Osterberg Lecturer Announced

DFIThe Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) has announced that Richard J. Finno, P.E., Ph.D., D. GE, currently a professor of civil engineering at Northwestern University, will present the Osterberg Memorial Lecture. The lecture will be presented as the opening lecture of SuperPile ’17.

Finno has conducted research in the areas of full-scale performance of deep excavations and tunnels, adaptive management methods in geotechnical engineering, numerical analysis, inverse analysis techniques, failure processes in soil, small strain behavior of clays and nondestructive testing of deep foundations.

The annual Osterberg Memorial Lecture and Award was established by DFI Corporate Member Loadtest, in conjunction with the DFI Educational Trust, in honor of Dr. Jorj O. Osterberg, one of the true pioneers of geotechnical engineering. The Lecture and Award recognize innovations in the deep foundations construction related to engineering design, testing or education – all aspects of Dr. Osterberg’s lifelong contributions.

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Dr. Osterberg has long been recognized for his innovations in soil sampling and testing (including his inventions: the Osterberg Sampler and the Osterberg Cell). Dr. Osterberg enjoyed a long and distinguished career as a teacher and consultant; he was Professor Emeritus of civil engineering, at Northwestern University.

The Memorial Lecture and Award are presented annually as the opening lecture of the DFI SuperPile conference. DFI will provide an annual donation to the DFI Educational Trust Scholarship Fund from the proceeds of the SuperPile Conference.

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