Microtunneling Projects Recognized by Trenchless Technology
Trenchless Technology magazine honored a conventional microtunneling project and a directional microtunneling project as part of its annual Projects of the Year competition. The projects are featured in the October 2013 edition.
Taking the top spot in the New Installation category was the Empire Connector Extension in Corning, N.Y. The job included a difficult HDD crossing in which directional micrtounneling was used to construct casing through difficult, unconsolidated soils. With the casing in place, conventional directional drilling was possible for the completion of the crossing. Project participations included: National Fuel/Empire Gas (owner); Hatch Mott MacDonald (engineer); Michels Corp. (trenchless sub); and TT Technologies and Herrenknecht (suppliers/manufacturers).
The Runner-up was the Keswick WPCP Effluent Outfall Project in Keswick, Ont. The project included the construction of a 900-m outfall into Lake Simcoe, and represented the first offshore/underwater reception of a microtunnel drive completed in Canada; the first curved microtunnel drive completed in Canada; and the first compound curve microtunnel drive completed in North America. Project participations included: Regional Municipality of York (owner); Hatch Mott MacDonald (engineer); McNally Construction (general contractor), Ward and Burke (microtunneling subcontractor); and Herrenknecht and Munro (suppliers/manufacturers).
For further details visit: www.trenchlessonline.com.
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