Graz, Leoben Offer Master’s Program in NATM Engineering

Graz University of Technology and the Mining University Leoben have announced the establishment of a master’s program in NATM Engineering that will start in September 2017.

The specialized university program NATM Engineering was created by the two universities to satisfy the continuously increasing worldwide demand for qualified tunnel engineers and aim at increasing the skills of the participants in the fields of geotechnical engineering and tunneling, with an emphasis on the “New Austrian Tunneling Method” (NATM).

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The organizing institutes have decades of worldwide experience in the areas of underground engineering and tunneling. In addition to the academic teaching staff, lecturers from consultants, contractors, and suppliers provide up-to-date knowledge. The use of distance learning elements and of blocked courses one time per semester (three weeks each) allows international and working students to participate.

An informational brochure is available for download. Additional information is available on the program website. Finally, a video about the program is available on YouTube.

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