Walsh/Super Excavators Low Bidder on Dugway West

On August 20, Walsh/Super Excavators JV was low bidder on the Dugway West Interceptor Relief Sewer Project for the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District in Cleveland. The project includes:

— Approximately 7,000 lf of 72-in. diameter relief sewer via microtunnel boring machine (MTBM);

— Open-cut construction of approximately 2,200 lf of sewer ranging from 24- to 108-in. diameter

— Trenchless construction in rock of approximately 600 lf of 36-in. diameter sewer

— Trenchless construction in soft ground of approximately 3,300 lf of 36- and 48-in. diameter sewer

— Sewer flow diversions, regulating structures, tie-in connections to the existing Dugway Culverts, modifications to 39 existing combined sewer flow regulating structures and demolition of 8 buildings.

The Dugway West Interceptor Relief Sewer is part of a network of sewers and tunnels being constructed to drastically reduce combined sewer overflows. A joint venture of Walsh/Super Excavators is also working in nearby Lorain, Ohio, on the $55 million Black River Tunnel.

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