Brierley Associates Adds to Texas Region

Brierley Associates announced that Greg Van Etten and Jacob Mitchell have transferred to the firm’s Austin, Texas, office.

Greg Van Etten Van Etten has been with Brierley Associates for five years. He transferred to Texas after wrapping up the Kaneohe-Kailua Sewer Tunnel project in Hawaii. He earned a BS in Earth and Space Sciences from the University of Washington.  Since joining Brierley in 2011, Van Etten worked at Brierley’s Moraga, California, office on the New Irvington Tunnel water supply tunnel in the San Francisco Bay Area; Caldecott 4th Bore Tunnel that connects Oakland and Orinda, California, through the Berkeley Hills and; River Supply Conduit 1A Tunnel Sinkhole Investigation in Los Angeles.

RELATED: Brierley Associates Adds to Denver Office

Jacob Mitchell Mitchell has been with Brierley Associates for six years. He transferred to Texas from Brierley’s Moraga office in April. He earned his BS and MS in Civil Engineering from the University of Colorado.  Since joining Brierley in 2010, Mitchell worked at the Denver office on projects including the Twin Tunnels Widening, Eastbound and Westbound, Idaho Springs, Colorado; Gumlick, Vasquez, and South Boulder Tunnel Inspections; Paradise Whitney Interceptor, Las Vegas, Nevada; and the Central Weber Sewer in Ogden, Utah. Mitchell then moved to the Moraga office where he was instrumental in Brierley’s successful involvement on the SR-99 Access Shaft to retrieve and repair “Bertha” in Seattle, Washington.

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