Lane Construction Awarded $255 Million CSO Tunnel in Seattle

The Lane Construction Corp., the U.S. subsidiary of Salini Impregilo Group, has won its first contract in the state of Washington to build a water storage tunnel to reduce polluted overflows into Seattle’s Lake Washington Ship Canal. The contract is valued at $255 million.

The 2.7-mile, 18-ft, 10-in. ID tunnel, known as the Ship Canal Water Quality Project –Storage Tunnel project, will keep more than 75 million gallons of polluted stormwater and sewage out of the Lake Washington Ship Canal, Salmon Bay, and Lake Union on average each year.

Construction work is expected to start December 2019 and be completed in 2023.

Lane, along with parent company Salini Impregilo, is currently working on other CSO projects around the country to prevent future polluted overflows in nearby water resources including: the Northeast Boundary Tunnel (NEBT) in Washington, D.C., valued at $580 million; the Dugway Storage Tunnel in Cleveland, Ohio, valued at $153 million; and the Three Rivers Protection & Overflow Reduction Tunnel (3RPORT) in Fort Wayne, Indiana, valued at $188 million.

The company also does work in other sectors including highways, bridges, rail, metro, and mass transit. Key ongoing projects include I-10 Corridor Express Lanes in California; Unionport Bridge in Bronx, New York; and the Purple Line Light Rail Extension in Maryland.

RELATED: Lane Construction Low Bidder on Seattle Ship Canal CSO Tunnel

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