Excavation Complete on Montreal’s Rosemont Tunnel

Robbins Montreal

The 3.0 m (9.8 ft) diameter Robbins Double Shield TBM bored a 4 km (2.5 mi) tunnel below downtown Montreal.

In November 2015, the long-awaited Rosemont Reservoir tunnel construction, more than 38 years in the making, came to a close. The milestone was marked by a ceremony attended by the mayor of Montreal, representatives from local media outlets, and crew members who crowded around the cutterhead of the 3.0-m (9.8-ft) diameter Robbins Double Shield TBM that had emerged into an exit shaft

Contractor Foraction Inc., headed the excavation of the 4.0-km (2.5-mile) long tunnel with a TBM launch in December 2014.  Roger Lepinay, Equipment Manager for Foraction Inc., praised the Robbins disc cutter wear in both limestone and harder rock formations: “I was impressed by the cutters, it was a nice surprise. They were quite long-lasting compared to other cutters I have used on jobs in the past.”

Lepinay characterized the ground as “almost ideal,” with a few difficult sections. “Below Montreal there is mostly thinly bedded limestone, with some shale and intrusive igneous dykes,” explained project geologist Brigitte Gagné for company Exp Service Inc.  While the limestone averaged 100 to 150 MPa (14,500 to 21,750 psi) UCS, rock in the intrusives ranged from 100 to 300 MPa (14,500 to 43,500 psi). The dykes were as small as 1 m (3.3 ft) wide and as large as 100 m (328 ft). The contractor was able to successfully navigate these sections despite the varying rock strengths. Even with geologic challenges including some water inflows and over-break in small sections, the contractor was able to achieve advance rates of up to 38 m (125 ft) per day in two shifts of 9.5 hours each. Much of the ground was self-supporting, though the contractor installed rock bolts every 2.5 m (8.2 ft) into portions of the tunnel crown, while mesh, rock bolts, and steel sheets were used in the sections of unstable rock.

RELATED: Twin Robbins TBMs Play Key Role in Austrian Hydro Project

The long tunnel drive at small diameter was carefully planned to optimize logistics. The contractor utilized a muck train that could accommodate two pushes worth of excavated material. The first kilometer (0.6 miles) was ventilated from the launch shaft, while three surface-driven 800-mm (32-in.) diameter surveying wells at the 1, 2 and 3 km (0.6, 1.2 and 1.9 mile) marks ventilated the rest of the tunnel as the TBM progressed.

Robbins Montreal breakthrough

Crew members from Foraction Inc. and Robbins gather around the Double Shield TBM to celebrate the tunnel completion.

With the breakthrough, an important phase of the Rosemont Reservoir project is complete. The reservoir itself was built in 1960 to increase water supply to the city and a geotechnical study for the tunnel was carried out in 1977. However, other major infrastructure projects soon took priority and the project was placed on hold. By 2010, the population of the city had increased dramatically and problems with the existing reservoirs put the project back on the fast track. The large reservoir that sat idle for decades will now be used to improve much of the city’s water supply.

As of mid-January the contractor is working to ready the tunnel for installation of the carrier pipe, consisting of 2.13-m (84-in.) I.D. pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipe (PCCP). Crews will then grout the pipe in place in preparation for the Rosemont Reservoir to come online.

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