Jacobs Associates Adds New Hydropower Expert
Jacobs Associates, a leader in underground design and construction management, announced the addition of a new Senior Associate to its growing pool of hydropower experts as Robert Filgas, P.E., joined the Walnut Creek, Calif., in May. He has 34 years of civil/structural, water resource related project experience, including locks, dams, hydroelectric powerhouses, penstocks, pipelines, canals, tunnels, buildings and roads.
He has served as contract and task order manager, design engineer and field engineer for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Program, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Pacific Gas and Electric Co., and Sacramento Municipal Utility District, as well as for repair/replacement projects throughout the United States. Filgas has extensive engineering and construction experience, including feasibility and conceptual studies, economic evaluation, final design, plans and specification development, development of construction QA/QC programs, O&M manuals, schedules, contract document preparation, and facility inspections. He holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Oklahoma.
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