ITA Launches Working Group on ‘Shaft Design and Construction’

During the 45th General Assembly in Naples, the ITA approved the creation of a new working group called Shaft Design and Construction.

16 individuals from eight countries participated in the first Working Group 23 meeting, facilitated by Siamak Hashemi and Joe Lux, Animateur and Vice-Animateur, respectively.

For this first year, the objectives of the new WG will be to:

  • Establish the correct terminology and nomenclature for shaft design and construction by providing suitable definitions for relevant items,
  • Provide suitable classification for shafts based on their geometry / application / construction method for a more uniform understanding of the design and construction implications,
  • Classify the shaft construction methods for soft ground and rock and provide some general design guidelines,
  • Create a database of shaft construction case histories, look at the extreme conditions and challenging cases,
  • Produce literature on shaft design and construction to meet the needs and demands of the members,
  • Offer short courses and workshops for design and construction of shafts using the top experts in the world,
  • Interact with other working groups to collaborate on issues of common interest (i.e.conventional VS mechanized systems with WG14 & 19, Health and Safety with WG-5, maintenance with WG-6, Seismic with WG-9, etc.).

For more information on ITA and its Working Groups, click here.

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