ISTSS 2018 Set for Sweden
The next International Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Security (ISTSS) is being planned for March 14-16, 2018, in Borås, Sweden. The biennial event is organized by RISE Research Institutes of Sweden (Safety – Fire Research).
The Symposium offers an excellent opportunity for experts working with transport, emergency management, risk analysis, infrastructure security, tunnel consultants, system providers, tunnel operation and research to exchange their experiences in an international forum.
Registration will open in September 2017 and the conference program will be available in December 2017.
It all started after SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden (now RISE) decided to present the test results from the Runehamar tunnel on a symposium in Borås in November 2003. The name of that symposium was the International Symposium on Catastrophic Tunnel Fires. The international interest for this event forced organizers to change venues to accommodate the unexpected number of delegates and the symposium itself was very successful with well over 200 delegates.
The results presented at this symposium were so interesting and the need for continued dialogue so pressing that organizers were urged to arrange a new symposium at a new location where they knew that there would be a great interest in the results.
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Safety and Security have been high on the scientific agenda for decades, no more so than after the tragic attacks of 9/11 in New York. The success of the ISTSS is a tribute to the pressing need for continued international research and dialogue on these issues, perhaps in particular connected to complex infrastructure such as tunnels and tunnel networks. SP is proud to have been able to establish a regular ISTSS tunnel symposium that normally attracts over 200 delegates from all parts of the world.
The focus has mainly been on fires and safety in tunnels, but it is shifting more and more toward security. The new terrorist threats and focus on how to solve these problems is increasing. The need for expertise in this area for underground infrastructure in general is continuously increasing. Organizers urge scientists and practicing engineers in this field to consider ISTSS as forum for presenting their results. The aim is to make ISTSS as a natural forum for scientists and practicing engineers to exchange information in the future.
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