Two TPG Fiberglass Reinforced Pipe Products Selected For Bay Park Conveyance Project

Construction of the Bay Park microtunneling shaft.

To improve water quality, improve storm resiliency and restore the shoreline and quality of life for residents, Western Bays Constructors will reline more than 44,000 linear feet of an existing 72-in. waterline with 60-in. Thompson Pipe Group fiberglass reinforced pipe to connect the South Shore Water Reclamation Facility (previously known as the Bay Park Sewage Treatment Plant) and the Cedar Creek Water Pollution Control Plant.

Additionally, to connect the rehabilitated line to the treatment facilities, the project includes more than 19,000 linear feet of 72-in. Thompson Pipe Group Flow-Crete in two microtunnel alignments consisting of 12 drives. Flow-Crete is a reinforced concrete jacking pipe with an integral fiberglass reinforced pipe (FRP) liner. The Bay Park Conveyance Project installation is scheduled to begin later this year.

According to Thompson Pipe Group Trenchless Manager Carl Pitzer, the selection of TPG FRP products was based on the performance and installation capabilities for each product, “TPG FRP filamount wound process creates a strong, corrosion resistant pipe with pressure capabilities,” he said. “Additionally, Flow-Crete is a first-in-class composite pipe designed to meet the strict requirements of single pass jacking and microtunneling installations for water or sewer applications with high operating pressures.”

TPG FRP is a compressed laminate made from glass fiber, resin and sand, applied to a neutral axis using a dual-resin delivery system. This process allows for other materials such as polyester or glass veil to further enhance the abrasion and chemical resistance of the pipe. Flow-Crete combines the compressive strength of reinforced concrete with the corrosion resistance and pressure capabilities of fiberglass reinforced pipe.

Western Bays Constructors is a design-build joint venture composed of lead contractors John P. Picone, Inc. (Picone) and Northeast Remsco Construction, Inc. (Northeast Remsco), along with lead designer McMillen Jacobs Associates (McMillen Jacobs) and its subcontractor Greeley and Hansen.

The Bay Park Conveyance Project is a partnership between the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and the Nassau County Department of Public Works (NCDPW). Together NYSDEC and NCDPW are improving water quality and storm resiliency in Long Island’s Western Bays by upgrading its existing wastewater management infrastructure.


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