Brierley Associates Adds to Denver Office

Brierley Associates added two new staff to its Denver office recently: Heather Stewart and Chris Karns.

Heather Stewart Stewart is a registered professional engineer in California and has significant geotechnical engineering experience with an emphasis on providing design and construction support services for tunnel projects. She grew up in Prince Edward Island, Canada, and holds bachelor of applied science and master of engineering degrees in geological engineering from the University of British Columbia. Stewart’s strengths include ground characterization of soil and rock; tunnel and shaft excavation and initial support design; slope stability analysis; geotechnical engineering design, geologic mapping and on-site construction support.

RELATED: Brierley Associates Completes Water Tunnel Inspection in Milwaukee

Chris Karns Karns adds a positive “can-do” attitude and passion for engineering. He was raised in Florissant, Colorado, where visits to historic Cripple Creek mines and tunnels sparked an interest in underground engineering. While studying mining engineering at the Colorado School of Mines, Karns interned with the U.S. Geological Survey. This learning opportunity allowed him to expand his knowledge of geology and mining history. Working as a lab assistant at the Earth Mechanics Institute (EMI), Karns refined his attention to detail and data reduction skills. He was brought on as an intern at Brierley in May 2015. It was evident that Chris’ drive and work ethic were a good fit with the Brierley family. Chris is currently working toward earning his EIT and eventual Professional Engineer licensure

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