Price of Bay Delta Project Called Into Question

California’s massive Bay-Delta project, backed by Gov. Jerry Brown, has been characterized as a $25 billion project. Already one of the largest public works plan in the state’s history, the cost could be much higher when long-term financing costs are included, according to a report in the San Jose Mercury News. The report says that when factoring in financing costs, the price tag escalates to $51 billion to $67 billion.

The full article can be found here:

A central element of the multi-billion dollar plan – $14 billion in construction costs according to the Los Angeles Times – is to construct twin tunnels to carry fresh water from the Sacramento River and route it for irrigation and drinking purposes. The tunnels would be on the order of 30 ft to 40 ft in diameter and would span roughly 35 miles under the Sacramento-San Joaquin Bay Delta.

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