ChemGrout Celebrates 50th Year

ChemGrout 50th

ChemGrout president and owner Ben Schatz marks 50 years in business.

Ben Schatz, president and owner of ChemGrout, Inc. located in LaGrange Park, Ill., is celebrating the company’s 50th year. With the energy and drive of people half his age, Ben along with his son, Joe, continues to lead ChemGrout into the future. And, with the accelerated need for grouting worldwide, he has no plans on slowing down anytime soon.

ChemGrout is a leading manufacturer of cementitious grouting equipment, providing machines for use in industries such as mining, tunneling, highways, foundations, hydro-electric dams, bridges, environmental remediation and geotechnical. During Ben’s reign at ChemGrout the company has grown from two employees to its current 32.

In the early years of ChemGrout, Ben performed field jobs all over the world, manufacturing grouting equipment for his own use. The equipment caught the eye of many experienced grouters who liked the simplicity and ease of operation. Soon, ChemGrout was manufacturing equipment for not only its own use, but for others in the growing grouting industry. In 1978, with machine orders continuing to increase, the company decided to concentrate on the manufacturing end and phased out the field work. The equipment line has steadily grown and evolved over the years, with many considering ChemGrout equipment the industry standard.

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