The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) announced on April 2 that it has successfully compl...
For more than 20 years, US Grout (Idaho) and Avanti International (Texas) have partnered to deliver Ultrafine cementitio...
JENNMAR of Kentucky Purchases DSI Tunneling LLC...
The Deep Foundations Institute recently announced the formation of two new committees - announce the formation of two ne...
Cavern Excavation Completed for Fermilab's DUNE Detectors...
The Gateway Development Commission (GDC) awarded a Delivery Partner (DP) contract for the Hudson Tunnel Project....
Delve Underground Announces Office Relocation in Los Angeles...
One of the largest transportation infrastructure investments on the East Coast has begun demolition in Baltimore. Amtrak...
Narragansett Bay Commission (NBC) has completed the excavation and lining of the 2.2-mile Pawtucket Tunnel....
LA Metro announced that it saw a total of 284,905,030 million boardings on its buses and trains in 2023, an 11.6 percent...
the Custer Avenue Multi-Benefit Capacity Relief Project is the linchpin of sewer infrastructure improvements for the bro...
CBNA, Halmar, COWI and Hatch announced a partnership aimed at providing unparalleled expertise in tunnel construction an...
The Moles Host 2024 Awards Dinner in New York. Gary Almeraris and Jim Maxwell were honored....
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California christened the TBM for its Perris Valley Pipeline project....
WSP, a leading engineering, environment and professional services consultancy, hired Shawn Wilson, PhD, who served as se...