DFI Annual Conference on Deep Foundations Set for Oct. 4-7

The Deep Foundations Institute‘s 47th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations in scheduled for Oct. 4-7, 2022, in National Harbor, Maryland.

The event allows attendees to network with the largest gathering of international practitioners specializing in cutting-edge technologies and risk management for deep foundations, ground improvement, earth retention and excavation support. In addition, participants can attend special lectures featuring our world-renowned keynote speakers, share experiences and lessons learned and discuss the advancements and innovations in the state-of-practice, research, materials and equipment.

The event will take place at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center. For more information, click here.

Schedule at a Glance:
Tuesday, Oct. 4 – Pre-Conference: Technical Committee Meetings and Women in Deep Foundations Networking Reception

Wednesday, Oct. 5 – Conference Day 1 (Full Day): DFI Educational Trust 5K Fun Run/Walk, Exhibits, Opening Plenary and Technical Sessions, Welcome Luncheon, Conference Welcome Reception and Poster Presentations

Thursday, Oct. 6 – Conference Day 2 (Full Day): Exhibits, Technical Sessions, Business Meeting Luncheon, Hal Hunt Lecture on Communications, Awards Reception & Banquet

Friday, Oct. 7 – Conference Day 3 (Half-Day): Exhibits, Technical Sessions and Closing Plenary


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