Request for Qualifications for Design-Build Services for South Airfield Detention Consolidation

The City of Chicago through its Chicago Department of Aviation (CDA), invites the submission of Statements of Qualifications for Design Build Services which includes engineering, design, permitting, construction, testing and commissioning services for the implementation of the project titled “South Airfield Detention Consolidation.” The Project consists of the expansion of the South Detention Basin, the hydraulic connection between the interception of the drainage system currently outflowing to the Central Basin, and the backfilling of the Central Basin. The Project will be subject to multiple requirements including, but not limited to, those associated with being located within an operating airfield, environmental and permitting, and providing adequate storm drainage protection for the Airport facilities at all times. The connection from the interception of the tributary drainage system at the Central Basin to the South Basin will be through a shallow soft ground tunnel.

Advertisement Date: Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Submittal of Qualifications: March 1, 2019 @ 4:00 P.M. CST

For additional information, contact: Thomas Magno, 312-744-4941 or Email:

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