NEORSD Accepting Bids for Westerly Storage Tunnel
In addition to the tunnel, there are three deep shafts:
- WST-1: 46-ft diameter online access shaft at the TBM retrieval site.
- WST-2: 12-ft diameter baffle drop structure, connected to the main tunnel via a 5-ft diameter, 50-ft long adit in rock.
- WST-3: 40-ft diameter baffle drop structure at the TBM launch site.
Ancillary work includes Gate Structure and Gate Control Structure, at both the WST-2 and WST-3 sites, to regulate flow entering the tunnel, approximately 90 lf of 46-in. diameter sewer, and miscellaneous modifications to existing sewers.
Drawings, Specifications and Bid Forms and subsequent addenda will be available for download from a project-specific NEORSD Sharefile site. Prospective bidders will be required to register to obtain a Sharefile account to access these documents. The NEORSD will post the link to the Sharefile site on the NEORSD’s Bids website ( Prospective bidders are strongly encouraged to frequently monitor the Bids website for project updates and addenda.
Pre-Bid Conference Information: 10:00 a.m. local time on Friday, Nov., 17, 2017 at the District’s Environmental and Maintenance Service Center, 4747 East 49th Street, Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio.
RELATED: Specialty Contractor Nicholson Aids in CSO Tunnel Construction
The contract is part of NEORSD’s Project Clean Lake, a 25-year program that will reduce pollution in Lake Erie by 4 billion gallons per year. A combination of large tunnels, treatment plant improvements and expansion, and green infrastructure is reducing the volume of combined sewer overflow discharging to the lake.
RELATED: NEORSD Selects Design Team for Westerly CSO Tunnel
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