton Selects TransEd Partners as Valley Line LRT Partner

The project team will continue to engage the public in determining the final route and station locations, and is expect to present its recommendations to Council in December.

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