Hobas Awarded Contract in Honolulu

Hobas Pipe USA is supplying CCFRPM pipe to the City and County of Honolulu for the Kaneohe-Kailua Wastewater Conveyance Tunnel project. This gravity sewer tunnel will convey wastewater flows from Kaneohe to Kailua while providing wastewater storage to help prevent overflows, especially during heavy rainfall events. More than 90 percent of the Kaneohe-to-Kailua tunnel will be deeper than 100 ft.

Approximately 16,000 ft of 120-in. and 2,000 ft of 30- to 96-in. pipe is being manufactured in Houston, Texas, and transported by cargo ship to Honolulu. The first shipment included 4,000 ft of the 120-in. pipe. It was loaded onto the 692-ft MV Marjorie C in Galveston, Texas, for the ship’s maiden voyage. The $200 million project is expected to be completed by June 2018.

Hobas manufactures pipe in sizes from 18 to 126 in. in pressure and non-pressure classes.

Hobas Honolulu Loading pipe onto ship

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