HOBAS Pipe Selected for Denver Outfall Project

Hobas-DenverHOBAS Pipe USA recently shipped 400 ft of 120-in. CCFRPM jacking pipe to Denver, Colorado, for the 33rd Street Outfall Project which will soon be underway.  The City and County of Denver sole sourced HOBAS for the crossings encroached during the project.

High strength HOBAS pipes are able to withstand the heavy rail and highway loads (E-80 RR and HS-20). HOBAS will serve as the casing and carrier pipe at both locations where the line will cross under Union Pacific Rail Road and the Regional Transportation District Commuter Rail Tracks.

RELATED: HOBAS Breaks Microtunneling Record

HOBAS is manufactured in sizes from 18- to 126-in. in pressure and non-pressure classes.

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