DSI Signs Agreement with NMP of Sweden

DSIDSI Underground signed an agreement to manufacture and sell patented Dynamic OMEGA-BOLT with Northern Mining Products (NMP) of Luleå, Sweden. In their quest for higher grade ore, underground mines around the world are going deeper and deeper, where rock mass is often highly stressed by the weight of overlaying strata and by tectonic forces. During the process of developing large excavations, dangerous phenomena such as micro-seismicity and rock-bursts may occur, with violent explosion-like ejection of rock fragments. In order to mitigate the risks of such events, dynamic rock support systems have been developed, and among them, NMP has patented a highly innovative dynamic rock bolt.

Dynamic OMEGA-BOLT is a mining and tunneling reinforcement system based on DSI Underground’s well-known expandable “OMEGA” friction bolt equipped with an internal additional steel element having a “C” profile. While the external omega profile is in contact with surrounding rock along its entire length, the internal element is welded only to the rock-bolt’s two ends. Being fully “de-bonded,” the internal “C” element is able to elongate and absorb a great amount of elastic energy released by the rock mass.

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Dynamic OMEGA-BOLT does not require any bonding material such as resin or cement grout, offers immediate support for extra safety and high productivity, especially in case of fully mechanized bolt installation.

Anders Dalstål, CEO of NMP, comments: “With its professional technical and sales team, DSI Underground is the perfect partner for NMP. We are confident that DSI will fully utilize the technical and commercial potential available in our patent and will support the continuous development of the Dynamic OMEGA-BOLT. DSI’s global presence will make Dynamic OMEGA-BOLT well known in all mines where micro-seismicity and rock-bursts may cause injuries to miners, from Scandinavia to North and South America, Australia and South Africa.”

Michael Reich, Group CEO of DSI Underground, comments: “After the recent acquisition of the “OneStep” rock-bolt, Dynamic OMEGA-BOLT represents another important addition to our product portfolio of highly specialized bolt technology. Dynamic OMEGA-BOLT offers a unique value proposition and has the potential to significantly increase productivity with several customers. This acquisition and the ongoing joint efforts with our partners at Northern Mining Products confirm DSI Underground’s continuous interest in technically advanced solutions to make Underground Mining safer and more efficient.”

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