$100 M Grant Secured for LA’s Purple Line Extension Section 3

The Federal Transit Administration has approved $100 million in New Starts funding for the third section of the Purple Line Extension between Century City and the Westwood/VA Hospital in Los Angeles. The project for Metro involves 2.6 miles of twin bore tunnel. Tutor Perini/Frontier-Kemper received notice of intent to award for a $410 million tunnels contract in June.

Metro received significant New Starts funding for the first two sections of the Purple Line project ($1.25 billion for section one and $1.187 billion for section two). The New Starts money is supplementing dollars from the Measure R and M sales taxes.

Metro has also applied for $1.3 billion in New Starts money for the third section. The $100 million is seen as a good indicator that the FTA will enter into a larger funding agreement for the third section, which is needed to complete the Purple Line to Westwood by 2026.

Section 1 and Section 2 are both under construction and tunneling began in October on Section 1.

Source: Metro (https://thesource.metro.net/)

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