DFI Announces Board of Trustees Election Results, New Trustees and Officers

The Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) membership elected two new members to the DFI Board of Trustees, re-elected four trustees and voted for a new roster of officers including a new president.

DFI Trustee Daniel R. MacLean, P.E., is the business development manager at Keller Foundations Ltd. in Canada. MacLean has more than 17 years of deep foundations experience, primarily focused around micropiles and anchors. Following graduation from Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, with a degree in mining engineering, he joined Geo-Foundations then moved to Con-Tech Systems Ltd., rising to president in 2014. In 2016, he joined Keller Foundations. He has been a member of DFI for almost 15 years and served as co-chair of the DFI-ADSC Micropile Committee. He is active in the International Association of Foundation Drilling (ADSC), and served as research chair and national board member from 2012 to 2017. He is also the chair of the International Society for Micropiles (ISM).

DFI Trustee Morgan NeSmith, P.E., is the director of engineering at Berkel and Company Contractors. NeSmith has a B.S. and M.S. in civil engineering from Georgia Tech and over 20 years of experience in geotechnical contracting and consulting including numerous site characterization and construction projects for remote and offshore facilities in the Middle East, Western Africa and Asia. Since 2004, he has specialized in the design and installation of cast-in-place piles and ground improvement systems; including data acquisition based design and quality assurance for APG and displacement piles and cast-in-place ground improvement elements (CGEs). He is the past chair of the DFI Augered Cast-in-Place Committee, and received a 2017 DFI President’s Award in recognition of his efforts and service to advance the work of DFI.

Four trustees were re-elected to serve another term: Conrad Felice, Ph.D., P.E., P.Eng., D. GE., C. W. Felice; Anne Lemnitzer, Ph.D., P.E., University of California Irvine; J. Erik Loehr, Ph.D., P.E., University of Missouri; and Martin G. Taube P.E., P.G., Menard USA.

Additionally, the officers of the Institute have changed. Matthew Janes, M.B.A., P.Eng., Isherwood Associates, has moved from vice president to president; Michael H. Wysockey, Ph.D., P.E., Thatcher Engineering Corporation, has moved from treasurer to vice president; Gianfranco Di Cicco, GD Consulting, moved from secretary to treasurer; and James O. Johnson, Condon-Johnson & Associates, moved from trustee to serve as secretary. Dan A. Brown, Ph.D., P.E., D.GE, of Dan Brown and Associates, is now the immediate past president.

New DFI President Matthew Janes, M.B.A., P.Eng., is a senior engineer with Isherwood Associates in Toronto, Ontario, where his activities include senior technical design, strategy, financial analysis and risk management. Janes has more than 35 years of design and management experience in the fields of consulting engineering, equipment design and contracting. He has been involved in the development and promotion of new technologies throughout his career. Accomplishments include the development and marketing of specialized SOE design and analytical methods, pile installation and testing technologies, and novel construction methodologies. Janes is also the developer of the resonant pile driver technology.

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