Microtunneling Short Course Marks 20th Year

CSM Course Directors

Course directors Levent Ozdemir (left) and Tim Coss mark their 20th year organizing the Microtunneling Short Course at the Colorado School of Mines.

The Colorado School of Mines’ Microtunneling Short Course marks its 20th anniversary this year when professionals from across the country, and the globe, gather in Golden, Colo. These courses offer the premier education in the world related to micrtunneling, brought to you by course instructors with a wealth of microtunneling and underground construction experience.

Course directors Tim Coss, president of Microtunneling Inc., and Levent Ozdemir, a consultant and professor emeritus at the renowned school, gather experts from across the globe to discuss all aspects of planning and building a microtunnel. To date, more than 2,000 professionals have attended the Microtunneling Short Course, including owners, engineers and contractors.

The dates of this year’s conference are Feb. 11-13. A one-day Pilot Tube Microtunneling Seminar will be held Feb. 10.

The Microtunneling Short Course was established at a time when microtunneling was still gaining acceptance in the utility construction industry, and has helped grow the market through education and understanding. It has continued to evolve along with the industry, offering high-level education on leading-edge technologies and topics. Topics include: site investigation, ground stabilization, shaft construction, pipe considerations, microtunneling and slurry equipment advances, case studies, and more. It is intended for public works and utility officials, engineers, planners, managers, contractors, and equipment manufacturers involved in any phase of trenchless technology.

If you are involved with microtunneling or are planning to be involved, the Microtunneling Short Course is a must-attend event to obtain the latest technical information to ensure a successful project. The course is presented in cooperation with Microtunneling Inc., Trenchless Technology magazine and the Colorado School of Mines’ Office of Special Programs and Continuing Education. To register for the course visit: http://csmspace.com/events/microtunnel


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