Seattle Ship Canal Tunnel Posts Final Supplemental EIS

The Ship Canal Water Quality Project Final Supplemental EIS is now available. All documents and information about appeals are available on the project website.

The Ship Canal Water Quality Project is part of the City of Seattle and King County‘s plan to address combined sewer overflows. When completed, it will keep nearly 60 million gallons of overflow from entering the Ship Canal, Salmon Bay and Lake Union each year. The project includes a storage tunnel with an estimated nominal diameter of 14 to 18 ft and a depth of approximately 120 ft. The length of the tunnel is approximately 14,000 lf. Construction bids are estimated to be approximately $200 million.

According to the website, project design is projected to be complete this year with construction commencing in 2018. The timeline calls for the project to be operation by 2026.

Further information is available in form of a YouTube video.

RELATED: Louisville, Ky., Plans Extended Sewer Tunnel


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