Tunnel Update – June 2016

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Los Angeles

Crenshaw/LAX Transit Project
Walsh/Shea Corridor Constructors

This $1.278 billion project for the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro), being built by a joint venture of Walsh and Shea, is an 8.5-mile light-rail line that will run between the Expo Line on Exposition Boulevard and the Metro Green Line. NTP was issued in September 2013 with revenue service expected by October 2019.
The projects consists of twin bore tunnels, about 1-mile long each, connecting three underground stations. The tunnel is 21-ft OD (19-ft ID) and is approximately 70 ft below ground. Ground conditions are soft ground/alluvial, leading to the choice of an EPB TBM.

On May 7, Metro hosted a “Halfway There” celebration to make the halfway midway point of the project. The Herrenknecht TBM – “Harriet” – began boring the first of two twin tunnels on April 27.

Parties affiliated with the project: TBM Manufacturer – Herrenknecht (Germany); Consultants: HNTB; Construction Support Services: Stantec; Tunnel Engineering: Arup; Systems: L.K. Comstock; Structural Engineering: SC Solutions; Community Outreach: Los Angeles Urban League; Civil Engineering: Jenkins/Gales & Martinez; Electrical: Neal Electric; Quality Control: QEI; Survey: Psomas.

Key Project Personnel – Deputy Executive Officer, Project Director (Metro): Charles H. Beauvoir; Interim DEO, Deputy Project Director (Metro): Kimberly Ong; RE (Metro): Dana Rogers; Project Manager (WSCC): Jim Gardner; Deputy Project Manager (WSCC): Dave Preston; Construction Manager (WSCC): Carl Christensen.

Los Angeles

Regional Connector Transit Project
Regional Connector Constructors (Skanska-Traylor JV)

The tunneling portion of the $927 million Regional Connector project for the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority involves 5,795 ft of twin tunnels with an excavated diameter of 21 ft. The ground conditions range from alluvium soils to silt stone of the Fernando formation with potential for perched groundwater, methane, hydrogen sulfide gas, and possible boulders. The groundwater table is generally above the tunnel alignment. EPB TBM tunneling is required using precast, concrete segments with double gaskets as the tunnel lining system.  The tunnel depth (cover) ranges from 25 ft to approximately 100 et and crosses below the existing Metro Red Line heavy rail tunnels with less than 7 ft of clearance. NTP was issued July 7, 2014, with project completion scheduled for May 29, 2021.

The Regional Connector includes approximately 2,100 ft of cut-and-cover and retained cut guideway and three cut-and-cover subway stations. The bored tunnels will pass through two of the cut-and-cover stations, requiring coordination of cut-and-cover and tunnel excavation.

The TBM was shipped to the port at Long Beach began arriving on site in April. Tunneling is expected to commence in September 2016.

The downtown Los Angeles urban location of the Regional Connector provides challenges in the coordination of the project work with multiple third parties. The Regional Connector will be the first tunnel subway project to connect to two operating rail systems at either end, the Blue Line on the south and the Gold Line on the north.

Other parties affiliated with the project – Tunnel Designer for the Contractor:  Hatch Mott McDonald; Metro’s Construction Management Consultant: Arcadis; TBM Manufacturer:  Herrenkecht.  Preliminary design was completed by PB/AECOM JV, which is also performing design services during construction.

Key Project Personnel – Metro Project Executives:  Girish Roy, Project Manager; Gary Baker, Deputy Project Manager; Metro Design Consultants:  (AECOM/PB JV), John Prizner, Project Manager; Bill Hansmire, Tunnel Design Manger; Metro Construction Manger Consultants: (Arcadis), Patrick Jolly, Construction Manager; Ron Drake, Technical Advisor;  Contractor Project Executives (Regional Connector Contractors RCC:  (Skanska) Mike Aparacio, Mike Smithson; (Traylor) John McDonald.

Los Angeles

Westside Purple Line Extension Project Section 1
Skanska/Traylor/Shea JV

NTP for the $1.6 billion design-build contract for the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) was issued on Jan. 12, 2015. Tunneling operations are planned to begin in late 2017. The tunneling operations will be staged through the shoring box of the Wilshire/La Brea Station excavation. The drilling of shoring piles for the Wilshire/La Brea Station excavation is underway. The Revenue Service Date per the Full Funding Grant Agreement is Oct. 31, 2024.

The job involves 17,900 lf of twin-bore tunnel structure, 18-ft, 10-in.(5.74 m) ID, with 12-in. thick precast concrete lining. Reach 1 is 9,600 lf between Wilshire/La Brea Station and Wilshire/Western TBM retrieval shaft. Reach 2 is 4,400 lf between Wilshire/La Brea and Wilshire/Fairfax Stations. Reach 3 is 3,300 lf between Wilshire/Fairfax and Wilshire/La Cienega Stations. The Tail Track is 600 lf at Wilshire/La Cienega Station. The project includes three stations and the western TBM retrieval shaft, as well as 23 total cross-passages.

The tunnels are planned to be mined by two Herrenknecht Earth Pressure Balance Machines (EPBMs). Cross-passages are planned to be mined by the sequential excavation method (SEM/NATM) using variety of localized ground support systems.

The shallowest part of the tunnel occurs at Wilshire/Western TBM Retrieval Shaft. Tunnel crown is approximately 40 ft below surface. The deepest part occurs between Wilshire/La Brea and Wilshire/Fairfax Stations where the tunnel crown is approximately 100 ft below surface.

The anticipated ground conditions include: Soft ground consisting of Pleistocene-age (San Pedro) and Pliocene-age (Fernando) formations; Some alluvium deposits and artificial fill areas above the tunnel; Tar sands comprise almost 25% of tunnel alignment; Expected water table up to 90 ft above tunnel crown; Presence of methane and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gases (tunnels are deemed “gassy” by OSHA).

Parties affiliated with the project include – Tunnel Designer: PTG/CH2M; Construction Manager: WEST JV (Stantec/Jacobs Engineering/AECOM); TBM Manufacturer: Herrenknecht; Precast Segments: Traylor; Support of Excavation/Piles: Condon Johnson; Jet Grouting: Malcolm Drilling; Geotechnical instrumentation: Group Delta; Dewatering: Moretrench; Standpipe: Link Nielsen.

Key Project Personnel – Dennis Mori, Executive Officer, Program Management LACMTA; James Cohen, Deputy Executive Officer, Program Management LACMTA; Ashok Kothari, Project Director, Parsons Brinckerhoff; Mike Aparicio, Executive Vice President, Skanska; John McDonald, Tunnel Manager, Traylor.



First Street Tunnel
Skanska/Jay Dee JV (SKJD)

The $157,675,000 First Street Tunnel for DC Water is in the finishing stages. The project consists of the drive of approximately 2,700 lf of 20-ft ID precast lined tunnel.  The tunnel was driven with a Herrenknecht EPB TBM. The tunnel was constructed in silty/clayey/sand conditions including the Potomac formation, with an invert depth ranging from 85 to 160 ft deep. The tunnel was driven from a construction shaft at the Channing Street site (near McMillan Reservoir), which was constructed using slurry walls for temporary support, and final liner for the permanent condition. The project also consists of two drop shafts and one pump station shaft in the densely populated neighborhood of Bloomingdale, along with four diversion chamber structures and two utility structures, with depths ranging from 14 to 55 ft. The shafts are approximately 21 to 24 ft ID, and about 80 to 105 ft in depth. The smaller shafts were excavated in frozen ground, and the support of excavation for the open cuts is a combination of ground freezing, secant pile walls, and soldier piles and lagging.

As of April 29, the project was in the home stretch with several key milestones reached. In terms of excavation, the TBM removal presented special challenges as the drive was completed in a blind end (no removal shaft available), but has been successfully dismantled and removed.  The mts Perforator slurry MTBM, named ‘Abigail,’ a completed its drive of approximately 300 ft in early April.  While it was a relatively short drive, it presented significant challenges due to ground conditions, including a high percentage of in-situ clay and 2.5 bars of water pressure.  The MTBM mined successfully into a reception chamber that was built within the recently constructed First Street Tunnel and has been extracted.

Two of the three adit-to-main tunnel connections were completed in this period, having been mined in frozen ground using the sequential excavation method, and these connections were lined with reinforced concrete. On the surface, almost all major open-cut excavations have been completed at the three satellite sites, with only minor excavation work remaining.  The concrete work at the open-cut structures is well underway, with over 50% of total estimated concrete in place, and with concrete substantially complete at two of the four diversion chambers.  With the completion of excavations and installation of concrete liners, the ground freeze operations have ceased project-wide and the system components are being dismantled and removed.  Additionally, with the completion of the MTBM drive and freeze operations, the gas generator plants are also being demobilized, with power now being supplied by diesel generators.  Electrical and mechanical components are currently being installed at the Pump Station.

In the upcoming three months, the project is on track to finish construction at all four project work sites.
This project has presented multiple significant challenges, ranging from technical to logistical to community concerns. Among these challenges are the TBM and MTBM mining into frozen ground, extremely tight working areas afforded in the center of an urban residential community, very aggressive milestones afforded the project, the dense network of utilities encountered – some of which are over 100 years hold, the scarcity of craft labor with experience in this work, and the managing of community relationships and expectations during this period of heavy construction.

Ground freezing was used extensively for shaft and SEM adit excavation support, and for the mining of the adit-to-main tunnel connections. Ground freezing was also used for the excavation support of one of the open-cut walls, and even as a frozen strut at the bottom of cut for this excavation. The freeze system has been installed and managed by Moretrench and their team including Greg Ziegler, Joe Sopko, Adam Curry and Tracy Thrasher.
Parties Affiliated with the Project – Design: Parsons Brinckerhoff; Slurry Wall Subcontractor: Treviicos; Ground Freezing: Moretrench; Pile Installation: Skanska Underpinning; TBM Supplier: Herrenknecht; MTBM Supplier: mts Perforator

Key Project Personnel – Project Executives: Gary Almeraris and Mike DiPonio; Project Manager: Scott Hoffman; General Superintendent: Dudley Eisser; TBM Tunnel Superintendent: Larry Urick; TBM Construction Manager: Mina Shinouda; Tunnel/Shaft/Concrete Superintendents: Ryan Hirce, Karl Poss, Demetrius McClay, William Bracken, Martin Shuler, Luis Cancel, Andy Wolterman; Electrical Superintendent: Randy Moldenhauer; Equipment Superintendent: Leroy Blue; Project Engineer: Thomas March; Section Engineers: Dustin Mount, Bianca Messina, Ivan Hee, Thomas Costabile; Safety Manager: Mark McGowan, Gerry Mendoza, James Summers; QC Manager: Brian McGuinness.



Kaneohe/Kailua Sewer Tunnel Project
Southland/Mole Joint Venture

This $173 million project for the City and County of Honolulu, Department of Design and Construction, Wastewater Division consists of 16,338 lf of tunnel (1,388 lf tunnel via roadheader, 14,950 lf of TBM Tunnel). The tunnel diameter is 13 ft with a 10-ft ID glass fiber reinforced pipe. The project includes two slurry wall shafts: one 87-ft diameter, 95-ft deep launch shaft (Kailua Site) and one 30.5-ft diameter, 54-ft deep receiving shaft (Kaneohe Site). Ground conditions are basalt.

NTP was given Jan. 6, 2014, with completion scheduled by Jan. 9, 2017. Currently, the project is 69% complete by duration. Milestones completed include: Excavation of launch shaft; Installation of slurry wall for receiving shaft; Tunnel break out at Kailua TIPS Shaft; Tunnel break out at Kaneohe TBM Retrieval Shaft;

Completion of 600-lf TBM starter tunnel (conventional mining with roadheader); Completion of 14,000 lf TBM tunnel; Completion of 1,500-lf, 60-in. diameter microtunnel. Ongoing activities include TBM mining and construction of several pipeline diversion structures.

Parties involved with the project include: Lead Designer: Wilson Okamoto Corporation; Tunnel Designer: McMillen Jacobs Associates; Construction Manager: Bowers and Kubota Consulting. Major Subcontractors: Layne Christensen Company (slurry wall & jet grout); J.F. Fowler (microtunnel); Brierley Associates (Design Consultant);     Hobas Pipe USA (GRFP Tunnel Pipe); TBM Manufacturer: Robbins Company.

Key Project Personnel – Tim Winn, SMJV Project Director; Don Painter, SMJV Project Manager; Bill Kominek, SMJV Quality Control Manager; Quang D. Tran, SMJV Senior Project Engineer; Mike Young, CM Director.



Deep Rock Tunnel Connector, Eagle Creek Deep Tunnel
Shea-Kiewit Joint Venture

The Deep Rock Tunnel Connector involves 42,000 ft of 20-ft, 2-in. diameter bored tunnel with 18-ft finished concrete lining (approximately 250 ft  deep). There are two bifurcations in the final alignment and three CSO connecting structures/ deaeration chambers and adits. The Eagle Creek Deep Tunnel comprises 9,175 ft of 20-ft, 2-in. OD tunnel with 18-ft finished concrete lining. The Deep Rock Tunnel Connector was awarded for a contract price of $179 million with the Eagle Creek Deep Tunnel added through a $32 million change order. The work is for Citizens Energy Group as part of a CSO reduction program.

Tunnel lining consists of 12-in. thick cast-in-place concrete liner. Concrete is pumped from the surface from various drop holes along the tunnel alignment. The tunnel is cast using seven Everest 35-ft form sections. As of the start of April, approximately 26,000 ft of tunnel has been lined, putting the lining operation just over 50%.

Subcontractors: Platt Construction – Dick Platt; Steppo Supply & Construction, Inc. – Eileen Stepanovich; Acura Inc. – Domenico DiGioia

Key Project Personnel – Construction PM: Stuart Lipofsky, P.E.; General Superintendent: Shannon Jennings; Assistant Project Manager/ Project Engineer: Percy Townsend; Safety Manager: Kyle Shickles; Equipment Superintendent: Keith Walter; Field Engineers: Eric Haacke, Zack Heinrich, Kendall Gadd, Chris Monahan, Max Engen.

Inspection PM: Alex Varas, P.E. (AECOM), Assistant PM: Mark Guay (AECOM). Citizens Energy Group Manager of Construction: Mike Miller, P.E.; Supervisor Technical Lead: Tim Shutters; Construction Supervisor: John Morgan.



OPW 52223 (CSO) South Interceptor Force Main – North Segment and North Gravity Sewer
Super Excavators, Inc.

This $21.5 million project for the City of Omaha Public Works Department comprises 2,480 lf of 72-in. ID rock tunnel using conventional tunneling methods, with ring and beam lagging, at approximately 100 vf; completion of two working shafts for the rock tunnel construction; construction of a 64-in. steel cased tunnel under UPRR tracks by auger bored tunnel method; and installation of two 84-in. steel casing tunnels under the UPRR Bridge embankment. Aside from tunneling, the project also includes: the installation of 42- and 48-in. restrained joint force main installed by open-cut methods and supported on piles; construction of a vault valve structure; blasting; vibration control and monitoring; and soil stabilization by jet grouting.

Super Excavators is approximately 50% done with rock tunnel, and has approximately 1,000 ft remaining to mine.  Crews have also completed 475 ft of 90-in. steel casing under the UPRR for the North Gravity Sewer using a SL-74 MTBM, installed 475 t of 54-in. RCP inside the casing pipe and grouted in place. Crews also recently completed 42-in. hot tap work into existing forcemain. Currently crews are working on restoration of Louis and Clark Landing, and finishing tie-in work and final restoration work at the Leavenworth station. NTP was given in October 2014 and completion is anticipated for 4Q 2016.

The project has been designed by HDR Engineering, Inc. The Construction Manager (CM) is also HDR Engineering, Inc.

Key Project Personnel – Vice President: Gregg Rehak; Project Managers: Mike Garbeth, Shawn Stockwell; Tunnel Surveyor: Mike Klement; General Superintendent: Pete Forseth; Safety Manager: Steve Garlock; Environmental Compliance Officer, Robert Greenburg; Master Mechanic: Jeff Tatum. Contact: mike@superexcavators.com.


OPW 52297 (CSO) Nicholas Street Sewer Extension – Phase II
Super Excavators, Inc.

This $19.8 million project for the City of Omaha Public Works Department includes 910 lf of 108-in. reinforced concrete pipe and 1,040 lf of 84-in. reinforced concrete pipe constructed by conventional tunneling methods; construction of 28 storm sewer and sanitary sewer tunneling work shaft pits; 70 lf of 24-in. RCP and 4,850 lf of 24-in. VCP by guided boring machine; approximately 2,200 lf of 12- to 54-in. RCP by open-cut; bypass pumping; and numerous connections to existing and new storm sewer and sanitary sewer structures.

Super Excavators’ crews have completed shaft construction and construction of the 24-in. VCP by guided boring for Phase A of this project. All of the 108-in. RCP, which was constructed by TBM tunneling, is also now complete. Open-cut work started in fall 2015 and was completed in March 2016. Guided boring work of the 24-in. VCP is now 75% complete. Currently, crews are working on street/pavement restoration work, inlet tie-in work, and setting structures at each shafts. Construction of two shafts, constructed by Lo-Dril, and pump/lift station abandonment work remain.

The project has been designed by Lamp, Rynearson & Associates. The Construction Manager is also Lamp, Rynearson & Associates.

Key Project Personnel – Vice President: Gregg Rehak; Project Managers: Mike Garbeth, Shawn Stockwell; Tunnel Surveyor: Mike Klement; General Superintendent: Pete Forseth; GBM Superintendent: Joe Koss; Safety Manager: Steve Garlock; Environmental Compliance Officer, Robert Greenburg; Master Mechanic: Jeff Tatum. Contact: mike@superexcavators.com.


Las Vegas

Low Lake Level Pumping Station (L3PS) Project
Barnard of Nevada, Inc. (Barnard)

In May 2015, Barnard entered into a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) contract for the $440 million L3PS Project for the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA). The team began work on design completion of the underground work first. Barnard’s multi-discipline team worked with SNWA, construction manager Parsons Corp., designers MW/HILL (joint venture), and other stakeholders to provide constructability, value engineering and cost estimate input during design completion for the shafts, cavern and 34 each pump well shafts. Once design and pricing were finalized, the underground construction work began in September 2015. To date, work has progressed on the excavation of the first 200 ft of the Access Shaft, including concrete final lining. Additionally, the pump well shaft drilling has begun. The first 3 each pilot holes, two large 8-ft diameter blind bore shafts, and installation of the first 6-ft diameter steel pump well casing have been completed. Concurrent with the underground construction, the above-ground pre-construction work continues with a focus on the pumping station, including design, constructability and cost estimates. All work is estimated to be completed in 2020.

The underground work includes: 525-ft deep x 26-ft diameter Access Shaft; bulkhead to allow for future expansion; 80-ft deep x 26-ft diameter Riser Shaft to connect to existing Intake No. 3 connector tunnel; 33-ft wide x 36-ft high x 400-ft long horseshoe-shaped Forebay Cavern; Forebay Connector Tunnel; and 34 each drilled 8-ft diameter x 500-ft deep pump well shafts with steel-lined 6-ft diameter casings. The above-ground pumping station and accompanying appurtenances includes: 34-each 30-mgd submersible pumps; valves and discharge headers; surge tanks, electrical controls and starting equipment for the pumps; electrical control building; electrical feed from an onsite substation; and discharge aqueducts for connecting the new pump station to the existing water treatment plants.

Key Project Personnel – SNWA:  Marcus Jensen, Director of Engineering; Erika Moonin, Project Manager; Parsons: Kevin Ulrey, Construction Manager; MW/HILL: Ted Davis and Steve Hunt, Lead Engineers.

Barnard: Operations Manager, Dan Schall; Project Manager, Jordan Hoover; Project Superintendent, Ken Quintana; Chief Engineer, Brad Bush; Construction Superintendent, Andy Granger; Superintendents, Engineers, and Safety: Tyler Askin, Chad Brinkerhoff, Alex Casilla, Mike Gilbertson, Klaus Herbert, Bill Kiehl, Jimmy McGauley, Joerg Moser, Jake Richardson, Aaron Rustin, Bob Schaffer, Terry Swindle, Peter Turlington, Lynn Twomley, Devin Weekly, and Leo Weiman.



Schoharie Reservoir Low Level Outlet
Southland/Renda JV

This $142,636,000 for the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) was given NTP on June 29, 2015, and is scheduled for completion in 2020. The joint venture of Southland Contracting Inc. and Oscar Renda Contracting is building the project as part of a larger project called the “Reconstruction of Gilboa Dam and Associated Facilities.” The project is located in the vicinity of the Gilboa Dam, in Schoharie County.

The Gilboa LLO tunnel project consists of a 1,188-ft long, 9-ft ID “Land Leg” tunnel constructed between the gate shaft and the tunnel portal, utilizing microtunneling. The tunnel portal is an open-cut excavation supported by soil-nail wall located at the downstream end of the project and constructed to accommodate tunneling operations and construction of the valve chamber structure. O-piling and substantial drilled foundations are also part of this work. The 930-ft long “Water Leg” tunnel also has a 9-ft ID and is constructed between the gate shaft and the intake structure utilizing microtunneling techniques with underwater retrieval.

Auxiliary work includes dredging of the receiving pit for retrieval of the microtunneling machine and construction of the tremie concrete foundation for the Intake Structure. The Intake Structure is located approximately 160 ft below the water surface and is constructed from liner plate, tremie concrete and stainless steel. The gate shaft is located adjacent to the existing dam and will serve as main work shaft for the tunneling operations. The shaft will have a 43-ft excavated diameter in soft ground and 40-ft excavated diameter in rock. The depth of soft ground excavation is 27 ft and the depth of rock excavation is 157 ft. The work includes installation of initial supports and final reinforced concrete lining as well as the shaft’s superstructure for the mechanical systems. Additional work at this location includes pre-excavation grouting of the shaft perimeter to reduce groundwater infiltration during construction and temporary and permanent electrical installations. The Valve Chamber Structure is a multilevel reinforced concrete structure within the excavation near tunnel portal, at the downstream end of the project.

Ancillary work includes a dual pipe connection between the tunnel and multiple valves to control the release of water from the reservoir into Schoharie Creek. Additionally, a roller compacted concrete berm is being constructed adjacent to the existing spillway to further contain water breaching the top of the dam during major storm events. The tunnels and shaft will be excavated primarily in sandstone with some mixed-face conditions near the end of the tunnel drives.

Currently, the Metro-E cutover of the DEP network is complete, ahead of the required milestone. Other work that has taken place since NTP includes: setting up the batch plant and water treatment plant onsite, building a berm in the creek to protect the portal excavation from a 10-year flood event, clearing trees from approximately 6.5 acres, geotechnical drilling, both on land and in the reservoir, and Phase 1 excavation of the sites as well as equipment and material mobilization including the Herrenknecht MTBM, which has a 9.5-ft diameter and is designed for 5 bar of pressure. Upcoming work includes the completion of the curved retaining wall at the Gate Shaft, Soil-Nail Wall and O-pile installation at the portal and pre-excavation grouting at the Gate Shaft. Due to environmental restrictions, no blasting is allowed until August for the Gate Shaft excavation in rock.

Parties Affiliated with the Project: DEP: Emory Chase, Assountable Manager; Project Designer: (Gannett Fleming/Hazen and Sawyer) Everette Knight; Tunnel Designer (COWI/Jenny Engineering) Leszek Glodkowski; Resident Engineer: (HAKS/D&B/WGI) John Gerlach.

Key Project Personnel: SRJV Project Manager: John Arciszewski; Chief Engineer: Jim Delmonte; Project Engineers: Tim Bray and Joe Janke; General Superintendent: Dennis Proper; Safety Manager: Jose Podermo. Information: John Arciszewski, (607) 588-4080.


Newburgh/Wappingers Falls

Delaware Aqueduct – Rondout West Branch Tunnel
Schiavone Construction Co. LLC (BT-1); Kiewit/Shea (BT-2)

The New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) continues to work on its Delaware Aqueduct bypass tunnel project to address two leaking sections from the aqueduct. In March 2016, DEP substantially completed the excavation of two vertical shafts on either side of the Hudson River. This effort was part of the BT-1 contract. Shaft 5B on the west side of the Hudson River in Newburgh was excavated to a depth of approximately 845 ft below grade, and Shaft 6B on the east side of the river in Wappinger was excavated to a depth of approximately 675 ft. Preparation work is now beginning for the second contract, BT-2, which will include the construction of the 2.5-mile long bypass tunnel about 600 ft below the Hudson River, along with grouting that will seal shut a much smaller area of leakage in Ulster County. The contractor plans to begin tunnel excavation by the end of summer. Tunnel excavation will begin with the construction of a bell-out chamber at the bottom of Shaft 5B. That chamber will be used in 2017 to put together the tunnel boring machine and begin drilling from west to east. The Robbins Company has been selected to build a tunnel boring machine to perform this work.



Ohio Canal Interceptor Tunnel
Turn-Key Tunneling

This project for the City of Akron involves connecting a 72-in. consolidation sewer to the larger, main OCIT tunnel.  Due to the challenging soil conditions, the tunnel will be constructed using either a hydraulically driven tunnel shield and a two-pass system or ground stabilization and hand mining.  The work is to be performed under numerous existing utilities and busy a thoroughfare of Akron which is to not to be closed for construction.  Challenging soil conditions of running sandy material with a high water table are expected.  Information: Joel Froehlich – Project Manager,  joel@tunnelit.net.


Dugway West Interceptor Relief Sewer
Turn-Key Tunneling

Turn-Key Tunneling was subcontracted to complete a previously planned open-cut tie-in awarded to Walsh/Super Excavators joint venture by the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District. Due do to multiple utility conflicts above the proposed sanitary sewer line, a trenchless installation was determined to be the best fit for this crossing.  The project consists of a 24-ft diameter vertical access shaft to act as a dual launch location for two tunnels – one 120-in. for an underground connection to an existing structure and the second for a 72-in. tunnel to make the final connection to the new sewer.  Ground stabilization in combination with a hand-mined tunnel liner plate tunnel is anticipated to negotiate through challenging geology.  Information: Brian Froehlich – Project Engineer, brian@tunnelit.net.


Dugway South Relief and Consolidation Sewer Project
McNally Tunneling Corporation

This $26 million project for the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District consists of approximately 2,666 lf of 90-in. diameter sewer with steel rib and lagging for initial tunnel support and fiberglass pipe as final lining. The tunnel will be mined using 112-in. diameter Model M-112/285 mixed face Lovat TBM, annular space will be filled using cellular grout; approximately 2,648 lf of 42-in. diameter sewer with steel rib and lagging for initial tunnel support with fiberglass pipe as final lining to be mined using 100-in. diameter M-110RL Series 13600 mixed face Lovat TBM, annular space will be filled using cellular grout; approximately 2,550 lf of new sewer installed by open-cut from 12-in. to 72-in. diameter; construction of five cast-in-place concrete flow control structures along the mainline alignment to depths ranging from 20 to 50 ft; construction of 19 new cast-in-place concrete or pre-cast concrete sanitary manhole, junction chamber and regulator structures; and abandonment, modification or reconstruction of 14 existing sanitary regulator structures. Site clearing and setup was expected to begin May 16, 2016.

The project must navigate several small radius curves while mining in order to stay within city owned and NEORSD acquired right of way, some as small as 350-ft radius curves, in mixed shale-clay ground. The project located in an urban high density residential area in close proximity to sensitive structures.

AECOM is the project designer.

Key Project Personnel – Henry Williams – McNally Tunneling Corp., General Superintendent; Robert Trimble – McNally Tunneling Corp., Project Surveyor; Matt Szaraz, CHST – McNally Tunneling Corp., QHSE Manager/Coordinator; Lance Jackson – McNally Tunneling Corp., Field/Office Engineer; Karrie Buxton – Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, Senior Construction Supervisor; David Mast, P.E. – AECOM,  Senior Project Manager; Chris Lynagh, P.E. –McNally Tunneling Corp., Project Manager.


Taco Bell
Turn-Key Tunneling

This emergency project for private owner Taco Bell required the sliplining of an existing 96-in. corrugated metal pipe that had completely collapsed and threatened the only entrance to a nursing home and condo community.  The project was multi-faceted in that a vertical shaft was needed to provide a safe working environment 40-ft deep and close approximation to existing structures and roads.  A new tunnel structure was constructed in place of the failed pipe and the entire run sliplined with a new 72-in. storm sewer. Information: Joel Froehlich – Project Manager,  joel@tunnelit.net.



Villanova Station Improvement Project – Phase I
Turn-Key Tunneling

This project for the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) features a 15-ft diameter tunnel installation, required to be installed with a hydraulic tunnel shield. The project consists of a 72-ft drive of 180-in. tunnel beneath three active railroad tracks on SEPTA’s Thorndale Line.  Turn-Key previously installed a similar tunnel on this same line at the Malvern Station in 2010. Anticipated grounds conditions include sand and gravel with a water table in the bottom three feet of the tunnel heading. Information: Brian Froehlich – Project Engineer, brian@tunnelit.net.



Edwin Warner Pedestrian Tunnel
Turn-Key Tunneling

Turn-Key Tunneling has been subcontracted by Rock City Construction to complete a 12-ft pedestrian tunnel to connect portion of Nashville’s picturesque Edwin Warren Metro Park. The park is managed by and the work is being done for The Metropolitan Board of Parks and Recreation of Nashville and Davidson County.  The tunnel will be constructed under a live railroad track and allow park attendees to have access to a previously remote portion of the park.  The 104-ft long tunnel will be constructed using a hydraulically driven tunnel shield in soils consisting of clay and exposed rock. Information: Joel Froehlich – Project Manager, joel@tunnelit.net.



SR 99 Tunnel Project
Seattle Tunnel Partners (Dragados USA/Tutor Perini JV)

The temporary suspension of tunneling was conditionally lifted on Feb. 22, 2016 to allow tunneling for the next 25 rings (162.5 ft) and was fully lifted on March 7, 2016 to allow tunneling for the next 17 rings (110.5 ft) after which the TBM reached Safe Haven #3, a planned and scheduled maintenance stop, on March 12, 2016.  During this three week period, the TBM tunneled 273 ft, for total of 1,560 ft. There were 125 hyperbaric interventions performed while the TBM was stopped at Safe Haven #3. On April 29, 2016, the TBM left Safe Haven #3 to tunnel under the Alaskan Way Viaduct (which was closed to traffic for two weeks while the TBM passed underneath) and downtown Seattle to complete the remaining 7,713 ft of tunneling. Construction of the double-deck highway structure inside the tunnel will continue concurrently with the TBM tunneling. Work continues on construction of the north and south cut-and-cover approaches to the tunnel and the tunnel operations buildings at the north and south ends of the tunnel.

Key project personnel – Seattle Tunnel Partners Executive Committee: Jack Frost, Jose Luis Mendez Sanchez; Project Manager: Chris Dixon; Deputy Project Manager: Paco Gonzalez; Construction Coordinator: Bill Monahan; Civil Construction Manager: Joel Burch; Tunnel Manager: Roger Escoda, Tunnel Construction Manager: Juan Luis Magro; Tunnel Superintendents: Tom McMahon, Jorge Vazquez; Safety Manager: Dan Weathers; Quality Manager: Wally Chen. Information: Chris Dixon, (206) 971-8215.




23rd Avenue Storm Sewer Design Build Project NRFP No. 928178
Dibco-CRS, A Joint Venture Inc.

Dibco-CRS was issued a $6,300,000 design-build contract by the City of Edmonton to construct a 215-m long, 3-m ID segmentally lined tunnel, between shafts 6A and 6C, using an RME 137SE earth pressure balance (EPB) tunnel boring machine. Depth of tunnel is approximately 15 m. Ground conditions are silty sand clay, clay and running sands.

This project is 50% complete. Shaft works are all completed and the TBM is fully assembled. The mining commenced on April 13, 2016, and it was anticipated to be completed by May 31, 2016.

The challenges of this project are to successfully mine the tunnel, which is composed of very soft water-bearing soils, while maintaining surface settlements to a minimum, and negotiating a 210-m radius curve. Other works to be performed on this project consist of the completion of Shaft 6A and enlarging the Retrieval Shaft (6C) from 4.5 m to 8 m ID. The 3-m ID segments for the project were cast locally at Lafarge Canada Inc.

Parties Affiliated with the Project –  Tunnel Design: HATCH; Construction Manager: City of Edmonton; TBM Manufacturer: CAT/Lovat (refurbished).

Key Project Personnel: Dibco-CRS, JV Project Manager: Gary Lukez; Site Superintendent: Dylan Mitobe; City of Edmonton Project Manager: Minnan Liu, Monteith & Sutherland; Tunnel Surveyor: Michael Vernik.

British Columbia


Port Mann Main Water Supply Tunnel – Fraser River Crossing
McNally/Aecon JV

This $167 million project for the Greater Vancouver Regional District began in March 2011 and has an expected completion date in mid 2016. The project includes two shafts, 55 m (180 ft) and 60 m (195 ft) deep. Each shaft consists of slurry wall primary ground support and a heavily reinforced, cast-in-place concrete liner. The 1,000-m (3,280-ft) long, 3.5-m (11.5-ft) diameter tunnel is driven with an EPB TBM through the riverbed of the Fraser River at pressures up to 6 bar. The tunnel primary lining is precast segments and final lining consists of a 2.1-m (7-ft) diameter steel pipe concreted in place with cellular concrete. Each shaft is topped with a near surface valve chamber structure.

The tunnel and piping is complete to the shaft bases. Shaft piping is underway and near surface valve chambers are 85% complete.

Other parties associated with the project include: Owner’s Project Manager: Hatch Mott MacDonald; Designer: Fraser River Tunnel Group (Ausenco, Jacobs Associates, Golder Associates); Steel lining pipe supply: Northwest Pipe; Steel lining pipe welding: Deans International Welding and Jewel Holdings; Pipe coating and lining: Jewel Holdings; Reinforcing steel supply and install: Harris Rebar; Valve Chamber Mechanical: Lockerbie and Hole;

Electrical: MOTT Electric.

Key Project Personnel – Project Manager: Andrew Rule, Assistant Project Manager: Mark Thompson; Superintendent: Arash Foadi; Project Design Coordinator: Brian McInnes.



Eglinton Crosstown LRT
KO Constructors (West), Aecon/ACS Dragdos Canada (East)

The Eglinton Crosstown LRT is an east-west light rail transit line that will run along and underneath Eglinton Avenue through the heart of Toronto from Mount Dennis (Weston Road) in the west to Kennedy subway station in the east. The LRT includes 10 km of tunneled alignment from Black Creek Road in the west to Brentcliffe Road in the east.

The tunneled portions were divided into two contracts – a West contract and an East contract. Tunneling is taking place about 20 m below surface and is averaging about 10 m per day.

The West contract was awarded in September 2012 for $317.9 million to KO Constructors (a joint venture of Kenadian Contracting Ltd., Obayashi Canada Ltd., Kenny Construction Co. and Technicore Underground Inc.). The contract involved twin tunnels from Black Creek Road to Yonge Street. Tunneling on this segment has been completed using twin 5.75-m ID TBMs to build the 6.5-km alignment.

The East contract was awarded in November 2013 for $177 million to a joint venture of Aecon and ACS Dragados Canada. The project involves twin TBMs, also 5.75-m ID, to mine twin 3.35-km tunnels from Brentcliffe Road westward to Yonge Street. The first TBM was launched in September 2015, followed by its twin a month later. Both TBMs are nearing their completion point.

All tunneling is expected to be complete by the end of the year with the system going into operation in 2021. The Eglinton Crosstown project is fully funded as part of the $8.4 billion commitment from Province of Ontario to transit expansion in Toronto. The Crosstown project is the largest of the transit projects in the city with a total cost of approximately $5.3 billion.


Twinning of Etobicoke Creek Trunk Sanitary Sewer

Dibco/CRS JV, comprised of Dibco of Bolton, Ontario, and CRS Tunnelling of Oakville, Ontario, completed a 576-m (1,890-lf), DN1800 (72-in.) RCP tunnel on the Twinning of Etobicoke Creek Trunk Sanitary Sewer project at the Lester B. Pearson International Airport on Dec. 3, 2015. CRS Tunnelling used a new, face access SL86P MTBM from Akkerman Inc. that travelled under an active runway and two taxiways. Akkerman’s new AZ100 Total Guidance System provided navigation control for the long-distance microtunnel. Project challenges included significant length, cutterhead tooling wear, geology, water-head, equipment staging, height restrictions and compliance with airport regulations. The engineer, Hatch Mott MacDonald and owners, Region of Peel and Greater Toronto Airport Authority, were very pleased with the outcome. The Final Completion and Restoration date for this project is June 30, 2016.

Vaughan/Richmond Hill

Installation of Watermain along Bathurst Street and Teston Road
CRS Tunnelling Inc. (Tunneling Sub)

Memme Construction was awarded a $17 million project in York Region for the Installation of a Watermain and Appurtenances along Bathurst Street and Teston Road in the City of Vaughan and Town of Richmond Hill. Memme selected CRS Tunnelling Inc. as its trenchless subcontractor for the construction of a 685-m long tunnel. CRS will be excavating the tunnel using an earth pressure balance tunnel boring machine (EPB TBM). CRS will be installing a 3-m ID reinforced concrete segment ring as a primary liner; and then will install a 1,050-mm pressure pipe inside the completed tunnel. The tunnel is approximately 15 m deep, and the geology consists of primarily silty sand, sandy silt, clay, till with boulders, all under water pressure. There are two watertight secant pile shafts; one launch and one retrieval. CRS’ portion of the work is valued at $5.9 million.

CRS Tunnelling has completed the tunnel and the installation of a 1,050-mm watermain inside the tunnel.  Pacific Grouting (subcontractor) is currently grouting the watermain in the tunnel.
Final testing of the Watermain will be performed in mid-May 2016 and this would be the extent of CRS Tunnelling’s work on this Project.

The Tunnel Designer is GHD; the Construction Manager is GHD. In addition to CSR Tunnelling, subcontractors include: Deep Foundations, and Canadian Precast (segment manufacturer). The TBM is a Refurbished RME 137SE, manufactured by CAT/Lovat.

Key Project Personnel – Project Manager: Walter Trisi; Tunnel Surveyor: Mike Klement; General Superintendent: Gregg Rehak; Tunnel Superintendent: Angelo Papa; Safety Manager: Fil Fazzino; TBM Operators: Luca DeZordo and William Cadeau. Contact: walter@crstunnelling.com.

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