Nicholson Receives ADSC Safety Award

Nicholson Announces Opening of Los Angeles Office Geotechnical general contractor and Association of Drilled Shaft Contractors (ADSC) member Nicholson Construction recently received the ADSC’s Dave White Memorial Award for Continued Commitment to Safety.

The award is given to member contractors who successfully execute company-wide safety programs in an effort to prioritize and improve overall safety performance.

Nicholson’s Safety Through Everyone’s Participation (STEP Up) Program, which was launched in 2014, has had an extremely positive impact on the company’s safety culture and safety record.

“The STEP Up program allowed us to outline a clear safety message for our team and define clear expectations and safety responsibilities for every employee at every level,” said Stephane Bourillot, President, Nicholson Construction. “Through this program, we also created a Safety Leadership Team with representation from various departments of our company to make sure that safety-related ideas and suggestions are brought to the table for discussion and consideration.”

The efforts of the STEP Up program have led to some of the lowest statistics for work-related injuries and lost-time work days in the company’s history.

The Dave White Memorial Award was instituted by the ADSC in honor of the organization’s first Safety Committee Director.

Nicholson received the award, along with the Outstanding Safety Award for 500,000 – 750,000 hours worked, at the ADSC’s summer meeting.

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