Hayward Baker Opens Connecticut Office

hayward baker connecticut

Brian Eastman, P.E. (left) and Ray Smith, Superintendent (right), shown outside Hayward Baker’s new office in Middletown, CT. The facility opened in March 2016.

Hayward Baker Inc., a North American leader in geotechnical construction, announces the opening of a new office location in Middletown, Connecticut. The new office is conveniently situated between Hartford and New Haven. The office supports customers and projects in Connecticut, led by Brian Eastman, P.E., Project Manager, with oversight from Kevin Dawson, P.E., New England Area Manager.

Eastman is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts-Amherst with a bachelor’s degree in civil and environmental engineering as well as a master’s degree in civil engineering with a focus on geotechnical engineering, and has been employed by Hayward Baker for five years in the New England office. He has worked on a wide range of projects, including ground improvement techniques, structure foundation support, and temporary support of excavations. Eastman is joined by Ray Smith, Superintendent, who brings more than 15 years of project experience including drilled shafts, shotcrete earth support, micropiles and ground improvement.

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According to Dawson, the opening of the Middletown office represents a commitment to serving Connecticut’s diverse market of general contractors, geotechnical consultants and commercial property developers. “We are excited to strengthen our focus in Connecticut. The new office location will enable us to offer enhanced service to our clients and expand our business in New England,” he stated.

Recent local projects illustrate the wide range of foundation work Hayward Baker already performs in the region. These include aggregate pier ground improvement and drilled micropiles to support the new Earth Tower Hotel and Sky Connector at Mohegan Sun Casino, Uncasville, Connecticut. In addition, approximately 4,000 lf of steel sheetpile temporary earth support with internal bracing and grouted tiebacks are being installed for the MDC Wet Weather Expansion Project in Hartford.

For the Connecticut State DOT’s recent Contract E project, in New Haven, Hayward Baker designed and installed over 60,000 sq ft of shotcrete and soil nail temporary earth support, approximately 70 drilled micropiles and 30 drilled shafts.

To kick off the opening of the new office, Hayward Baker will be hosting two seminars in the New England region for developers, contractors, architects, and engineers. Each seminar will be a full-day event from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., with refreshments and lunch included. Engineers will have the opportunity to earn PDH credits for these events.

The first seminar will be on Wednesday, April 13, 2016, at the Greenberg Center at Yale University in New Haven. The following day – Thursday, April 14 – the seminar will be presented at Rachel’s Amphitheater at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts.

These seminars will focus on geotechnical construction and ground improvement, offering a wide overview of projects and techniques such as aggregate piers, rigid inclusions, jet grouting, temporary earth support, geotechnical instrumentation and driven piles. For more information about the seminars, or to schedule a lunch-and-learn meeting, contact David Finocchio at dwfinocchio@HaywardBaker.com.

The new Middletown office of Hayward Baker is located at 515 Centerpoint Drive, Suite 116.  For more information on the services offered by the office, contact Brian Eastman, Project Manager, at 401-626-0534.

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