Boring Company Proposes ‘Dugout Loop’ to Dodger Stadium

The Boring Company has announced plans to build a new underground transportation system in Los Angeles to serve Dodger Stadium. The so-called “Dugout Loop” is envisioned as a zero-emissions, high-speed, underground public transportation system from the Los Feliz, East Hollywood, or Rampart Village neighborhoods (“western terminus”) to Dodger Stadium in the City of Los Angeles.

The purpose of Dugout Loop is to help reduce traffic in Los Angeles by providing a clean and efficient public transportation option to Dodger Stadium. Dugout Loop will complement existing public transportation systems and provide an all-electric and affordable option that will transport baseball fans and concertgoers directly to the Dodger Stadium in less than 4 minutes, according to The Boring Company website.

Dugout Loop will begin at the Dodger Stadium property and will proceed under Vin Scully Avenue and Sunset Boulevard. The western terminus will be located on private property owned by The Boring Company and will be located within the vicinity of a Metro Red Line station.

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There are three Metro Red Line stations located in the vicinity of the western terminus that will be evaluated in the review process for the proposed project: Vermont/Sunset Station, Vermont/Santa Monica Station, and Vermont/Beverly Station. Only one of the three station options will be selected.

Dugout Loop would consist of a single, underground tunnel running from Dodger Stadium to the western terminus. A Loop Lift will also be constructed at each terminus. Additionally, up to 6 ventilation/exit shafts would be constructed on private property adjacent to the alignment.

A schematic of the loop lift.

An approximately 3.6-mile tunnel will connect Dodger Stadium to the western terminus entirely beneath public right-of-way or land owned or leased by The Boring Company. The eastern terminus will be located on privately owned property at or near the Dodger Stadium parking lot.

Following construction of the tunnel, The Boring Company will install the concrete “shelves” which serve as the guideway for the electric skates. Unlike many transportation tunnels, the entire tunnel will be fully illuminated.

Construction of the tunnel will begin at the Dodger Stadium property. The western terminus and ventilation shafts along the alignment will be constructed on private property adjacent to the alignment. Fares are expected to be $1, according to The Boring Company.

For more information, visit the company’s website.

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