Ceremony for Completed Santa Ana River Interceptor Pipeline Project

The ribbon cutting ceremony took place at the beautiful Green River Golf Club in Corona, California.

The ribbon cutting ceremony took place at the beautiful Green River Golf Club in Corona, California.

On Dec. 11, 2014, a ribbon cutting ceremony took place at the Green River Golf Club in Corona, California. Almost 200 elected officials and agency representatives attended the ceremony to celebrate the completion of the Santa Ana River Interceptor (SARI Line) Relocation Project. The SARI Line Relocation Project is included in the $2.3 billion Santa Ana River Mainstream Project. It serves the sanitary sewer needs of the surrounding communities.

Due to corrosion, it was at risk of failure during heavy rainstorms. This new wastewater pipeline was designed to convey 43 million gallons of wastewater per day, deliver dependable sewer service to the communities and provide flood protection.

The SARI Line cost $50 million and was constructed over a three-year period. Hobas Pipe USA supplied approximately 20,000 ft of 54-in. centrifugally cast, fiberglass reinforced, polymer mortar pipe installed via open-cut and casing carrier methods.

The SARI Line was managed and funded by Orange County Flood Control District  with loans from  Orange County Sanitation District and Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority.

Hobas manufactures pipe in sizes from 18 to 126 in. in pressure and non-pressure classes. For more information, please visit www.hobaspipe.com.


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