Washington – Anacostia River Tunnel



Anacostia River Tunnel

Impregilo/Healy/Parsons JV

This $253 million design-build project for DC Water was awarded to Impregilo-Healy-Parsons JV in June 2013.  The work includes six shafts with various configurations, diameters of 27 to 77 ft, depths 113 to 123 ft, 12,500 ft of 23-ft minimum inside diameter CSO tunnel with bolted/gasketed precast liner, excavated by a Herrenknecht EPB TBM, CSO diversion structures, odor control facilities, various SEM adits, and ancillary work. Project design is being performed by Parsons and is under way. Staff and site mobilization are under way with construction to start in fall 2013.

Project Director: Jim McDonald; Project Manager: Mark Rybak; DPM/Design Manager: Phil Colton; Design Manager: Jon Kaneshiro; General Superintendent: Jim Hyatt; Chief Construction Engineer: Daniele Nebbia; TBM Engineer: Chiara di Nauta; Staff Engineer: Jeff Gargoshian; Safety Manager: Barry Jackson; QC Manager: Rick Munzer.  For DC Water, Construction Manager: Scott Shylanski.  Information: Mark Rybak, (202) 469-6434.


M Street Diversion Sewer- Division E

Bradshaw Construction Corp.

Bradshaw Construction Corp. has begun construction on a project for DC Water consisting of two tunnels for sanitary sewers.  The first tunnel is 1,014 lf of 72-in. rib-and-board installed by TBM for 48-in. FRP Sewer. The second tunnel is 1,313 lf of 144-in. rib-and-board installed by digger shield for 110-in. FRP Sewer. Information: Mike Wanhatalo, mwanhatalo@bradshawcc.com

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