ABC Industries Ventilation Sales Reorganization Announced

ABC Industries In response to the ever-changing ventilation marketplace and to better align the sales force with broader strategic sales initiatives, ABC Industries appointed Will Linnemeier to Vice President of International Sales and Business Development and Jennifer Kussmaul to Vice President of Ventilation Sales. The announcement was made by Steve Fleagle, CEO of ABC Industries.

“ABC is responding to both the needs of the ventilation marketplace and opportunities to capitalize on new business,” remarked Fleagle. “Fortunately, ABC is in the enviable position of having experienced, talented individuals in Will and Jennifer to execute a seamless change with our existing customer base and push hard into new markets and business opportunities.”

As Vice President of International Sales and Business Development, Linnemeier’s responsibilities will include cultivating growth opportunities in the expanding airline and military ventilation markets. He will also explore new business ventures and spearhead new market penetration both foreign and domestic. Linnemeier will also be in charge of all international activity in the mining, tunneling, and industrial ventilation products business units.

As Vice President of Ventilation Sales, Jennifer Kussmaul will be responsible for all sales operations pertaining to the HVAC, heater, and dehumidification markets. Kussmaul will also orchestrate the growth and development of ABC’s industrial ducting distributor network. In addition to these duties, she will oversee ABC’s mining sales for the Eastern United States.

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